Tag of Excellence
Ferrio said:Not funny.
Infernodash said:I said he's almost as good, not as good as me. Where's the humor in that? I'm too cool to fly around the globe and compete in corny SF tournaments. However, when I play skilled dudes in the neighborhood, I often do combo/parry attacks five times cooler than that. Just because I don't travel around the world like SF geeks, doesnt mean I'm not as skilled as Daigo, or whatever his name is.
Infernodash said:I said he's almost as good, not as good as me. Where's the humor in that? I'm too cool to fly around the globe and compete in corny SF tournaments. However, when I play skilled dudes in the neighborhood, I often do combo/parry attacks five times cooler than that. Just because I don't travel around the world like SF geeks, doesnt mean I'm not as skilled as Daigo, or whatever his name is.
Infernodash said:I said he's almost as good, not as good as me. Where's the humor in that? I'm too cool to fly around the globe and compete in corny SF tournaments. However, when I play skilled dudes in the neighborhood, I often do combo/parry attacks five times cooler than that. Just because I don't travel around the world like SF geeks, doesnt mean I'm not as skilled as Daigo, or whatever his name is.
Ferrio said:First of all, as it's been discussed that move is extremely hard to parry, saying you can parry something 5x cooler than that is so stupidly vague it makes you look like an idiot.
Infernodash said:I said he's almost as good, not as good as me. Where's the humor in that? I'm too cool to fly around the globe and compete in corny SF tournaments. However, when I play skilled dudes in the neighborhood, I often do combo/parry attacks five times cooler than that. Just because I don't travel around the world like SF geeks, doesnt mean I'm not as skilled as Daigo, or whatever his name is.
ElyrionX said:That was amazing............
Anyway, does anyone else have any more videos like that for download? Maybe one from Soul Calibur 2 (quite possibly the only fighting game that I tried to learn though I still pretty much suck at it)........
Reno said:There's a huge site for SC2 videos. Just check the Web Theater at www.soulcalibur.com 's forums, or check http://sc.relaxism.com
Please don't download my matches kthx.
ElyrionX said:Wow, that relaxism site rocks. I'm looking for good Xianghua videos so is there any particular one thats really good? For now, I'm just downloading XCTU and XianghuaAlpha's videos. The site really needs a most downloaded section or something......
It's way faster and looks more devastating in the actual game..Ferrio said:For anyone who doesn't know, this is what the move usually looks like. Speed is slow as hell in IE though.
Infernodash said:I said he's almost as good, not as good as me. Where's the humor in that? I'm too cool to fly around the globe and compete in corny SF tournaments. However, when I play skilled dudes in the neighborhood, I often do combo/parry attacks five times cooler than that. Just because I don't travel around the world like SF geeks, doesnt mean I'm not as skilled as Daigo, or whatever his name is.
XS+ said:Why are we describing to gamers a 5-year-old video game that's already had a home release? Geez.
Infernodash said:I said he's almost as good, not as good as me. Where's the humor in that? I'm too cool to fly around the globe and compete in corny SF tournaments. However, when I play skilled dudes in the neighborhood, I often do combo/parry attacks five times cooler than that. Just because I don't travel around the world like SF geeks, doesnt mean I'm not as skilled as Daigo, or whatever his name is.
JackFrost2012 said:Well, I've never played Third Strike myself, but if I did, I'm sure I'd be the best player in the entire world and totally kick your ass, because my cock is huge!
Lyte Edge said:Whatever, I'm getting blown by a HOT CHICK right now as I parry a 325 hit combo EAT IT BITCHES
-=DoAvl=- said:That was such an awesome move... if only my bro's ps2 wasn't broken.. aiya!
Why isn't this game on Mame yet?!?!?!
I said he's almost as good, not as good as me. Where's the humor in that? I'm too cool to fly around the globe and compete in corny SF tournaments. However, when I play skilled dudes in the neighborhood, I often do combo/parry attacks five times cooler than that. Just because I don't travel around the world like SF geeks, doesnt mean I'm not as skilled as Daigo, or whatever his name is.
Ferrio said:Cause, people can't emulate CPS3 boards. The rom is out for the dreamcast emulators, but the DC version is flawed.
-=DoAvl=- said:soodesuka!
Does anyone know when/if the xbox version is coming out?
Grizzlyjin said:I've heard the American Xbox version is in January, and Japanese Xbox version is out on October 28th.
-=DoAvl=- said:soo-desu-ne...
Ah wellz, time to steal my dreamcast back from my friend's house... but he lives so far away and petrol is so expensive![]()
DrLazy said:The video won't play for me, anybody else have this problem? What media player do you need to make it work?
Ferrio said:Cause, people can't emulate CPS3 boards. The rom is out for the dreamcast emulators, but the DC version is flawed.
MoxManiac said:There's *input lag* and different parry timing in the DC version as well.
ArcadeStickMonk said:I'd really like to see some documentation on that.
ArcadeStickMonk said:It's the green monster of "input lag" that I want confirmation of.
yeah, I think of input lag as green, wanna fight about it?
The Faceless Master said:here's the whole series of daigo vs justin
i guess you can decide on what really went down...
Drinky Crow said:Does the PS2/Xbox version have full frames?