To be honest, i'm a few hours in and hating it so far. I picked it up because it reminded me of Dragon Star Varnir(a game with a visual novel format about an all/almost all female cast trying to survive together in a world out to get them) which was a slow burn but even the intro sequence of that game wasn't nearly as boring as in this game. Levels are literaly just 5 minute stretches of empty space and like 2 enemy encounters before a boss fight and most of the dialogue is presented during sofa conversations in the hub world. The impression i'm getting is the devs just wanted to draw manga or a visual novel but decided the gaming industry is more lucrative. Even then the characters aren't nearly as interesting as they are in the other game I mentioned, they dont have strong personalities or interesting traits, the MC is super bland and is just their for the ride. There's no tangible stakes and hardly any reason to care for these characters. The story is just fetch quest shenanigans where you hunt down each of the 7 deus ex machina(basically AI machine bosses). But i'll probably end up playing until the halfway point to see if it's worth continuing or dropping.
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