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Which Game Boy Advance Model Should I Get Next?


I bought the original GBA model at launch, traded up for a silver SP. loved that little thing. Eventually ditched the beat-up old guy when I traded up from DS Phat to DS Lite. Over time, I sold off my GBA collection.

Last year I decided I wanted to get back into GBA stuff. Since I only had a 3DS and a Vita I needed a new GBA and decided I wanted a Micro. It's an awesome little system and I adore the novelty but in practice it hasn't been very useful. I LOVE the buttons and the size but the screen is sadly just a wee too small for these 31 year old eyes. Worse still, I'm terribly afraid of carrying it in my pocket for fear of scratching the faceplate. Replacements are really hard to find.

So recently I've been thinking of adding to my handheld collection with a new GBA. Either a GBA SP AGS101 (preferrably black) or an original GBA modded with an AGS101 screen form eBay.

Here's how I see it:

+ Solid Screen confirmed
+ Rechargeable battery
+ Clam shell protects screen, pockets easily.
+ $45-100
- Not a fan of clicky buttons
- Squishy shoulder buttons kind of suck, too
- Scratches easily (my silver SP was scuffed and chipped to hell and back)
- No headphones jack (they beat Apple to it)

Standard GBA w/ Screen Mod
+ I love the form factor, more ergonomic
+ More novel
+ Superior Buttons
+ Headphones jack
- $100-150
- Unofficial construction
- AA Batteries
~ Concerned about light bleeding

Standard with the screen mod.


I've literally been thinking about the same thing lol. After seeing how expensive AGS101 GBA SPs can be, I think I might go the modded original route.


judging from your list, you want the bottom one more

I kind of do but I'm hesitant about risking an ebay purchase and relying on the skill of whoever made it. It's also twice as expensive...

If anyone has made their own mod or bought one off eBay I would love to hear impressions.


I kind of do but I'm hesitant about risking an ebay purchase and relying on the skill of whoever made it. It's also twice as expensive...

If anyone has made their own mod or bought one off eBay I would love to hear impressions.

It's pretty easy, I think.
Are you planning to take it anywhere? if so, get the SP. if you're planning to just keep it at home and play on it there, go with the OG. better button placement, but the clamshell design edges out the OG for on the go gaming.
I have an AGS101 modded original, the micro, one self made macro, one "official" painted with bondo and a microUSB charging port macro, and the K101 plus.

For today's prices, I'd say get a borked DS lite and do the macro mod or the K101 plus from MassDrop. Both offer a good, backlit experience and won't break the bank.


I use the backlit one which is worth it imo, beautiful screen. For the last year or so I've been collecting carts for cheap on eBay and storing them in blank DS cases, making custom artwork for them in Photoshop printed on high gloss paper. A fun project!


Unfortunately the AGS101 screen, while bright, has noticeable motion blur.

Many OG mods will use the 101 screen.

Given that, for me its actually between DS Lite and GBA Micro.
How is AA batteries a negative? That's way more consumer-friendly than the alternative. Plus if you want rechargeables you have the option to get some Eneloop Pros or something.


Appreciate the replies. Not really interested in the DS Lite Macro mod. Don't like the rectangle form factor and I hate that the cartridges stick out.

How bad is the motion blur? I remember my front-lit silver SP looking pretty bad compared to modern standards. I have an old friend's abandoned DS Phat I forgot all about but I hate everything about it, especially the screen. The Micro screen is so good, just tiny...
Appreciate the replies. Not really interested in the DS Lite Macro mod. Don't like the rectangle form factor and I hate that the cartridges stick out.

How bad is the motion blur? I remember my front-lit silver SP looking pretty bad compared to modern standards. I have an old friend's abandoned DS Phat I forgot all about but I hate everything about it, especially the screen. The Micro screen is so good, just tiny...

Again, I own all of the best option outside of the SP.

I love the micro but I've replaced the battery in mine twice. Some of the other choices are unobtainum and have pretty bad screens. The K101+ does some scaling but looks really good on screen even with that. I'll do a head to head with my everdrive later.


Become REAL HERO and mod a DS Lite to be a GBA machine.

Yep, just snap off the top screen and you're good to go.

EDIT: Whoops, overlooked OP's post two posts above. I'd say go with a backlight mod for the original design.


I think one alternative worth mentioning is getting a Vita and using the fairly robust GBA emulators available for it.

You can back up GBA cartridges fairly easily with a DS, the Vita screen is lovely, and GBA games look pretty good on it to me. The emulators aren't perfect, but they're pretty great, and still very early.

It's nice just having all your games on the Vita memory card, the Vita has a nice dpad and buttons, and it has the advantage of also playing Vita games.

Obviously it's not original GBA hardware, but I had been weighing up buying a GBA or a GBA harware clone before emulation on Vita became an option, and I ended up just sticking with the Vita. It's good enough for me. I think it's worth considering.

Edit: I missed that you have a Vita already. I'd say it's definitely worth trying before spending money on an actual GBA.


Have you considered the Game Boy Micro?

Are you looking to play Game Boy and Game Boy Color games as well? That's kinda the deciding factor in relation to the Game Boy Micro.


What is wrong with the DS Lite? It is my preferred way to play GBA games, though I do rock the SP if I go for a walk since it is more comfortable to carry in the pants.


What is wrong with the DS Lite? It is my preferred way to play GBA games, though I do rock the SP if I go for a walk since it is more comfortable to carry in the pants.

Yeah, the only real drawback is that you can't use a link cable or play pre-GBA games.
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