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which Final fantasy game should i get and why ?

which Final fantasy game should i get and why ?

  • Final fantasy 12 zodiac age

    Votes: 36 35.6%
  • Final fantasy 15

    Votes: 5 5.0%
  • Final fantasy 16

    Votes: 9 8.9%
  • Final fantasy 7 remake ( rebirth after )

    Votes: 51 50.5%

  • Total voters

hemo memo

Gold Member
12 is not only the best FF but among the best JRPGs ever made. It’s really really great. Just keep in mind that you don’t meet the main character in the game until later on. You’ll know when.

People voting Remake over 12?
gordon ramsay facepalm GIF
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on topic: final fantasy xii zodiac age

off topic: has any final fantasy game ever been forgotten as quickly as final fantasy xvi? aside from the visually spectacular boss battles, is there anything genuinely unique or memorable about it? it's hard to believe that it came out only a little over a year ago. i suppose you could say that the final fantasy vii remakes stole some of its thunder, but was there really even all that much thunder there to steal?...
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hemo memo

Gold Member
off topic: has any final fantasy game ever been forgotten as quickly as final fantasy xvi? aside from the visually spectacular boss battles, is there anything genuinely unique or memorable about it? it's hard to believe that it came out only a little over a year ago. i suppose you could say that the final fantasy vii remakes stole some of its thunder, but was there really even all that much thunder there to steal?...
They spent most of the budget of spectacle. I’m at the end of the game now. The combat is repetitive, the story is predictable, and the characters are so one-dimensional. No open-world exploration and very limited customization options. I feel like this game is more of a linear action game than an RPG. It’s more DMC than FF.
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Gold Member
on topic: final fantasy xii zodiac age

off topic: has any final fantasy game ever been forgotten as quickly as final fantasy xvi? aside from the visually spectacular boss battles, is there anything genuinely unique or memorable about it? it's hard to believe that it came out only a little over a year ago. i suppose you could say that the final fantasy vii remakes stole some of its thunder, but was there really even all that much thunder there to steal?...
Everyone realized the game sucks after the first few hours. They should have just cancelled it and renamed Octopath 2 to Final Fantasy 16.


Gold Member
12 is not only the best FF but among the best JRPGs ever made. It’s really really great. Just keep in mind that you don’t meet the main character in the game until later on. You’ll know when.
FFXII is BORING. And then people tell me "no if you program the game to play itself during combat it's really great" as if that is a point in its favor.

But, I do know people like it.


I'm relatively new to FF myself so I'll just say FF7 Remake because that's how I got into the series. I then got into FF14 which was one of the wildest rides I've ever had in gaming in recent memory, going from A Realm Reborn to Endwalker was so damn cool. FF16 is what I got after, and while I think it's a cool game (Clive is awesome and so are the boss battles), it's not the best entry point imo considering the options. There are some things that just didn't land with 16, biggest one being the story. Clive carries the game pretty hard imo, but I digress. Get the FF7 remakes!
They spent most of the budget of spectacle. I’m at the end of the game now. The combat is repetitive, the story is predictable, and the characters are so one-dimensional. No open-world exploration and very limited customization options. I feel like this game is more of a linear action game than an RPG. It’s more DMC than FF.
there's a reason no one ever tried to make a 30hr dmc game...
Everyone realized the game sucks after the first few hours. They should have just cancelled it and renamed Octopath 2 to Final Fantasy 16.
this's the genius of the ffxvi demo. you front-load the opening of the game, & them make that opening your demo...


FFXVI is a huge disappointment for me, but still better than XIII and XV. I found it even great at some points, mainly when it was story driven. But once you're thrown in the open to fetch some things and have to talk to some nobodies the game falls apart. The combat wouldn't be so bad if the game was cut short by at least 20 hours, it can't cope with the length of this game. And it suffered from accessibility. Everything in FFXVI just screams fear for not being too difficult. It avoids elemental buffs, statuses, equipment, weapon variety for the sake of being accessible for everyone.

IMO Zodiac Age is the best BY FAR.

God tier music, really fun job/combat system with lots of interesting and OP possibilities, characters who talk and act like grown ups with functioning brains instead of retarded anime tropes.

Story-wise it’s like Star Wars meets Game of Thrones.

