shuri said:
1- No cute fuzzy creature that does cute things
2- no crap about 15 years old girls saving the world using her telekenetic connection to a giant robot
3- No annoying j-pop 5 minutes break in every show
4- No worthless love drama stuff. I dont need to watch that trip.
5- No hentai.
6- Keep the cheesy stuff to a minimum
That is a pretty good list of things that I try to avoid in the genre, and make it pretty unbearable for me to watch. If I were you I would also add:
7. Anime that is known for ultraviolence or highly stylized violence. I'm not 13 anymore, and I'm no longer really impressed by a cartoon with lots of blood and gore. Even when it's not bloody, most cartoon fights don't really do it for me so anything that's focused around fighting kind of dulls me.
8. No gratuitous sex crap. Seems like too many things throw in a pointless shower scene or giant tits or panty flashing, etc.
9. No giant robots whatsoever. All giant robots do is fight each other. It gets so dull.
10. No philosophical, metaphysical, or moral rambling. Even if it doesn't get screwed up in translation, it's still usually tiresome and hamfisted. I consider it a different kind of "fan service", that allows geeks to feel like they're watching something intellectual when the show is really just some tripe about a giant titted warrior robot caught in a love triangle in outer space.
This seems to rule out almost everything that gets brought over to the US market.

All of Miyazaki's films are good -- even the ones about children. Cowboy Bebop is good, though it has a few problems with the cliches mentioned above. Back in the day I used to really like the wacky Rumiko Takashi comedy shows (Ranma 1/2, Urusei Yatsura), though I don't know if they'd be any good today.