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Where is Generation X?


You hear about boomers, millenials, and genz all the time. But the guys in between the boomers and millenials- nothing. I was born in the early 80s so by the time the 90s rolled around, I looked up to Gen X as the cool kids- dressed in grunge with an apathetic or cynical attitude. After that era though, they just kind of fell off and never get brought up in generational debates even though they exist, they didn't go anywhere.

Boomers- out of touch, fucking shit up for the later generations
Millenials- entitled, techy
Gen Z- Bred in the soupy muck of the internet, obsessed with social media, progressive
Gen X- ??

So what happened?
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Yeah the whole labeling each generation and assigning millions of people similar characteristics is pretty dumb, but you do notice in the last couple years a lot of these articles you see either don't say much or entirely ignore Gen X. It's like there isn't some convenient or provocative narrative to assign us so the media just kinda gave up and focused on Boomers vs. Millenials. Which is like, grandparents vs. grandkids and no mention of the parents.
Yeah the whole labeling each generation and assigning millions of people similar characteristics is pretty dumb, but you do notice in the last couple years a lot of these articles you see either don't say much or entirely ignore Gen X. It's like there isn't some convenient or provocative narrative to assign us so the media just kinda gave up and focused on Boomers vs. Millenials. Which is like, grandparents vs. grandkids and no mention of the parents.
We're keeping our heads down and then voting for Trump/Brexit/Boris Johnson because, while the far left might be insane, we're too laid back to want to get screamed at.


Generation X, the "generation" that caught the last wind of communism and the cold war - and were old enough during that period to maybe catch on what it was all about, where are they?

They're voting - and most likely they adhere to "classical liberalism" ,and they are registered as independents, and they f'cking hate socialism, - because, they're the last generation - in theory that is schooled in its (socialism) brutality and inconsistency.


Millenials are from 81-96
You're all millennial baby.


I already knew, I'm too sensitive


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
They're chilling. They had affordable college tuition. Were able to get good jobs. There was no great war or hardship in their time. Apathy almost defined Gen X.

It's going to be funny when they're old and expected to be the ones to vote. They'll be like nah, gonna chill here. Listen to The Crow soundtrack.
In NL we also call it 'Generatie Nix' (The word 'niks' means 'nothing').

We were brought up to think for ourselves, have had good and bad experiences, are able to nuance.

Where are we? We are on the sidelines, living life, doing our jobs, watching all this nonsense and generally keeping our opinions to ourselves.
They're chilling. They had affordable college tuition. Were able to get good jobs. There was no great war or hardship in their time. Apathy almost defined Gen X.

It's going to be funny when they're old and expected to be the ones to vote. They'll be like nah, gonna chill here. Listen to The Crow soundtrack.

Nah you are on crack son, college was expensive as fuck back then too. A lot of us skipped college, like me. Instead of whining like little bitches , larping and waving hammer and sickles around, we just taught ourselves shit and moved ahead in life. We didnt cry for it to be given to us.

I and everyone i went to school with, votes. We just vote for whoever we want without worrying about social media labeling us....because yea...whatever.
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not tag worthy
Man we are here but I think slacker was a key term for our generation. We work maybe meh hard but we would rather chill harder. We are just getting by doing our bit. Slowly rising to power. It’s gonna be a more tolerant world. But don’t harsh our grooves otherwise like what ever man. Cool. I guess. Leave us alone and we will leave you alone. I’m gonna play some nostalgic games and listen to grunge
Also lost of us got married or careers we too focused on just trying to retire early. You wanna Fight everyone we don’t. No unless we have to. Then a plaid lumber jack shirt army will rise.
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Gold Member
They're chilling. They had affordable college tuition. Were able to get good jobs. There was no great war or hardship in their time. Apathy almost defined Gen X.

It's going to be funny when they're old and expected to be the ones to vote. They'll be like nah, gonna chill here. Listen to The Crow soundtrack.

Solid X here... I was deployed during those wars that evidently didn't exist in the early 90s. Only took classes as I could afford too around work....took 5 years for 2 year degree, but no debt and still continue education to this day.... Started at my current job at minimum wage 24 years ago and worked my way up to the top of my field.

Last month paid off our house 100% debt free and am looking at retiring at 55 while paying tuition for the kids currently in college.

You want to know where we are at? Maybe come up from living in our our basements and see.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Solid X here... I was deployed during those wars that evidently didn't exist in the early 90s. Only took classes as I could afford too around work....took 5 years for 2 year degree, but no debt and still continue education to this day.... Started at my current job at minimum wage 24 years ago and worked my way up to the top of my field.

