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What's a good online store for buying video games in PAL format?


TopShop's prices aren't that good, IMO, i use dvdcrave.com, both are based in Australia - dvdcrave is nice and reliable.


I have never had a problem with CD-WOW. They used to be crazy cheap, but I think the dorks at some equality bureau somewhere managed to win over them, so they're not as cheap anymore.

I don't understand that. Shouldn't laws protect the consumer, not the company? If someone is selling something cheaper than others -- shouldn't that be his or her right, and the consumer's right to purchase items at said lower price if it's offered in a legitimate fashion? So why did they manage to force CD-WOW to raise their prices? That's some bullshit.



They have a ton more URLs. And the annoying part is that each one has slightly different stock and prices.


Yeah, CD WOW is great. Well used to be great before they jacked their prices up. Sometimes you can still find a good bargain.

Apart from the CD WOW stores already mentioned another can be found here:


Not sure if there's any others apart from what aku:jiki mentioned, but it can be good to compare the various stores as they do have different prices on their products (you'll need a currency converter such as http://www.xe.com/ucc/ though) and all of the various CD WOW stores have free worldwide shipping.

Oh, and yeah dvdcrave.com can be rather good at times as well.
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