XII is the most underrated, yet enjoyed the highest scores. I think it also had to do with the time it launched in, pretty much during the next-gen war. It was probably overlooked quite a bit. And the style was a lot different from VII-X. It had a more serious and mature tone. Characters didn't speak like pretentious retards on shrooms.

I didn't like it immediately. The demo was quite a culture shock, coming from FFX and the ones before. When I did a write up on this demo I wrote that this isn't your daddy's FF.

I guess age made me appreciate it more, and perhaps the bad FF that succeeded it. When I played Zodiac Age I knew this was my number one FF game. The characters, the gambits, the settings.. I consumed the game. There is just nothing like setting some gambits, and let the AI deal with trash mob, doing some adjustments depending on the type of enemies you would face. When it works out as you intended its chefs kiss. I still felt I did a lot of control though, esp. against bosses. I would always take note and micromanage where needed.

Great game, if a bit undercooked in the story department which goes from GOAT FF to missed potential. You could see Matsuno and co were in trouble.

But speaking of Matsuno. The guy was behind Vagrant Story, FFT, TO... some of the best games ever made.
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If you want something with a more modern presentation and more action based combat get 7 Remake and then Rebirth
If you don't mind more dated visuals and want something with a bit deeper and more strategic gameplay and mechanics, a slightly less anime tone, better pacing and that offers a complete experience in a single package get XII

XV and XVI suck.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
off topic: has any final fantasy game ever been forgotten as quickly as final fantasy xvi? aside from the visually spectacular boss battles, is there anything genuinely unique or memorable about it?
It's a bad Final Fantasy game. That's what's memorable about it. It's a single player FFXIV down to plot progression and overall combat system. Press your buttons and pop your CDs when off cooldown. No party management. Just Clive.

It's like Metroid Other M. Both great action games but overall Other M was a bad Metroid game like XVI is a bad FF game.

Spectacle Fighters are great but I feel if they made a clone of Granblue Relink and had it as a Dissidia title they could have struck gold but it was just Clive's Choo Choo Adventures as far as I am concerned.

The thing I find amusing is they call it an RPG but removed 90% of what makes a RPG an RPG.
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FFXVI is a huge disappointment for me, but still better than XIII and XV. I found it even great at some points, mainly when it was story driven. But once you're thrown in the open to fetch some things and have to talk to some nobodies the game falls apart. The combat wouldn't be so bad if the game was cut short by at least 20 hours, it can't cope with the length of this game. And it suffered from accessibility. Everything in FFXVI just screams fear for not being too difficult. It avoids elemental buffs, statuses, equipment, weapon variety for the sake of being accessible for everyone.

XII is the most underrated, yet enjoyed the highest scores. I think it also had to do with the time it launched in, pretty much during the next-gen war. It was probably overlooked quite a bit. And the style was a lot different from VII-X. It had a more serious and mature tone. Characters didn't speak like pretentious retards on shrooms.

I didn't like it immediately. The demo was quite a culture shock, coming from FFX and the ones before. When I did a write up on this demo I wrote that this isn't your daddy's FF.

I guess age made me appreciate it more, and perhaps the bad FF that succeeded it. When I played Zodiac Age I knew this was my number one FF game. The characters, the gambits, the settings.. I consumed the game. There is just nothing like setting some gambits, and let the AI deal with trash mob, doing some adjustments depending on the type of enemies you would face. When it works out as you intended its chefs kiss. I still felt I did a lot of control though, esp. against bosses. I would always take note and micromanage where needed.

Great game, if a bit undercooked in the story department which goes from GOAT FF to missed potential. You could see Matsuno and co were in trouble.

But speaking of Matsuno. The guy was behind Vagrant Story, FFT, TO... some of the best games ever made.
I think using the MMO story team for FF16 was a mistake. Also a lot of the game screams "rushed" like they put all their money into the cutscenes and didn't spend enough time building the rpg or crafting elements out at all. And the pacing on the side quests was awful; by the time you got to the good side quests your opinion on side quests had already been thoroughly destroyed by the MMO style fetch quests from the first 3/4 of the game.

It sucks because I legitimately enjoyed the story of FF16 - even if I think they should have gone a different direction. It's just held back by being too easy and too underbaked.


