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Where were you the first time time you heard Duel of Fates from Star Wars Episode 1


In theater around release date.

Drove me crazy. The Dark Maul reveal with his double light saber... Then Duel of Fates kicking in !! I couldn't believe it.


EP1-3 at least have strong and honestly brilliant world building. They feel like a fully fleshed world, evne if everyone talks like 3 year olds.

The biggest problem with the ST is nothing feels like a universe. It all feels disconnected.

I see that way too.
Lucas shown us the wireframe with the movies (especially the original trilogy), after that, the EU filled the gaps.
Ep1-3 incorporated some of this world building spirit directly into the movies.

Imho Disney should have embraced the best parts of the EU right after the acquisition. It would be a better than film the new trilogy without a complete script for the 3 movies. (And a "mad man" writing the second chapter)
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I think I was in the gym and that first trailer with the song dropped on TV.

That is such an odd cultural touchstone to consider though, compared to 9/11, the challenger explosion, going into Iraq in GW1, or some other event.

I have a vivid memory of hearing that Brandon Lee died while in the cafeteria. Strange how memory works and what it keeps around.
Life’s funny like that. Went to the Orthodontist one month and the People magazine had Brandon Lee on the cover talking about his untimely death. (Before I had seen The Crow). A brief moment gets imprinted in the brain forever 🧠


Probably on one of the commercials, the hype for that movie was unreal. Don't think we're ever going to see marketing like that ever again, you couldn't go shopping without seeing something about the movie. Drinks, school supplies, Taco Bell, hand soap, it was everywhere.

In the theater.

Sad that I no longer pay attention or get excited about what was once my die hard favorite franchise.

Feels bad man.

Yeah it sucks, still revisit the old movies and books, but outside of that it's dead to me.
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In the theater seeing Episode 1 for the first time (Release day..not midnight showing), music combined with the actual fight on screen was pretty awesome.


My gran got a pirated VHS of it. A really shitty bootleg copy. During the submarine chase in Naboo you couldn't see anything going on in the background so I had no idea what was chasing them. That was the first way I saw it, then a little bit later I saw it in the cinema.

The last two pirate VHS I ever saw and they had virtually dispersed as a thing by then (Pirate VHS that is). Episode one and South park. The only time I've ever seen the movie and didn't bother to go to the cinema.


Gold Member
I remember hearing someplace that originally Episode 1 was darker and Jar-Jar was a mercenary that betrays Qui-Gon to the Sith


Gold Member
In the theaters with my jaw on the ground not understanding how someone could make such a godawful movie with so much legacy to work with.....it had zero impact with characters made out of wood who you didnt care about
Saw this video a few days ago and had no idea how much of a genius John Williams was ...

I don't understand why movie soundtracks have gone towards amelodic compositions. It's all just atmospheric background sounds washing over you nowadays. Not like when you hear the Superman/Indiana Jones/James Bond themes, and they're instantly recognizable.

Maybe movie execs read or held some study that showed melodies are detrimental to profit, because I don't know why else they're not as widespread anymore.

Can anyone think of a modern movie/character theme that really stands out? I like The Avengers' theme when it kicks in, but it's hardly used in those movies, and I don't know of non-Avengers MCU movies that have character themes...other than Iron Man, but I don't think that counts. How cool would it be if each character had their own recognizable leitmotif?
I love everything about this movie, awkward romance included. That sense of adventure, man! So much cool stuff is packed in just a little over 2 hours without credits.
Duel of the Fates also plays when Anakin is searching for his mother:

Boy, that CGI is baaaaad. A kid following YouTube tutorials could make that today.


Gold Member
I think a trailer in Toys R Us. I begged my parents to let me go to the movie, but nope. I saw it a little later at my Cousins place. The strange thing was, that before that it was a porn VHS. So the opening and the ending was a little different.

Little Mac

Gold Member
I don't understand why movie soundtracks have gone towards amelodic compositions. It's all just atmospheric background sounds washing over you nowadays. Not like when you hear the Superman/Indiana Jones/James Bond themes, and they're instantly recognizable.

Maybe movie execs read or held some study that showed melodies are detrimental to profit, because I don't know why else they're not as widespread anymore.

Can anyone think of a modern movie/character theme that really stands out? I like The Avengers' theme when it kicks in, but it's hardly used in those movies, and I don't know of non-Avengers MCU movies that have character themes...other than Iron Man, but I don't think that counts. How cool would it be if each character had their own recognizable leitmotif?

Biggest one I can remember in recent years was the Unbreakable theme at the end of Split ... I recognized the music immediately and was so happy seeing Bruce Willis there verifying the two movie were connected.

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Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I was in the theater, by myself, first showing. I was blown away because it was the first Star Wars in couple of decades at least!
Then, you have Maul, face to Face with Qui Gon Jin and Obi Wan Kenobi. Epic Shit.
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