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Who's better than NewEgg?

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Three weeks ago I ordered a buch of stuff from NewEgg for my PC with my dad's credit card. It's my birthday present. NewEgg has still not shipped my order because the shipping addess is different than the billing addess. The bank was contacted and NewEgg was contacted. I'm pretty damn sure we did everything we needed to do and New Egg still won't ship my order. I am fucking sick of this bullshit. My birthday is tomorrow and I will spend it with this loud ass piece of shit PC because of these security freaks at NewEgg.

So, please. Could someone give me a link to a good NewEgg-like website when I can get my stuff without all this bullshit?

If you're interested, this is what I was planning on getting.

MB NFORCE2 A7N8X-VM/400 ASUS RTL (Qty=1,Price=$83.00)
VGA ATI|RADEON 9800 PRO 256M 8X RTL (Qty=1,Price=$265.00)
HD 160GB|SAMSUNG 7200 SP1604N 2MB % (Qty=1,Price=$91.99)
KB KEYBOARD-2000 KB-118B/PS2 BK RTL (Qty=1,Price=$4.00)
DDRAM 256MB|32X64 PC-2700 8T CRU% (Qty=1,Price=$48.00)
MNTR VWSNC|19" CRT G90FB (Qty=1,Price=$198.00)


NewEgg is pretty good, IMO. Most places you order from are going to be reticent if the shipping address is different from the billing address. But if you want alternatives:


I used to shop at AllStarShop all the time, but have switched over to NewEgg completely within the last year. I haven't shopped at ZipZoomFly at all, but have heard good things about them. I can't guarantee that either of these places will give you less trouble than NewEgg about the address differences.


zipzoomfly is good.

I order from newegg with shipping and billing address being different. Have your dad contact the CC company and put the shipping address on file. You may run into the same problem with a different vendor. You shouldn't have any problems if the shipping address is on file.


New Egg is godly, don't knock 'em for, ultimately, making sure your father's credit card is being used legitimately.
I know they're just looking out for their customers, but it's been 3 weeks. That's 2 different credit cards, a bunch of calls from my dad to the bank, from me to my dad, and from me to NewEgg. I just want my shit already. :(

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Is it impossible to change your billing address? 'cos you'll run the risk of the same headache from pretty much every other online seller, no matter how good they are.
Do I really want the billing address changed? o_O I don't want my dad's CC bill ending up here.

I canceled the order and made sure everything was correct and I'm giving NewEgg another chance 'cause before this, I had never had a problem with them and they do have good prices. If they don't ship it this time, I'm going with someone else.

I also followed your advise and got a different HD, DaCoco.

My order looks like this now.

VGA ATI|RADEON 9800 PRO 256M 8X RTL (Qty=1,Price=$264.00)
MB NFORCE2 A7N8X-VM/400 ASUS RTL (Qty=1,Price=$81.00)
KB KEYBOARD-2000 KB-118B/PS2 BK RTL (Qty=1,Price=$4.00)
HD 160GB|SEAGAT ST3160023A 8mb % (Qty=1,Price=$103.00)
DDRAM 256MB|32X64 PC-2700 8T CRU% (Qty=1,Price=$50.00)
MNTR VWSNC|19" CRT G90FB (Qty=1,Price=$198.00)


lacks enthusiasm.
I use NewEgg and Mwave for basically everything I buy. I'll only go to other stores (zipzoomfly comes to mind) if they have a pretty incredible deal.


I had a similar problem with NewEgg, but they solved it relatively quickly after I called the Credit Card company.

Just ask to talk to a manager and NewEgg, ask him exactly what you have to do, do that, then call him back to confirm. The stuff will reach you in a day or two.
Newegg is the best site out there. Like everyone else I always use them and ive never had a problem. Im kinda surprised its taken so long for them to clear things up.

DonasaurusRex said:
is gameve.com any good?they seem to have some pretty nice deals

I used them once last year to order a videocard that was out of stock at newegg. Good price, though shipping was a little slow. Otherwise it seemed like an ok site.


