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White firefighter burns black colleague's house, kills 2 cats and sends n****r note

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Bloody hell.


The family of Kenneth Walker, North Tonawanda’s only black firefighter, whose apartment was burned out Wednesday in what was feared to be a racially motivated attack, was stunned to learn that a neighbor and fellow former firefighter was arrested for the arson.

They were also shocked when they realized that the suspect – identified as Matthew Jurado, 39, who lives right across Oliver Street from them – had been at the scene of Wednesday’s fire, according to Robert Sands, Kenneth Walker’s uncle.

“I believe I talked with him,” Sands said. “His girlfriend was there. It’s really mind-boggling.”

He said his nephew “is really relieved, but part of him is hurt because he trained with this guy at the fire academy and he’s a neighbor ... Kenneth kind of thought of him as a friend.”

Amanda Walker, Kenneth’s wife, expressed a mix of emotions. “I am angry and relieved but in disbelief,” she said. “He’s been over to our home a couple of times and talked to our (two young) kids. You don’t know who your friends are.”

Police said at the news conference that Jurado acknowledged setting the fire but claimed someone else wrote an anonymous, racist and threatening letter to Walker on Monday. The letter, which used racist slurs, demanded that Walker resign as a firefighter. Jurado gave investigators the name of a person he said wrote that letter, but they said they are looking into the possibility that Jurado wrote the letter.

Jurado has been charged with second-degree arson, a felony.

Jurado had been let go from Live Hose Company No. 4, a volunteer fire company, in July, Pappas said. Fire officials said Jurado was let go because he didn’t have the proper training.

Jurado seemed to be passionate about being a firefighter. His Facebook feed is filled with photos of himself in turnout gear with the letters NTFD across the back. He has also posted several firefighter-themed slogans, like “I fight what you fear” and “100% pure firefighter.” Workers at a nearby convenience store said they often saw him wearing volunteer firefighter T-shirts and carrying a walkie-talkie.

Thursday night, Amanda Walker recounted how Jurado had taken her husband under his wing.

The two men had undergone firefighting training together. “He requested an application so Kenneth could join Gratwick Hose Company,” she said, referring to the North Tonawanda volunteer fire company.


Rapid Response Threadmaker
We have a thread from the other day on this. It didn't come out that it was a firefighter and former neighbor until today.


God damn piece of shit. I remember from the other thread where someone suggested that the culprit might be another firefighter. Right on.


This sounds incredibly insane.

His obsession with being a fire fighter almost makes it sound like he set the house on fire to try and be the hero but shit went out of control or something.



Disgusting. People like these are why anyone who says its actually "race realism" is a fucking tool. Hope he gets the sentence he deserves.
Thursday night, Amanda Walker recounted how Jurado had taken her husband under his wing.

The two men had undergone firefighting training together. “He requested an application so Kenneth could join Gratwick Hose Company,” she said, referring to the North Tonawanda volunteer fire company.

This is like Eobard Thawne levels of villainy. What in the actual fuck.
Holy shit. I read this yesterday but they didn't have a suspect yet. What a heartbreaking story. How do you ever trust again? This guy was their neighbor, his co-worker, he came over to their house, interacted with their kids. Walker thought of him as a friend. And all the while, this stew of hate simmering behind his eyes.

I almost typed "unbelievable story," but you know what, it's not.


Can't be sure it was really racism I mean we should wait until more info are coming before accusing the arsonist of being racist!
Do I really to add the /s tag? like really?


HORRORSHØW;212565606 said:
God damn piece of shit. I remember from the other thread where someone suggested that the culprit might be another firefighter. Right on.

From the other thread, I learned that lots of arson is done by volunteer fire fighters. The more you know, I guess.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!

Is sending a nigger note a thing?

...and why would you not believe a guy who acknowledges that he burns the brother's house down, but denies writing the note?

One's a felony, the other is evidence of being racist. Is being racist the bigger L?
he probably thinks he was slighted by some perceived affirmative action since he was let go by the FD

Wouldn't be surprised. Weird that the stated reason for being let go is "lack of training" when this guy seemed obsessed with the idea of being a firefighter. Wouldn't he have done any/all training necessary to keep his job? Was he deemed physically/mentally unfit to complete it?

Also bizarre that he claims he didn't write the letter, but he gave them the name of the person he knows wrote it. The Walkers have remarkably level heads for having all this shit dumped on them.
Police said at the news conference that Jurado acknowledged setting the fire but claimed someone else wrote an anonymous, racist and threatening letter to Walker on Monday. The letter, which used racist slurs, demanded that Walker resign as a firefighter. Jurado gave investigators the name of a person he said wrote that letter, but they said they are looking into the possibility that Jurado wrote the letter.

Wait, so

He says he didn't write the letter and that it was just coincidence

but he knows who did and he had set the fire for unrelated reasons?

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Holy shit. I read this yesterday but they didn't have a suspect yet. What a heartbreaking story. How do you ever trust again? This guy was their neighbor, his co-worker, he came over to their house, interacted with their kids. Walker thought of him as a friend. And all the while, this stew of hate simmering behind his eyes.

Seriously. That's some Julius Caesar level shit.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Wait, so

He says he didn't write the letter and that it was just coincidence

but he knows who did and he had set the fire for unrelated reasons?

Racists man. Literally doesn't mind being thought of as an arsonist and attempted murderer, but heaven forfend people think he's a racist.

From the other thread, I learned that lots of arson is done by volunteer fire fighters. The more you know, I guess.

I read up on it and it is indeed a phenomenon that occurs. Most cases break down to these firefighters wanting to excerise their firefighting skills, be recognized as heroes, and to continue getting a steady paycheck. Another common connection is that they're typically from small town fire departments.

Is sending a nigger note a thing?

...and why would you not believe a guy who acknowledges that he burns the brother's house down, but denies writing the note?

One's a felony, the other is evidence of being racist. Is being racist the bigger L?

Letter makes it a federal hate crime I believe. He's full of shit and trying to avoid a harsher sentence.


As a non-American, I have to ask: is your country actually regressing in matter of racial isues, or they're just getting more exposition now? Because it's seriously baffling.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Those poor cats, RIP. Glad the family was OK at least.
Admitted to setting the fire, but not writing the note. Some strong shame there, eh?

Is sending a nigger note a thing?

...and why would you not believe a guy who acknowledges that he burns the brother's house down, but denies writing the note?

One's a felony, the other is evidence of being racist. Is being racist the bigger L?
My guess is that the evidence linking him to the arson is too strong for him to deny, but there's still plausible deniability of the note, so he'd avoid having the "hate crime" charge added on top of the arson?

Just speculation of course. Who knows what goes on in the mind of this sick fuck.
I somehow knew it was another firefighter after reading the other thread.

He burned down the home of a young child and a baby. What the Fuck. It sickened me then, and it does now.


What a startling coincidence that the neighbor gets the itch to burn a house down at about the same time the victim gets an anonymous racist threat sent to his house.
Even weirder is how Jurado encouraged Walker to join, which I'm thinking would be the last thing a racist guy would do. Im thinking Jurado's pissed at Walker because he was let go while Walker wasn't.
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