I like where you are going but you jussssssssttt missed the mark...Bottom is fantastic
I like where you are going but you jussssssssttt missed the mark...
I grew up with that show and of course have them all... I could watch them forever.I never got into that, I tried a few times but it wasn't clicking with me. Rick Mayal is always a treat though. I love his character and performances in Bottom so much.
Best sitcom for me is Peep Show.
Funny is subjective and an individual’s experience will change over time and with subsequent viewings. Peep Show holds up as entertaining even after dozens of complete viewings.
I would say Simpsons in its Prime.
But Seinfeld is consistently good.
Bottom is fantastic
For me it's no contest.
Same here. I stopped counting at 6 times through. That was 2011/2012.I love everything about this show except the last season. I watch it a few times a year.
I hardly think a bus surfing British Gas engineer that needs not check on Eddie and Ritchie's gas supply for the next 300 years to be that funny.
Though I will by you a coca cola in good faith to change your mind.
I stand by the recommendation purely on the basis of Mayal's performances, the man was a genius. But yeah it's probably not in contention for absolute funniest show of all time.
I would probably have to go with The Simpsons.
It's tough to nail one down because shows can fall off the big time over the time (Simpsons is the obvious one). Episodes within a season can even be very hit or miss. Personally I would say that I got the most laughs per minute out of top tier episodes of Family Guy and American Dad.
Big Bang Theory obviously. Haha nerdy!