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Mmm yeah that's another thing. They lock you into the normal/easy mode and won't let you play the hard mode until you slog through the 50+ hours of game and I don't see many willing to replay the game after that long. It's no Dragon's Dogma that's for sure.


Don't play 15, but any of the others are fine to play depending on what you want:
If menus in combat don't bother you (or you don't mind setting up battle automation like Dragon Age Origins and Unicorn Overlord), then 12 is the best.
If you want an over-the-top character action game, 16 is the best.
If you've already played the original FF7 and want an action RPG, FF7R is the best.


Ultimate DQ Fan
Let me make it simple:
1. 1 character grind Ranger, Ninja, and Mystic Knight.
2. After those are mastered, switch to Freelancer and equip the Rapid-Fire/Dual-wield/spell lade abilities.
3. This party member can now do 8 charged up attacks per turn instead of just 1 regular attack. How good is this? Good enough they made it Bartz super move in Dissidia.
4. The other are all red mages. Red Mage is awesome for the first 2/3s of the game and absolute shit the remaining 1/3. But that won't matter because you wanna master it for the dual casting ability.
5. Change to whatever magic based jobs (I at least go for White Mage and Summoner) and equip dualcast to enjoy the Bahamut spam.
6. Most of these jobs aren't available right away so roll with whatever worked for ya in FF1 until you get them.
You know uve never beat 5. Maybe Ill pick up the pixel remaster and do this.


You should honestly start with X... and that's only if you can't go back to the visuals of 6, 7, and 9.

From this list, 12 is my vote. I'm not sure there's a reason to start with remake if you've never played 7, and the other 2 aren't good games IMO. Makes it pretty simple.
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Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Don't play any of them. If you can't go further back then you might aswell give up.

Like I always say the last good one was 10. So you should go with that one, if you want the best graphics that is also a good game.

But don't buy it upfront. Try it and see if you like the battle system and the rest of the gameplay.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
Im thinking of buying a Final fantasy game and i dont know where to start

I cant play older one than 12 because i cant stand the graphics and i didnt include the 13 ones because i hate the artstyle

So which game is the best out of these 4 ?
Ff10 HD remaster is gonna be on par to ff12 visually. Solid choice.

Out of the ones you listed 12 is an amazing game but not everyone’s cup of tea.

You’ll likely be most impressed by ff7 remake but I still think ff16 is better than remake part 1 by a long mile.


Ultimate DQ Fan
The ranking I'd say for these games is:

FF12 - Great story. Great characters. Great setting. Great gameplay. Great music. Typical Yasumi Matsuno problem of amazing set ups, but weak endings.

FF16 - Decent premise. I like the soundtrack well enough, but Soken can do better. Gameplay is mediocre. Starts off a little 2edge, but settles down. Great Cid. Dumb final boss. I liked it, but i didn't love it

FF7 Remake: Setting is unmatched, characters are classic. Gameplay is great. But they took 4 hours of story and stretched it to 50 hours. Some really REALLY dumb changes to the story. I'd replay the PSX version

FF7 Rebirth: Hype as shit for the first 4 chapters, then goes to shit. Repetitive and very very dumb.

FFXV: A scrap work game thrown together from disparate pieces after 10 years of development hell. It's a miracle they got something out of it, but it's not very good. Still it's probably for the best all that work didn't go completely to waste.

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Would recommend FF12 from that list, but my go-to for "recommend me my first Final Fantasy game" is FF10, because I think it has the best blend of classic and modern FF style. Don't write it off because it's older....the visuals have aged really well (they're quite competitive with FF12), and the Remaster version is available for $30 or less on pretty much every platform. I replayed it earlier this year and it's STILL a fantastic game. And you get FF10-2 to boot (which I think is a good game, though I'm probably in the minority on that one 😊).
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If going off story alone i would say ffxvi, that ending had me tearing up and I like that the story is more mature than your typical final fantasy. The gameplay is a huge departure from the typical formula but I did not hate it and at times had fun with it. It also arguably has the best soundtrack.

Summon Video Game GIF by Square Enix


The answer is always to play the latest one. These games rely on top notch production values and modern design choices to draw you into their world. Lots of that is lost as you visit older generations.
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