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
Every item that is bigger then a cable I order from newegg.
Even if its a few dollars more, its the peace of mind knowing that I will get the item in a timely manner, and if I have a problem newegg will help me out.

However, they do screw you over with shipping charges on smaller items like cables.
I order those from other sites.

For component or home theater cables I highly recomend bestpriceaudiovideo.com
Their in house brand of cables owns!


Complaining about Newegg because of good security is stupid. Albeit, once your dad called it should have been cleared up.

Never had a problem with Newegg, will continue to shop there primarily forever.

But their case selection sucks ass.
Whatever, man. NewEgg can suck my left nut. My dad has called the fucking bank 3 times after setting that shit right to double check and newegg just keeps saying the same shit. I bet they never called the bank more than once. That's $750 they won't be getting. I went with mwave. I hope they're not a bunch of incompetent jackasses too.
I'm not exactly sure, but I remember hearing a few years back that mwave and newegg was basically the same company, but with different sites.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Newegg rocks.

I've used a different shipping Address than my billing address (my parent's house). But it asks for both addresses, so fill out both.

I'm in Alabama right now, so I can avoid sales tax. Built an entire computer and ordered like 10 times from newegg. Average time it took to get here was 2 business days. That saved me at least $150.

I've also used the same card for Knoxville, TN.

You must be doing something wrong.
I don't know what we could have done wrong. We called the bank who issued the credit card and added my address as a secondary billing address, double checked with them 3 times, I double checked the order info and addresses a bunch of times, and called newegg about 5 times, 3 times today. I think they just didn't call the bank like they said they did.


"Saturated fat causes heart disease as much as Brawndo is what plants crave."
Silly question, but did you select 'yes' to shipping address same as billing address?

Double check that form in your account info.
hey, i just noticed you're missing some stuff like a case, power supply and processor... you got those already?

and you can get a 512 stick of ram for like $30 more
No, I didn't make the shipping address the same as the billing address. If I had my stuff would have ended up in Georgia before I even knew what happened and I wouldn't be going through this shit.

I already got a case and all that. This isn't a new PC, it's just a major upgrade.


Setec Astronomer
All I can say is that I've been a part of a two-party order, and it went rather well on my end(actually getting the item).

However, I'm not about to recite the newegg worship, because I have heard more than once that while your odds with NewEgg are good, when you get screwed you get screwed.
Yeah. People just naturally tend to fall into fanboy mode on this forum. :)

I like newegg but there is no store out there that is perfect and they're no different. I had ordered headphones from them, they charged me the next day, but they never shipped it. When I ordered it, it said they had stock but the next day they didn't even list the headphones. Then a few days later they listed it, but it didn't say if they had stock or not.

They had charged my card but hadn't even shipped it after week (not including weekends btw), which is when I basically canceled the order and bought them somewhere else. Most stores would have gotten hot holly hell for that (Best Buy? CompUSA? OMG! Worst experience evar!) but I posted here about the incident and there was nothing but defense and a circle jerk for newegg.

It's one incident and it wasn't a big deal but it just goes to show you how reputation alone can basically cause all negatives to be ignored.


You're not alone, Oni Link. Lots of other people think Newegg sucks, and they are unnecessarily stubborn on the shipping/billing issue you had. Their practices in that regard border on being illegal (see third review below).

Take a gander at these negative consumer reviews for Newegg.

Damn, that's a lot of complaints over the first five pages, even if their overall satisfaction rating is quite high. :0 The first page has many testimonials from folks who ran afoul of their shipping/billing address policy. It seems Neweggs will pretty much never ship to you if they're not the same address, no matter what you do to verify them, or what it says in their policy.

Here are some examples:
Waste of Time
By: stevenew55, June 2nd, 2004

Don't bother ordering from NewEgg if your shipping address differs from your delivery address.