Last month paid off our house 100% debt free and am looking at retiring at 55 while paying tuition for the kids currently in college.

You want to know where we are at? Maybe come up from living in our our basements and see.

Good job, seriously that sounds great. I'm happy for your kids, they'll have a leg up in life thanks to you.

I too paid off all my debt at a young age, and have several hundred thousand in the bank. I'm not at the top of my field but I do ok. I also routinely take continuing education online as well. My personal goal is to have enough liquid funds to simple retire to some country like Croatia at 50.


Ask me about my wife's perfect butthole
Gen X is doing better than millennials; but largely as actual higher paid wage slaves. So still not the people owning the economy / having the power (boomers), but have a much higher percentage of home ownership / decent jobs.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
We are all at work....working.

I have never been to Croatia but I have friends who have visited. What is appealing to you about Croatia and why would you want to retire there? Thanks!

The people are amazing, the country is beautiful, and living is very affordable for someone looking to retire. One can buy an old house that has been there for centuries, fix it up, and just relax. I only visited once, but it was enough to convince me that was a place that would be great to spend your golden years in.

There is an episode of Andrew Zimmern's Bizarre Foods in which he travels there. A few, I think. But watch the most recent one. It gives you a very good idea of the country.


Gold Member
We're watching from the sidelines, ready to fuck shit up and take out the winners of the great boomer vs millennial war and assume our place as rightful rulers of the galaxy.
If mankind dies and scavenger aliens find one last quote from humans, this is the quote I want them to know.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
Nah you are on crack son, college was expensive as fuck back then too. A lot of us skipped college, like me. Instead of whining like little bitches , larping and waving hammer and sickles around, we just taught ourselves shit and moved ahead in life. We didnt cry for it to be given to us.

I and everyone i went to school with, votes. We just vote for whoever we want without worrying about social media labeling us....because yea...whatever.

Credit hours were something like $64/hr back in the late 90's and early 2000's for many colleges. They're at least $300 now (average cost of college is nearly four times as much now). Not to mention materials are twice as expensive. And the job markets for high paying fields are much harder to enter into. And as you alluded to, it was easier to take technical training or even be self taught back then and land a good job.

I'm not claiming anyone's lives are easy, but Gen X definitely had a much better deal entering the workforce and adult life in general. By the way I worked multiple jobs all through college, including a very good paying IT job in the final two years because I saved my money and earned several certifications while studying computer science and later basic IT (realized I didn't want to be a full time developer). It's how I paid off my student loans before I turned 23. No generation owns a claim on hard work - not the Boomers, not Gen X, etc.

But good for you man. I am genuinely happy you made it.


Basically we're the last ones with semi-decent jobs.... Everything for the past several years has been all "Let's bring back the late 80's/Early 90's and cash in on that Gen-X nostalgia!" So I guess we have that going for us.


You hear about boomers, millenials, and genz all the time. But the guys in between the boomers and millenials- nothing. I was born in the early 80s so by the time the 90s rolled around, I looked up to Gen X as the cool kids- dressed in grunge with an apathetic or cynical attitude. After that era though, they just kind of fell off and never get brought up in generational debates even though they exist, they didn't go anywhere.

Boomers- out of touch, fucking shit up for the later generations
Millenials- entitled, techy
Gen Z- Bred in the soupy muck of the internet, obsessed with social media, progressive
Gen X- ??

So what happened?
I'm Gen X and I'm here wrecking havoc and raising my Gen Z daughter to be as awesome as possible. It seems tk be working. She will turn 6 in saturday and already has great taste for fine arts hehe


Gold Member
Nah you are on crack son, college was expensive as fuck back then too. A lot of us skipped college, like me. Instead of whining like little bitches , larping and waving hammer and sickles around, we just taught ourselves shit and moved ahead in life. We didnt cry for it to be given to us.

I and everyone i went to school with, votes. We just vote for whoever we want without worrying about social media labeling us....because yea...whatever.
Credit hours were something like $64/hr back in the late 90's and early 2000's for many colleges. They're at least $300 now (average cost of college is nearly four times as much now). Not to mention materials are twice as expensive. And the job markets for high paying fields are much harder to enter into. And as you alluded to, it was easier to take technical training or even be self taught back then and land a good job.

