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White firefighter burns black colleague's house, kills 2 cats and sends n****r note

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As a non-American, I have to ask: is your country actually regressing in matter of racial isues, or they're just getting more exposition now? Because it's seriously baffling.

It's that.

We've never actually stopped being racist. If anything, it's gotten worse. There's not as much racial violence because racist people have figured out ways to destroy black people without bloodying their hands.

This guy here though, he's old school.
As a non-American, I have to ask: is your country actually regressing in matter of racial isues, or they're just getting more exposition now? Because it's seriously baffling.
The latter. I am deeply appreciative that I live in an era where this racist is seen as a criminal (and will be punished as such) and not the hero he would have been one or two generations ago. We're not regressing, just going through particularly protracted growing pains.
It's that.

We've never actually stopped being racist. If anything, it's gotten worse. There's not as much racial violence because racist people have figured out ways to destroy black people without bloodying their hands.

This guy here though, he's old school.
In what way(s)?


What a startling coincidence that the neighbor gets the itch to burn a house down at about the same time the victim gets an anonymous racist threat sent to his house.

How surreal would it be if it truly was a coincidence tho?

Can you imagine some racist asshole going like "hah! that other racist asshole is taking the blame for my note, bwahahahahaha".
Looking through Twitter it seems that people have found his social media accounts and it turns out he's a big fan of the confederate flag...and apparently also a Juggalo.


As a non-American, I have to ask: is your country actually regressing in matter of racial isues, or they're just getting more exposition now? Because it's seriously baffling.

Kinda both? We progressed from the 1960s up until 9/11, and then when the country swung hard to the right we backslid a little because of the Tea Party/Trump voter demographic gaining power and feeling emboldened. Racism was and is always an issue, but there definitely is also a lot more news coverage these days of racially motivated crimes and police brutality and things like that.
In what way(s)?

The War on Drugs, the creation of ghettos, scapegoating of public assistance by attributing it to black people and abuse, racial code and dog whistling by politicians, continued escalations of force by police to a non-caring majority populace (even video doesn't help!). Bootstraps rhetoric without providing opportunity (done by design). The list goes on. To paraphrase Jesse Williams, "Don't say that things are getting better when the police can pull a drive by on a kid playing alone in a park." Tamir Rice was America's test. America failed.

All the things I've listed above are things that people blow off or make excuses for in regard to the current state of Black America. That's what makes it so ugly. Before, you knew who your enemies were. Now, when you talk about issues they blow you off and call you lazy or a race baiter or both.

Sure, not slaves. Jim Crow is dead. No segregation. No lynchings. But the blight of racism in this country continues to fester despite everything that's happened that was supposed to move us forward. The main difference is that it's done in such a way that it can be denied or done in secret instead of being just so blatantly obvious. Like I said, this guy here is a throwback.


Junior Member
Even weirder is how Jurado encouraged Walker to join, which I'm thinking would be the last thing a racist guy would do. Im thinking Jurado's pissed at Walker because he was let go while Walker wasn't.
Yeah, this is pretty fucked up.' Amanda Walker, Kenneth’s wife, expressed a mix of emotions. “I am angry and relieved but in disbelief,” she said. “He’s been over to our home a couple of times and talked to our (two young) kids. You don’t know who your friends are.” '

I mean, with all going on you'd think he was positive towards you and then that? We need more light. Maybe it is shallow pettiness, maybe something else.
From the other thread, I learned that lots of arson is done by volunteer fire fighters. The more you know, I guess.

Never knew this was a thing. Some Columbo detective work there, knowing who did it in the first minute. Was wondering at first what tipped them off it was this guy.

I hope the neighbours can come together or help in someway, show the family they aren't starry eyed racist scumbags and they have support but I wonder if they had insurance or were renting and are moving away now?

Is sending a nigger note a thing?

...and why would you not believe a guy who acknowledges that he burns the brother's house down, but denies writing the note?

One's a felony, the other is evidence of being racist. Is being racist the bigger L?

I think it would make it a hate crime.
What a scumbag. This piece of shit not only killed two animals but also endangered everybody in the building. I seem to remember reading that a lot of people had to be evacuated.

Racist garbage I hope you rot in jail.

Do Better

It seems this closet racist was able to maintain the facade until the black man had something he wanted for himself.


This happened in North Tonawanda? Fucking hell, so close to where I live.

I suppose given the racial divide is in Buffalo this isn't shocking. Frustrating, but not shocking. =/


Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
I read up on it and it is indeed a phenomenon that occurs. Most cases break down to these firefighters wanting to excerise their firefighting skills, be recognized as heroes, and to continue getting a steady paycheck. Another common connection is that they're typically from small town fire departments.

There was one of these near here. A reservist set a huge brush fire so he could get more hours.
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