tt_deeb said:
As stupid as the question probably is:
My teacher told me that some states allow it so that, say, New York's majority of votes are towards Kerry. But the electors can change the decision if they think we've made the "wrong" one and give all electoral votes to Bush. Is that actually possible in some states? I assume not, and I just wasn't paying attention enough in class.
Also, I think the whole electoral college system is pretty lame since some people's votes just won't count if the state is going to obviously be for one party. It would be better to split electoral votes based on the percentage of votes for each candidate.
it's possible in all states. one electoral vote was not placed in 2000, "out of protest" for gore.
also, maine and iowa have split electoral voting i believe. maine, i think, is proportional. iowa being district... i'm not quite too sure, though.
colorado has a bill pending voter approvement that would turn their 9 electoral votes into a proportional system, not winner take all. it would take effect immediatly, and had it been on the ballot in 2000, and passed, gore would have won the election.