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White Supremacist behind Anti-Kerry book

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This should be a very interesting discussion.

Anti-Kerry Book Publisher Pushes White Supremacy Agenda
By CHB Staff and the Southern Poverty Law Center
Aug 20, 2004, 19:47

The principals in the company publishing a anti-John Kerry book by the GOP-backed Swift Boat Veterans for Truth have a long history of preaching and supporting white supremacy.

William Regnery II, heir to the Regnery publishing fortune, is moving into a new line of business: match-making for "heterosexual whites of Christian cultural heritage."

In an appeal to potential investors titled "Population is Destiny," the famously reclusive Regnery wrote this March that the Caucasian dating service would be no ordinary money-making opportunity, but a chance to ensure "the survival of our race," which "depends upon our people marrying, reproducing and parenting."

Regnery, who says he's long been concerned with a "tendency to bachelorhood" among white men, told the potential investors that his latest effort to save the white race would not stop with match-making.

The dating service, he says, will be only the "first arrow in a business quiver" providing "services and products to whites."

Promoting white nationalism is nothing new for Regnery - or his family. His grandfather, William I, signed incorporation papers for the America First Committee, an organization that opposed fighting Nazi Germany in World War II. His father, Henry, created Regnery Publishing which, besides the anti-Kerry book, publishes right-wing screeds by Anne Coulter and G. Gordon Liddy.

Regnery published and promotes Unfit For Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, co-authored by longtime GOP operative John E. O'Neill and Harvard PdD Jerome Corsi, an anti-Semetic, Anti-Catholic homophobe who carpets bombs conservative bulletin boards with hate-filled screeds calling Kerry "John Fucking Commite Kerry" and Senator Hillary Clinton "the fat hog."

Regnery published the book after major publishing houses turned it down. Swift Boat Veterans for Truth has come under fire recently for distortions both in the book and in an anti-Kerry television ad. Several of the book's sources have been caught in conflicting statements and author O'Neill has lied about his connections to the GOP and his political activity.

William II has made his mark as a major fundraiser in radical right circles as the founder of the Charles Martel Society in 2001. The society publishes The Occidental Quarterly, an academic-looking journal filled with articles by white-supremacist luminaries such as Sam Francis, editor for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens and Wayne Lutton of the hate group The Social Contract Press.

The society is putting together conferences, summer schools and a speaker's bureau - all designed to push Regnery's view that the white race is veering toward extinction.

© Copyright 2004 by Capitol Hill Blue


Holds a little red book
It's so weird that Michelle Malkin is aligned on the same side with these kind of people, but entertaining nonetheless.
Ehh, I don't see that this makes any difference. The Swift Boat Veterans For Truth have enough trouble with lack of consistency and evidence. To bother considering the hangups of the book's publisher is getting into ad hominem territory.


First tragedy, then farce.
jesus, if the Kerry camp doesnt jump all over this its a mistake.

They have been running a clean campaign, but look at what Rove did to John McCain.. they had a guy speaking in South Carolina acusing McCain of having been programmed while he was a POW.. fight fire with fire.

Kerry needs to quit being positive and go after the president, despite what people say, the dirtiest side in an election usually wins.

Hell, in the gubernatorial race in Texas we had two ATF agents basically saying the democratic nominee had another ATF agent killed. He didnt fire back, and surprise lost. Note: the democratic nominee was actually a republican until 6 months before the primaries, and his involvement in the death of the ATF agent was as follows. He was the president of a bank in west texas, and a manager at one of his locations allowed a drug ring to open an account and not report the massive cash movement to the IRS (you have to if a cash deposit or withdrawl is of a certain amount), and that drug ring killed an ATF agent.


Stele said:
It's so weird that Michelle Malkin is aligned on the same side with these kind of people, but entertaining nonetheless.

Dude history is full of people who side with their peoples oppressors. There were American Indians that tracked their own kind down with the US army. There were East Indians that served under the British flag and were an integral part in the British holding sway over that part of the world for so long. We all know of self hating Blacks that side with historically racist institutions and political parties. Shit right now there are Iraqis killing Iraqis at the direction of the US government. Michelle Malkin unfortunately isn't a historical anomaly.
Is there anybody else who read "Charles Martel" as "Church of Martel"? I guess I've been playing a bit too much Tales of Symphonia lately, but if Charles Martel is a hero to White Supremacists, there are some striking parallels. Anyone know if Namco Hometek named the church in TOS after this man?


