Take that social studies warriors.
Women have blindly followed the feminist mantra and now find themselves lonely and confused. Its time to welcome back the patriarchy.
In todays enlightened age, women think they know what kind of man they want, but in reality, most dont. In fact, many women, unwittingly confused by the myriad feminist mantras bombarding them daily, seek the type of committed, romantic relationship with a man that will ultimately leave both her and him inherently dissatisfied.
This is as much due to the ideology behind feminisms flawed ideas as the men who have been, over the years, subconsciously programmed to behave according to its dictates. Its never too late to figure out that men need to own their patriarchal prowess. If they did so, theyd soon discover this is what women really want.
How Men Should React
Deep down in the confines of her soul where she hasnt even bothered to look, much less understand, a woman wants a man who exudes masculinity, who remains a steady rock in her current-filled stream of emotions and hormones. Instead of a man who says hell eat at the restaurant of her choice for the fifteenth time that month, she wants a man who cooks a meal shes never tried before.
Instead of a man who says Hey wanna? she really craves a man who starts kissing her at the front door and before you know it she is begging, Can we do that again .tonight? Instead of a man who complains his co-workers are annoying, his kids are messy, and he doesnt feel great about himself, she craves a man who knows his calling in life, takes responsibility, and makes it his mission to fulfill his purpose with clarity, courage, and hard workand thus a man who cares for his mind, body, and soul to that end.
Two women I know took entirely different paths and responded differently on this spectrum: The first bought into the feminist mantra hook, line, and sinker, scoffed at strong alpha males who were opinionated, directeven demanding. She married a softer, but more romantic man who would do whatever she wanted at the drop of a hat.
The second dutifully married a more direct, straightforward man, however demanding and borderline-misogynist he was. Fast-forward a few years; both women had two kids. Guess which one is happier? The formers husband has become so passive-aggressive that the familys finances are in disarray and their sex life is nonexistent. The latter found a synergy with her husband most of my friends hardly recognize: Theyre working towards familial goals, have hot, regular sex, and hes compromised and become less of a demanding jerk. Guess that patriarchy thing works out sometimes?
Women can have careers, be independent, strong, and happy, but if they want to do all this and attract the kind of man they really crave, they need to throw out the hallmarks of feminism that claim their male peers are domineering, stupid, misogynist authoritarians who will make their lives miserable. If anything, the opposite is true.
article tags said:alpha males beta males feminists misogynist Patriarchy sex women
Sandy 8 hours ago
Well, I'm one woman knows exactly what she wants, and my favorite Bible verse spells it out nicely:
^^^Notice how he is instructed to love her, even as himself, meaning (IMO) he'd lay down his life for her, if need be, to keep her safe. Whilst she, OTOH, must reverence (revere/respect) her man, first, and foremost. I love this verse because it delineates so clearly the inherent differences between the sexes.Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. ~ Ephesians 5:33
We can argue a man needs love too, and it's certainly true. But a man needs his respect, above all else. He needs it to hold his head up, and feel like a man. And, while a woman definitely wants to be respected - she is happiest being loved. Different priorities, but each gets what they need most.
I'd argue, further, that his is the harder job - loving her through all her many moods. While she, assuming she has chosen well in her selection of mate - should find it easy to give her husband the respect he needs.
Kyle 8 hours ago
Very good article Ms. Russell. It all rings true. Women are told it is about a man trying to "control you" and not to let him do that. My pastor has a great way of saying it, "equal but different roles". Also, someone once said, "show me a successful man and I will show you a man with a high sex drive." Beta males lose that over time after being pushed down by their mates.
Riverboat Gambler 8 hours ago
When Genesis talks about the creation of Eve, the original text describes her as "an opposite as [Adam's] power equal".
We are equal, but we are different. It's these differences that makes us more than the sum of our parts when brought together. Today's feminism discards this concept for one of not only equality, but identicalness. In so doing, we lose the unique characteristics that make a male-female relationship superior to any other.
Trumpenkrieger 4 hours ago
What is the most telling is the feminist silence on Rotherham and Cologne. Seems to me feminists think feminist men are gigantic pussies and instead yearn to be manhandled by Akhmed the goat-fucker. So pretty much the OP is spot on.

Take that social studies warriors.