The motherfucking Angry Whopper. 800 calories of heaven. Bacon. Pepper jack cheese. Jalapeños. Delicious whopper patty. Fried onion petal things. Some kind of sweet and smoky spicy sauce. It's not as spicy as it could be, but it has a nice little kick. It's delicious.
While Burger King keeps introducing bullshit like a rodeo king and a dumb cheese burger in a chicken sandwich bun and Big Mac knockoffs and shitty A1 burgers and burgers with fries on them and terrible hot dogs and even a fucking Whopper burrito, they've got this delicious fucking burger sitting in the back, just waiting for its chance to bless the world again, and they refuse to bring it back! What the fuck.
Come on, Burger King. Let it out of its cage. Bring back the greatest fast food burger ever made. The world will thank you. You brought back those overrated chicken fries because people begged, bring back the way better Angry Whopper now. Do it or I'll boycott.