All cheap memory is not created equally. You may have issues with latencies, timings, tolerances etc. in no-brand memory that will cause you problems. Especially when paired with name brand memory. Don't OC a machine using generic off brand memory because you will likely have problems. Don't mix/match different generic memory either.
I never mix-n-match generic RAM types unless it's on old machines I don't care about that noone will ever burn a CD or play games on, i.e. most anything that doesn't have DDR or RDRRAM (P4) memory as the main system RAM.
I have MEMTEST86 that I just learned about to test RAM when I get it, so I'll test all the questionable RAM I come in contact with.
Do you have any other generic RAM tips?
Q: I guess if I've got one Corsair 256MB pc2100 I should pair it with the same thing.