I read their policy before placing my order and contacted my CC company to add my home address as an alternate delivery address as they suggested since my mailing address is a PO Box and NewEgg uses FedEx for deliveries. I placed my order and waited. They contacted me by e-mail saying they couldn't confirm my shipping address. Hmmmm. I checked with the CC company and confirmed the added shipping address, then contacted NewEgg by phone.

After several more rounds of e-mail and phone calls everything APPEARED to be straightened out until I got another e-mail saying they had charged my credit card but canceled my order. I also noticed they raised their price on the camera I tried to order by $20! I'm sure that had nothing to do with my canceled order.

So now to get the camera in time for my vacation I'll end up paying extra for expedited shipping from somewhere else because I made the mistake of ordering through NewEgg. SucksEggs.Com is probably a more appropriate name for these idiots!

This is probably the worst on-line ordering experience I've had in 100's of orders.

Ordering process nightmare.
By: bmccahill, July 2nd, 2004

Ordered a laptop and they quickly debited my credit card. Then I got a series of e-mails saying that the bank would not verify my address. Huh? I VERIFIED MY ADDRESS VERBALLY AND TWICE ONLINE. I've banked at the same credit union for 20 years and my adress with them is correct. They still refused to believe ME. It's my address and I ought to know what it is. If I told them water is wet they probably would send me an e-mail disagreeing.

Their "verification process" is a nightmare. I would not deal with them again. Like Abbott & Costello's "Who's on first base?"

Disgraceful Business Practices...Stay Away At All Costs
A review by shollis written on September 17th, 2003

My advice to everyone looking for a great deal on a digital camera...go to a reliable source and suck up the extra dollars. Dealing with discount stores is never worth the hassle.

Newegg was my fourth attempt to by a Canon S400 digital camera, and it failed like all the others. This was a simple transaction: one camera, paid with major credit card, billing and mailing address were identical.

Here's what happened:
1) received an e-mail that my order had been placed.
2) received an e-mail that my order was on hold because the shipping and billing address was different (which it wasn't). The e-mail also said that THEY WERE BILLING MY CREDIT CARD IMMEDIATELY. This is an obvious red flag. It is not legal practice for businesses to bill your card before they are ready to ship the merchandise (or put you in some kind of que for a high-demand item--there must be some value given for your charge). They said in the e-mail that they would have to resolve my address issue in 3 days.
3) I called their customer service number after 5 business days to inquire about my order. I was told that they had no idea why there was a problem and that they would force it to ship that afternoon.
4) It is 7 business days later and I go to check my order status. My order was voided, but my credit card has yet to be credited.
5) I called customer service demanding that they credit my card. They said that it was credited yesterday (12 business days after it was charged), but the credit card company has no record of the credit.

In my opinion, it is a terrible sign for a company when you have to stop payment on a charge through your credit card.

My advice: Don't buy from new egg or any of these other discounters. Go to a reputable shop like J and R (jandr.com) or Buy.com. You'll pay a bit more, but you'll save your sanity.

I've never known of a company to flat out REFUSE to ship to a different billing/shipping address, even after numerous verification procedures have been put in place, and also to bill your credit card while simultaneously noting that they can't ship to you!

That's not looking out for your customer's credit card, that's awful customer service.
Who's better than NewEgg?


Store - rating - number of reviews

PowerNotebooks.com - 10.00 - 747

Envision Computer Solutions - 10.00 - 395

KC Computers - 10.00 - 316

PC Torque - 10.00 - 193

HighSpeed PC - 10.00 - 189

Performance PC's - 10.00 - 188

Thomas Distributing - 10.00 - 178

photosolve - 9.96 - 249

1COOLPC - 9.95 - 1767

Dealsonic - 9.92 - 270

monoprice.com - 9.87 - 740

PC Supply Source - 9.86 - 419

3DCOOL.COM - 9.81 - 215

Heatsink Factory - 9.77 - 181

Newegg.com - 9.76 - 6607
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