Due to the travesty that is this thread, thanks to the Demigod of Troll Threads, I've decided to make my own thread for the real question worth asking:
Action Accolades:
-Top Gun/Maverick
-Mission Impossible 1-6
-Edge of Tomorrow
Others: Minority Report, Jack Reacher, Last Samurai
Worst: The Mummy
Upcoming: Mission Impossible 7 & 8
Action Accolades:
-The Matrix trilogy (yes it's a trilogy damnit)
-John Wick 1-3
-Point Break
-Others: Johnny Mnemonic, Constantine, 47 Ronin
Worst: Matrix Resurrections
Upcoming: John Wick 4 & 5
Both still active, both known for putting a lot of physical effort into their own stunts, both from the same gen (aka the last true gen) of action heroes pushing 60. Who's your pick?

Action Accolades:
-Top Gun/Maverick
-Mission Impossible 1-6
-Edge of Tomorrow
Others: Minority Report, Jack Reacher, Last Samurai
Worst: The Mummy
Upcoming: Mission Impossible 7 & 8

Action Accolades:
-The Matrix trilogy (yes it's a trilogy damnit)
-John Wick 1-3
-Point Break
-Others: Johnny Mnemonic, Constantine, 47 Ronin
Worst: Matrix Resurrections
Upcoming: John Wick 4 & 5
Both still active, both known for putting a lot of physical effort into their own stunts, both from the same gen (aka the last true gen) of action heroes pushing 60. Who's your pick?