This writeup is from Capital Hill Blue(terrance wilkinson fiasco), thats a warning something is going to be goofy.

Regnery II doesn't have anything to do with the day to day of the business, this is on the same wavelength as Joseph Kennedy liked the Nazis and didn't want Britain and America to fight them, so his sons are and his businesses are nazi loving as well.
Thats why no one is going with the story, because its a bogus connection.

This "...His father, Henry, created Regnery Publishing which, besides the anti-Kerry book, publishes right-wing screeds by Anne Coulter and G. Gordon Liddy." is supposed to be the smoking gun?

CHB seems to have crib and dowdified the southern poverty report, a better example of this story on Regnery II by Bill Berkowitz.


Regnery Publishing is a subsidiary of the Washington, D.C.-based Eagle Publishing (part of Phillips Publishing, and the publisher of the notorious right wing weekly, Human Events). Not too long ago Regnery was just another publisher with nothing particularly distinguishable about the company: Then along came the presidency of William Jefferson Clinton.

Thats when they started to roll out the books.


Banstick Emeritus
ShadowRed said:
William II has made his mark as a major fundraiser in radical right circles as the founder of the Charles Martel Society in 2001. The society publishes The Occidental Quarterly, an academic-looking journal filled with articles by white-supremacist luminaries such as Sam Francis, editor for the white supremacist Council of Conservative Citizens and Wayne Lutton of the hate group The Social Contract Press.
Hold on Ripclawe - you're defending Regenery the 2nd? I'm not talking about his grandfather or father's views at all, I'm talking about this man's stated views. I'm talking about a man who founded a society that publishes hate/supremacist literature. You'd defend this man, who would spit on you and your family simply because of the colour of your skin?

You're insane.




bishoptl said:
Hold on Ripclawe - you're defending Regenery the 2nd? I'm not talking about his grandfather or father's views at all, I'm talking about this man's stated views. I'm talking about a man who founded a society that publishes hate/supremacist literature. You'd defend this man, who would spit on you and your family simply because of the colour of your skin?

You're insane.

I am pointing out that CHB write up is trying to link the publishing company with Regnery II as going hand in hand which is highly disingenious to discredit the swiftboat book and every conservative book that comes out of there. I am not defending regnery II in any way. Thats why I linked to the working for change article because its a better writeup than the crap CHB put out.
While I really hate to side with Ripclawe, he's kinda right: Capitol Hill Blue is basically liberal porn, much like the National Review Online, the Free Republic, LGF, and Donald Luskin's illiterate diatribes are to the right.


Setec Astronomer
Yeah, discounting an anti-kerry book because the author or publisher is white supremacist is broken logic, as tempting as it may be.
Hitokage said:
Yeah, discounting an anti-kerry book because the author or publisher is white supremacist is broken logic, as tempting as it may be.
Of course, you're already falling for the broken logic because you're thinking that the publisher is a white supremacist. His SON seems to be a real douchebag, but his son isn't involved with the business IIRC.


Banstick Emeritus
Oh, it's much easier to discount the book after the authors have been exposed as frauds. The lunatic fringe politics of the publisher, however, certainly don't help their case. :)


Setec Astronomer
Kobun Heat said:
Of course, you're already falling for the broken logic because you're thinking that the publisher is a white supremacist. His SON seems to be a real douchebag, but his son isn't involved with the business IIRC.
Jesus fuck would you fucking READ WHAT I SAY?


First tragedy, then farce.
who cares if its broken logic? The republicans are using outrihgt lies to try and win an election, throw as much shit on the wall and see what sticks.


Setec Astronomer
Kobun Heat said:
I did - did you read what I said?
I was making a generalized statement on ad hominem.... which is why I interpeted your post as a direct comment on mine...

...yeah, I apologize. rough day of work and little sleep make me tense.
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