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What's your IQ????????

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I'll take the test when someone posts the link to that really, really generous one. ;) Sure all the web-based IQ tests score high but there was that really popular one that made the rounds a couple of years back had my wife, a few friends and I all well into the smarty-pants range. It was a great ego boost until it became clear that *everyone* who took it scored above 130. :\

I <3 any test that licks my nads after I'm done and tells me how fucking brilliant my nutsack sweat is. That test should have replaced all the questions with a single text field where you just enter your favourite number from 130-170. ;)


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
I don't know, but I do know that my patience is too low to finish a damn IQ test.


Well, I finish the test, then it starts bugging me to pay so I can see the results...

No thanks.


Some years ago I took a test and got 142, but that was before I was introduced to the braincell genocide known as masturbation.

:dons contact lenses:


My mom and dad told me I scored an 81 and that I was borderline something or other...I can't remember what it was, oh well.


First tragedy, then farce.
I got a 167... while my results from a 'real' IQ test were very good, they were well short of this number... but really, anything that tries to sell you a certificate proclaiming how smart you are is going to grossly exagerate the number.


DJ Demon J said:
Hey, me too! Took a test when I was in 3rd grade and got assigned to "gifted" classes immediately afterwards.

Yeah, I think you're qualified as gifted with an IQ above 130. I'm crap at math and that sort of stuff though, languages are my best area.

I've noticed most commercial IQ tests rely on common knowledge too much and that's why the scores often aren't very reliable.


All you have to do is look at the answers being posted and you know that either this test or 90% of the people taking it are full of shit.


My result: 135

Average: 85 - 115
Above average: 116 - 125
Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135
Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145
Genius: 146 - 165
High Genius: 166 - 180
Highest Genius: 181 - 200
Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200


insert blank space here
Thank you for recently taking the IQ Test, your score was: 149

You may return to this address anytime to view your score. Click on
the link and use your web browser to bookmark this page's location.

Our test usually gets within 5 points of the professional tests--a
remarkable feat for a 13 minute test.

Our test gives you a quick and fast measurement of your abilities, and
that can indicate directions for you to take.

Average: 85 - 115
Above average: 116 - 125
Gifted Borderline Genius: 126 - 135
Highly gifted and appearing to be a Genius to most others: 136 - 145
Genius: 146 - 165
High Genius: 166 - 180
Highest Genius: 181 - 200
Beyond being measurable Genius: Over 200


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
I didn't take that test. Don't have time. I didn't work all day and go to the gym to do this during my sparetime. :p

135 from another test.

I think IQ is way overated. Willpower is just as important if not more so for a measurement of success.

You take someone with an IQ of 160 that's lazy as hell, he'll be floored by someone with 120 and a good work ethic. That person may have to study all the time through school, but they'll be the one with the succeeding in the end.

Now IQ + willpower is awesomeness.


Junior Member
Its a cool test but its nothing like the real ones. Took one in 6th grade that took 5 hours. I got a 160 on that. Must have been a fluke but it got me into the gifted program.
143. I didn't know how to calculate pounds and ounces on that one question. I only know metric. I was hesitant to take this test at first, because I'm lazy.
150, but that's only because I did a favor for my computer, a sexual favor, if you get my drift.

What's that? You say computers can't feel sexually? Oh...I guess that...changes things.



I took a proper one when I was in Jr. High, I got a 137 I believe. Must be getting stupider by the day. They put me in those advanced classes for a while. Apparently I use all of my cognative powers to avoid working.


ballhog said:
I took a proper one when I was in Jr. High, I got a 137 I believe. Must be getting stupider by the day. They put me in those advanced classes for a while. Apparently I use all of my cognative powers to avoid working.

My favorite moments in AP Calculous were those when i took a nap!! which was every day..


I took all the math that was required of me, I decided against calculus. Just because I'm good with numbers dosen't mean I enjoy math. Maybe if my various math teachers hadn't been so fucking dry and lifeless.


