APerfectCircle said:
Definately true, great music without the hype.
And by the way can anyone really say silverchair is a nirvanna wannabe? or daniel johns a kurt cobain one? definately need to listen to their newer stuff. It might be just me but i can't imagine cobain doing a project like the dissociatives.
Nirvana had no hype, their music was great before th kiddies caught on. They even recorded in utero to sound like shit to piss these same kids off. Alice just couldnt get a break because STP, Soundgarden, Melvins, Screaming Trees, Jesus Lizzard and Mudhoney did it all better. Hoary old rock band. Thats my opinion anyway.
As for johns, he started out using the kurt image and sound to get popular and then changed directions later. His, and silverchairs recent stuff sounds nothing like nirvana.