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Whats it take to get hired at Gamestop?

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I turned in my application last week and I did a follow up phone call the other day asking if they've made any progress in hiring new staff. I also turned in a letter of recommendation from my old boss at Blockbuster (which was glowing!) so I thought my chances are pretty good, if not only for an interview!

I know the dress business casual/dressy but what types of answers do they want to hear? When they ask which gaming system is my favorite I'm supposed to say I love them all equally? I need a job and I want this job dammit!

I know someones asked this before and we had a few video game store managers on the boards so lets do the time warp again.


Unless the manager is good, you need to be friends with him.

I interviewed at EB back in college, and I honestly think the reason I didn't get hired was because I told them the Saturn was my favorite system. Of course, that store has a different manager every time I go to Springfield these days (and even back then it was a mess) and no one in there knows shit about video games.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
From the friends I know that have jobs there, I'd say the ability to speak and stand upright is about the only qualifications. ;) If you consider yourself a pretty avid video game fan, I'd imagine you're set.
I've been workin at gamestop for about 4 years now. Generally managers are pretty picky from what i noticed. Generally just be somewhat energetic when you talk to them so they don't think you are gonna be really bland on the phone and in conversation with customers. Other than that they kinda just base it off of your application. Just keep going up there and talk to the manager b/c sometimes that works to..lol. Anyways good luck on getting hired and what area do you live in?

Coin Return

Loose Slot
I worked at Gamestop off and on for a couple years, you pretty much had to be friends with whoever worked at the store to get hired, except in a few cases.
ah cool i'm in cincinnati, ohio

you shouldn't have a problem though...i know lots of people apply but just show your really interested b/c most people give up once you tell them were not hiring. Believe me just talk to the manager alot and try to be his friend as stupid as it sounds

HalfPastNoon said:
Why would you want to work at Gamestop? High wages or what?

there is no high wages unless your a manger and even then managers don't make an awesome amount of money
HalfPastNoon said:
Why would you want to work at Gamestop? High wages or what?

I'm a poor college student and I get to play with video games all day. Yeah, I know I wont get to play them but I really think I'd enjoy it.
Teh Hamburglar said:
I'm a poor college student and I get to play with video games all day. Yeah, I know I wont get to play them but I really think I'd enjoy it.

Yeah, but what about the idiot factor? They'll have you wishing you never applied.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Muncie, IN. About 45 minutes northeast of Indianapolis.

Let me know if you get in. The easiest way to get hired at a game store is to be recommended, constantly, by the staff. By the way, I need a job this fall.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Seriously, don't swim against the current of politics in the store - when I went to an interview at another chain, within minutes it became evident where the manager's allegiances lay (Xbox), and he expected everyone to push the system likewise (this, remarkably, was a policy of the company as a whole, I believe). So when you go in, start off as being neutral - they'll prob ask what games you like, what systems you have etc. Say that you own/have access to them all, enjoy them all etc. Then when it becomes clear which way the wind's blowing, agree with the manager, express your enthusiasm for the favoured machines etc. etc.


Coin Return said:
I worked at Gamestop off and on for a couple years, you pretty much had to be friends with whoever worked at the store to get hired, except in a few cases.

exactly... actually, replace Gamestop with "any job ever". And "store", with "job".
i say stick with waht you like b/c most likely someone is gonna come in and the that "xbox manager" won't know about something in the PS2 or Gamecube sections so then your superior all around knowledge will be able to help those customers. And it doesn't hurt to argue with the manager as long as he knows you aren't getting mad your just trying to prove your points. I've had to go through many of these arguements

and one of the coolest things about gamestop is the company is too cheap to switch to a non DOS computer system which sucks and we don't have an on hand inventory like EB games does so our inventories take like 8 hours where EB game's inventory takes a half hour


Party Pooper
man, i had to settle for toysrus... well, at least they're putting me in the R-Zone...

for the record, trying to list contract work on a UNICRU computer application = bad idea


Party Pooper
did you call back after a week? it seemed i got hired really quickly after my interview. just tell them you're available to work all hours + weekends. thats how i got hired anyway.

edit: i should mention my original app had me only on weekday afternoons, and when i called about it, they told me they didnt have any openings for that. i only got an interview after i told them i could work any hours.
atomsk said:
did you call back after a week? it seemed i got hired really quickly after my interview. just tell them you're available to work all hours + weekends. thats how i got hired anyway.

edit: i should mention my original app had me only on weekday afternoons, and when i called about it, they told me they didnt have any openings for that. i only got an interview after i told them i could work any hours.

I have a summer class in the morning but I'm open afternoons and weekends.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
For me it took having a friend who also worked there. But unless you are one of the 3 keys its pointless to work there. They dont pay enough or give enough hours to be able to afford the games they selll even with the sweet discount. That is unless games are the ONLY thing you spend you're money on. But you might like listening to geeks Everquest and Pokemon stories I dunno........


i thought i would want to work at a gamestop or eb, but then i thought about all the idiotic customers i see when i'm in there, so there'd be no point in that.
At EB, they expect you to push warrenties, guides, used games, and GMR. Also, your not supposed to care when you ring up a very crappy game. This month being Driv3r.

I think that's why I wasn't hired.
Had my interview today. I will be the new Senior Game Advisor lol, basically its a fancy way of saying I'll be working 20/25 on up hours. I have an interview with the District Manager this weekend and if that works then the hiring process shall begin. w00t.


I turned in my application a month ago and I'm still waiting. What else should I do, so I can get an interview?


Teh Hamburglar said:
I turned in my application last week and I did a follow up phone call the other day asking if they've made any progress in hiring new staff. I also turned in a letter of recommendation from my old boss at Blockbuster (which was glowing!) so I thought my chances are pretty good, if not only for an interview!

I know the dress business casual/dressy but what types of answers do they want to hear? When they ask which gaming system is my favorite I'm supposed to say I love them all equally? I need a job and I want this job dammit!

I know someones asked this before and we had a few video game store managers on the boards so lets do the time warp again.

act like a sales man on commision ;)


Name dropping GAF can not possibly hurt. Consider starting a GAF-OT email campaign to the manager so we can all help. Or an online petition.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Had my interview today. I will be the new Senior Game Advisor lol, basically its a fancy way of saying I'll be working 20/25 on up hours. I have an interview with the District Manager this weekend and if that works then the hiring process shall begin. w00t.

..so, you're getting me a holiday job, right?
fenekku-gitsune said:
...pretty soon he'll be Teh Gameburglar




Teh Hamburglar said:
Oh, I can see how that poses a problem.

Yea. But I'll have that apartment starting in August and I'll need a job about the same time Gamestop starts hiring for the holidays...
evil solrac v3.0 said:
ham im concerned that this venture might cut in on your evil time.... please see me tomorrow after lunch.

I don't need this stinkin job anymore, carlos. I quit! *Throws axis of evil walkie talkie at Solrac*
Teh Hamburglar said:
I don't need this stinkin job anymore, carlos. I quit! *Throws axis of evil walkie talkie at Solrac*

i guess you dont want china anymore...? or the pension plan? or the yacht? or the stock options?!?!?!

Seth C

Look, if you're worried you might not have what it takes to work at Gamestop, then you probably don't. Go apply at McDonald's pal. It's your last hope.
Seth C said:
Look, if you're worried you might not have what it takes to work at Gamestop, then you probably don't. Go apply at McDonald's pal. It's your last hope.

Wow, you've been a great help. I hope you post your sage advice more often.
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