Unconfirmed Member
My real IQ is 137 (tested at age 7 and age 19 with full proper tests with identical results), but I've taken enough online tests to know that they always place me between 150 and 160. The big reason is because some of the major things (like processing speed) that online tests simply CAN'T test are the areas where I have major deficiencies.
151 looks like you can increase your score if by upto 5 points if you do it faster, i didn't count how long it took me to do it but was less then 13 minutes. calculus + physics are pretty useful imo.


Wow, GA is full of geniuses!

Hey NASA, fuck your hiring process! Go straight to teh gaming age internet forums for your certified geniuses!

("teh" included for additional lameness)


I scored a 148 on a real IQ test when I was in 8th grade. Been in the gifted program and whatnot. I think I qualify for MENSA, but I'd have to find the write-up again, if my parents haven't thrown it away by now. Of course, this wasn't enough to push me to the head of my class in either HS or college. Unfortunately, IQ has nothing to do with motivation, which is why my parents made me take it. There were also a couple of kids in my HS who I'm sure were smarter than me. One got a 1600 on his SAT and the other got into Deep Springs.

I don't really have a ton of faith in the IQ system. It's probably a reasonable gauge of smarts, but the conditions you take it under can dictate the results. I took it in a small room with my tester (ended up being one of my Theology teachers in HS), who was smoking, and I was beat tired b/c it was early in the morning. I think I could have scored higher if I could take it in the afternoon, and at the time, I really didn't know what I was being tested for. Everyone I know who's taken one has had it for the same reason. Their parents think they're underperforming and want to see if it's b/c their kid's an idiot. It's wierd b/c I was still getting straight A's in 8th grade, and would have been at the top of my class if it wasn't for my appalling conduct. Maybe that's where all my IQ is, in my smartass mouth. :D PEACE.

BTW, isn't the higher IQ on record like a 200+? I think some dude who worked at Harvard or something owned that score.
My IQ has been flopping from 120-160 on different tests. I got 144 on this, but it's not fair for them to be using American currency names and imperial measurements, screws with internationals' scores.


Pimpwerx said:
I scored a 148 on a real IQ test when I was in 8th grade. Been in the gifted program and whatnot. I think I qualify for MENSA, but I'd have to find the write-up again, if my parents haven't thrown it away by now. Of course, this wasn't enough to push me to the head of my class in either HS or college. Unfortunately, IQ has nothing to do with motivation, which is why my parents made me take it. There were also a couple of kids in my HS who I'm sure were smarter than me. One got a 1600 on his SAT and the other got into Deep Springs.

I don't really have a ton of faith in the IQ system. It's probably a reasonable gauge of smarts, but the conditions you take it under can dictate the results. I took it in a small room with my tester (ended up being one of my Theology teachers in HS), who was smoking, and I was beat tired b/c it was early in the morning. I think I could have scored higher if I could take it in the afternoon, and at the time, I really didn't know what I was being tested for. Everyone I know who's taken one has had it for the same reason. Their parents think they're underperforming and want to see if it's b/c their kid's an idiot. It's wierd b/c I was still getting straight A's in 8th grade, and would have been at the top of my class if it wasn't for my appalling conduct. Maybe that's where all my IQ is, in my smartass mouth. :D PEACE.

BTW, isn't the higher IQ on record like a 200+? I think some dude who worked at Harvard or something owned that score.

I remember watching Oprah when she had one of those "amazing kids" shows... and one of the kids said he had a 235+ IQ or something, can't remember exactly... but I remember them mentioning something like "But that test is flawed because IQ scores don't allow you to go any higher", implying his IQ could actually be substantially higher. .. eh.. who knows really.

For MENSA, I believe you have have a score of 150+, actually. I remember taking the online exam and scoring 158... and having it spit out the results with a recommendation to try a membership program there. I'm sure the fudge with the numbers a bit to get you interested, they probably make money off of application fees. I wouldn't give much credence to any online IQtest, really.
DJ Demon J said:
Took a test when I was in 3rd grade and got assigned to "gifted" classes immediately afterwards.

Same here.

Nothing happened in those gifted classes either. The best thing about them is that I wasn't in my regular class. :\
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