N NintendosBooger Member Mar 13, 2005 #1 A new thread every 5 minutes or so? At least 3 new posts every minute? Do tell!
B belgurdo Banned Mar 14, 2005 #3 high post rate. I usually go from time a topic is posted to the time it gets 10 replies
A automagnus Member Mar 14, 2005 #4 ((Posts/members) + AVG lurkers at any given time + (threads/Life of Board))/ 1000= a rating under this forumla GA gets ((1,109,380/5,168) + 300 + (39,042/730))/10 = (214.6633 + 300 + 53.48) / 10 = 56.8143 I believe that GAF was around for 2 years (the new version)
((Posts/members) + AVG lurkers at any given time + (threads/Life of Board))/ 1000= a rating under this forumla GA gets ((1,109,380/5,168) + 300 + (39,042/730))/10 = (214.6633 + 300 + 53.48) / 10 = 56.8143 I believe that GAF was around for 2 years (the new version)
J J2 Cool Member Mar 14, 2005 #5 lots of posts with a healthy posting of new topics. What's the point of a billion topics with no discussion?
lots of posts with a healthy posting of new topics. What's the point of a billion topics with no discussion?