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What upcoming technology are you excited about?

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aoi tsuki

Just curious, what's everyone looking forward in the near future in tech? It can be as general as new uses of nanotechnology or more specific, like a new cell phone with precendented feature. The Nintendo DS was the last tech item i got excited about, and i need something new to look forward to.


Queen of Denmark
John Titor's time travelling machine.

And if you wanted a serious answer, sorry -- my current financial status does not permit me to get excited about technology. :( Call me when those fancy TVs that so many of you have are under $200.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Sony's black-screen technology for projectors - lets you project a vibrant and non-washed out image even with lots of ambient light (i.e. for daytime viewing). I sooo want one of them.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
New display devices in general. There are many coming down the pipe.


they call me "Man Gravy".
DaCocoBrova said:
New display devices in general. There are many coming down the pipe.

Yep. Just got out of college with a real job, so I figure by the time I have some real disposable income (i.e. no more debt to pay) then I'll be able to get a nice, widescreen, HDTV for not too much money.


Those recently announced holographic discs that can be made from existing manufacturing plants, and are the same size as current optical discs. They hold 1 terabyte of data.

God damn, that's a lot of porn.

demon said:
flying cars

robot sex slaves

You read it wrong, we're supposed to be getting flying robot sex slaves that can drive cars.


Looking for Pants
I'm really interested in seeing real-time machine learning used extensively for Artificial Intelligence.

Also, the new displays coming out seem like a nice breath of fresh air.


OLED TV, Gigibit wireless access points and broadband connections, Intelligent agent systems, $99 next generation console, carbon nanotubes, ultraband getting beyond litigation and regulation, smart car navigation and autopilot systems (which are actually being tested now), powered armor, orbital laser cannons, better robotic lawnmowers and carpet cleaners, fuel cell cars, holographic memory, diamond transistors and interconnects, and finally

a diet cola that doesn't taste like crap (I'm looking at you C2!)


The long-promised OLED screens that are thin, transparent, and flexible. Forget a little dinky GPS screen... I want one of these screens on my windsheild so I can have a HUD while I'm driving.


I want people to experience my work as a 3D holographic projection. Virtual reality helmets,etc. are too clunky.

way more

I just want my damn cell-phone/credit card. I'm beginning to think we'll have flying cars before they deliver.


Makura said:
I want people to experience my work as a 3D holographic projection. Virtual reality helmets,etc. are too clunky.

Helmets are too clunky... but what about glasses? If that kinda technology could be compressed down to the size of your average pair of glasses...

when compared to the holographic projector units... the 3D glasses would be much more cost effective and even much more feature filled.


mac said:
I just want my damn cell-phone/credit card. I'm beginning to think we'll have flying cars before they deliver.

You mean a cellphone that you can use to make purchases? If so, its already out in Japan.


xsarien said:
You read it wrong, we're supposed to be getting flying robot sex slaves that can drive cars.
I thought it was supposed to be automatic flying cars so that the robot sex slaves can pleasure us while en route to the destination...?

As for tech, I'd settle for a whole bunch of new pills: cures for cancer/diabetes/Alzheimer's/etc., weight loss pills, hair growth pills, meal replacement pills, and so on.

Also, I'd REALLY like my own Cyclone. Stuck in traffic? Transform and jet pack to work! Cut off in traffic? Transform and waste the fucker with your choice of lasers or missiles!
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