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What's so bad about Incubus' latest album?

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Morning View sucked, it had like three good songs; ditto for Make Yourself. A Crow Left to the Murder is a pretty good CD, though. I think they've improved. Everyone else seems to say they're bland. I think it's a much better rock album than the other ones set themselves out to be. So what if it's not as funky as their past few albums. I used to HATE Incubus and I still can't stand much of their older work. Their latest isn't like an amazing album or anything, but it's an improvement for sure. Talk Shows on Mute has a great chorus and the songwriting is pretty cool.


Hoobaskank is just a terrible, terrible, band.

I sat through the Incubus album again last night and it didn't sound as good as it did before... I think that's because the first songs I heard were demos or something. Ah well, it kinda sucks but it's still better than Morning View :p
The Reason IS a crime against humanity, but most of their songs make better Rallisport Challenge 2 music than Incubus' stuff.


Recently a friend of mine leant me an early Incubus album, SCIENCE. Man, that was some really good music, they've grown incredibly soft over the years. From the new album I basically only like megalomaniac, the rest is just so much of the same.

The new Hoobastank song sucks, but the rest of the album is a lot better, I like to listen to it when I want some simple music. Although I prefer Rammstein or Franz Ferdinand lately when I'm in such a mood.


I have all of Incubus' albums prior to the latest one. It's weird. I enjoy them to an extent but I don't think they've made one truly good album. And yet, I keep buying their stuff...
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