MrAngryFace said:
300-500 dollars IS A LOT OF FUCKING MONEY.
My problem is my eyes are fucked up and cost me money. As for saving 300-500. I moved a lot, lost a lot of money in the self-relocation. Not all of us are so blessed Loki.
First off, I was kidding around (note the Tech Romancer comment and smiley)-- no need to get pissy.

But there
is a grain of truth in what I said: if you can't put away ~$10/month for something that you
know is a necessity for you (your glasses), then that says something about your spending/saving habits. It's not just you, either-- it's the entire country. Nobody saves, but everybody bitches. Some of my friends bitch too, and I tell them the same thing. My mother makes shit money ($17K/year-- she only works for the medical coverage), but she has several budget books with envelopes marked for various occasions/needs (e.g., my dog's vet, holidays, baby showers, new tiles, graduations etc.), into which she puts a pre-set amount of money each paycheck. Sure enough, when that need arises, she has ample money for it. She doesn't complain or get stressed about it, because she saves wisely.
Why complain about something that, if you were sensible enough to budget for, would have cost you so little? Sorry, but $300 over the course of 3 years is not a lot of money, regardless of how little you make-- that's $100/year, or a little over $8/month.
It has nothing to do with being "blessed." Neither I nor my family are well to do by any stretch. If you can honestly sit there and tell me that you didn't have eight spare dollars each month to put away, then I will retract my comments-- but I find that
very hard to believe.

The point is, yes, $300 is a lot of money if someone just sprang it on you without notice; if you knew about this expected cost for years, however, it shouldn't have been such a big deal.