S Socreges Banned Jun 6, 2005 #1 http://www.apple.com/trailers/warner_independent_pictures/marchofthepenguins.html Very cool animal, I think
http://www.apple.com/trailers/warner_independent_pictures/marchofthepenguins.html Very cool animal, I think
H Hurricane_Chris DDK Jun 6, 2005 #5 When I clicked on this link I thought I was going to see him talking about LInux...
E etiolate Banned Jun 6, 2005 #9 If I do one thing in life, it is the replace all the world's dictators with penguins.
I Infinitemadness Member Jun 6, 2005 #11 jesus christ they're so damn adorable. I cant wait to check this out.
R Rorschach Member Jun 6, 2005 #17 I've seen lots of documentaries on the subject matter, but this looks different. They give it a more cinematic feel with the shots and use of cg to fill in the gaps. I'll probably check it out.
I've seen lots of documentaries on the subject matter, but this looks different. They give it a more cinematic feel with the shots and use of cg to fill in the gaps. I'll probably check it out.
W Wendo Vasectomember Jun 6, 2005 #18 I can't help but have flashbacks of Batman Returns. DAMN YOU, BURTON!
B B-B-Bomba! Member Jun 6, 2005 #19 Thread title made the whole cafe look round! hehehe ... But I can't watch this ...
M mrklaw MrArseFace Jun 6, 2005 #20 when the music gets all serious, and the penguins start marching, someone needs to do an Armageddon style slomo edit.
when the music gets all serious, and the penguins start marching, someone needs to do an Armageddon style slomo edit.