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Who bought Velvet Revolver's Contraband?

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I'm just curious... I heard that it sold 200,000 in the first week, and that 'aint bad. I bought the red colored cover-art the first day it was released for $10, and I must say it's the best $10 I ever spent.

There are so many memorable songs on the album, and the 3 ballads on the album (Loving the Alien, Fall to Pieces and You Got No Right) blew me away when I first heard them. When I saw them in concert in NY, NY, they played about 4 songs from Contraband, so I was expecting a fast and furious album... but these ballads really changed the pace of the album for the better.

So who else is with me? Did anyone here also have the privelage to stumble upon this lustrious piece of gold at your local music store?
Not bad, but nothing extrodinary.

Wasn't that impressed with the first few tracks, but once you hit Fall To Pieces the album starts to hit it's straps. That's probably my favourite, and the songs that follow (Slither and Set Me Free, in particular) are pretty good. Loving The Alien is also a nice way to finish.

People will probably be dissapointed if they pick up the album expecting Guns n' Roses. Axl and Izzy were the two main forces behind the Gunners, so this is obviously very different.

Oh, and I think VR also did a cover of Pink Floyds Money which is pretty cool. Good to hear Slash's take on such a classic riff. I'm not sure if it's ever been released on CD, but you'll be able to find it on Kazaa easily enough.


ItalianStallion said:
I'm just curious... I heard that it sold 200,000 in the first week, and that 'aint bad. I bought the red colored cover-art the first day it was released for $10, and I must say it's the best $10 I ever spent.

There are so many memorable songs on the album, and the 3 ballads on the album (Loving the Alien, Fall to Pieces and You Got No Right) blew me away when I first heard them. When I saw them in concert in NY, NY, they played about 4 songs from Contraband, so I was expecting a fast and furious album... but these ballads really changed the pace of the album for the better.

So who else is with me? Did anyone here also have the privelage to stumble upon this lustrious piece of gold at your local music store?

Ummm I was at the concert in NY (Roseland) and they played 10 songs from Contraband, 3 GNR, and 2 STP. I am positive of that, cause I was right next to the soundboard, and looked at the setlist.

I also bought the CD on Day 1, and I love it. I think its a great work of art, and the music is awesome.
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