I'm not claiming anyone's lives are easy, but Gen X definitely had a much better deal entering the workforce and adult life in general. By the way I worked multiple jobs all through college, including a very good paying IT job in the final two years because I saved my money and earned several certifications while studying computer science and later basic IT (realized I didn't want to be a full time developer). It's how I paid off my student loans before I turned 23. No generation owns a claim on hard work - not the Boomers, not Gen X, etc.

But good for you man. I am genuinely happy you made it.
Not sure about the US, but I just a skim of Toronto university tuition and as a ballpark, the average tuition for undergrad (and Masters which I did later) is about 3x what it was 20-25 years ago. Depends on the program though. Some are closer to 2x, but some look like 4x.

Average wage in Canada in the same range has almost doubled too, so cost of school has outpaced average worker wages..... 3x vs 2x.


Dedicating all of their time to making sure the internet does not expose their swaggerless 80's fashion sense.
Credit hours were something like $64/hr back in the late 90's and early 2000's for many colleges. They're at least $300 now (average cost of college is nearly four times as much now). Not to mention materials are twice as expensive. And the job markets for high paying fields are much harder to enter into. And as you alluded to, it was easier to take technical training or even be self taught back then and land a good job.

I'm not claiming anyone's lives are easy, but Gen X definitely had a much better deal entering the workforce and adult life in general. By the way I worked multiple jobs all through college, including a very good paying IT job in the final two years because I saved my money and earned several certifications while studying computer science and later basic IT (realized I didn't want to be a full time developer). It's how I paid off my student loans before I turned 23. No generation owns a claim on hard work - not the Boomers, not Gen X, etc.

But good for you man. I am genuinely happy you made it.

Doubled sure, priced for inflation that 64 would be around 150 now. College was Still expensive back then. The difference is , without school you were lost back then as far as obtaining skills outside manual labor. Sure you need that piece of paper for a lot of jobs, especially the medical field. For many things you dont need to go to school, this generation has access to unlimited information, the ease at which it is to obtain so much due to the difference in communication standards is massive. The internet is probabaly in the top 3 largest changes to civilization as whole in all of human existence..but it rolled out at a middling speed of ten years or so and sometimes i dont think people who are younger realize just how much things changed.

Its the same old story, just as i would not understand the hardships of living in a pre mid-millenium world, those who are born within the access to the worlds knowledge at the press of a button dont seem to understand theadvantage that availability to not only information but the chance to gain a foothold on unlimited resources towards financial and economic goals as well as personal goals.

To however act like we are "just chillin" and experienced no hardships is a pretty cunty thing to say and you lack a basic understanding of history if thats what you think.

Also thanks for letting me know vietnam wasnt a thing that ever happened and living under the cold war never happened. Ill let my friends who lived under soviet oppression know that life was easy and nothing compared to.......uhh..what?
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Hold onto your panties
You hear about boomers, millenials, and genz all the time. But the guys in between the boomers and millenials- nothing. I was born in the early 80s so by the time the 90s rolled around, I looked up to Gen X as the cool kids- dressed in grunge with an apathetic or cynical attitude. After that era though, they just kind of fell off and never get brought up in generational debates even though they exist, they didn't go anywhere.

Boomers- out of touch, fucking shit up for the later generations
Millenials- entitled, techy
Gen Z- Bred in the soupy muck of the internet, obsessed with social media, progressive
Gen X- ??

So what happened?
Seems they are mostly comfortably employed and self-sufficient in surviving. I was born in 87' and found things difficult and expensive after high-school. Never have a steady job but the house is paid for...so I feel it's not the worst. Here's a question...what comes after Gen Z?


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
To however act like we are "just chillin" and experienced no hardships is a pretty cunty thing to say and you lack a basic understanding of history if thats what you think.

Also thanks for letting me know vietnam wasnt a thing that ever happened and living under the cold war never happened. Ill let my friends who lived under soviet oppression know that life was easy and nothing compared to.......uhh..what?

On your first point, fair enough. But anyone coming of age in the 90's or early 2000's weren't exactly wracked by hardships. Not like kids coming up these days are. I hope you can agree with me on that much.

As for Vietnam and the Cold War, I didn't mention anything about those but I am sure they were difficult for those still in the area of the Bloc at the time. An ex employer was from Azerbaijan, he told me about it. So while I sympathize with them we're talking about young people from the west here. If you and yours suffered, I am sorry to hear.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
Millennials and Gen Z have no perspective and consider anyone older than them 'boomers'.
Baby boomers are quite happy to share the blame for their fuck ups with the generation they fucked over.
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