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What's the longest it's taken you to open a game you bought?


I got it when it came out and never got a chance to play it and soon after decided to keep it as a collectable, although I have no idea how much it's worth. I have other sealed Atari 2600, Intellevision, & Colecovision games, but I bought them much later than when they actually came out, although most I got years and years ago.


I have about 15 games not opened atm but my oldest is Valkyrie Profile which I bought the day it came out.


hyperbolically metafictive
i bought the dreamcast version of skies of arcadia the day it came out, and still haven't touched it. and actually i have quite a few ps2 games that i bought over a year ago and haven't opened.


REmake. It's been sealed for a year now. Vagrant Story and Manhunt will also stay sealed for some time, I think :p
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