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Why are you people so amazed by this stupid Street Fighter video?


works for Gamestop (lol)
By the first post and thread title itself, it was like he was trying to bait people in. The insults towards the poster are justified
mashoutposse said:
It's part of his post; don't expect people to ignore it.

No, I wasn't saying to do so, it was to show which post I thought was flamebait after the topic title, not to truely ignore it. Read the rest of my post, I think I said twice that I missed it. Do I need to repeat it further?
Wario64 said:
By the first post and thread title itself, it was like he was trying to bait people in. The insults towards the poster are justified

Quite true. :p I think we already came to that conlusion. I was confused for a second. :p
nubbe said:
I assume it’s not nerdy when you cheer for someone who run round in shorts… kicking a ball?
Just because it’s a game doesn’t make it less competitive, emotional or requires less skill and practise.

lol. What a nerd.


Just a question about the tournament, there WAS some kind of projection screen somewhere in there? Cause all I see is a small TV they're playing with, and then a room filled with people and I'm like... how the hell are they seeing what's going on?
BeOnEdge said:
parrying is stupid. SF3 is lame.

Yep and ico is the better than any zelda and mario........spot on......talking seriously though this is probably the best street fighter......ever....
robojimbo said:
If you are implying he lost the energy on purpose, I hope you are joking. Why the fuck would anyone want to have to work that hard and risk so much just to look flashy? If Diago could have kept J.Wong in that corner the entire time, he would have done so. J.Wong escapes the corner mixup and beings to zone, attempts to bait Diago into attacking, goes for the super and get's shown up. That's all there is to it. I'm sure Diago was expecting the super (as he should have been considering the risk), but there is no way he planned on ending it like that. The "random attacks" are J.Wong zoning Diago. Thanks to Chun Li's ridiculous priority, anything he would have thrown at that point had a good chance of at least trading hits, resulting in a loss for Diago.

The most impressive part of the video is not that he parries the super (though you have to see J.Wong's reaction as soon as he start the sequence! Mashing will not save you!), it's that he comes back with the combo at the end and wins the round. Notice the increased intensity of people yelling when he starts the combo. The fact that he HAD to parry the super and it was the FINALS adds to it. That was just too perfect.
i'm not implying... i'm telling you that's exactly what happened...


adelgary said:
Is it wrong that I cry every time I watch that video?

No. But it's a sign that you're clearly disturbed.


I tried to get in some Parry Training after seeing the video but I can't seem to get the settings down. The COM player just stands there. I can't exactly parry if I am not being hit.
Vargas said:
I tried to get in some Parry Training after seeing the video but I can't seem to get the settings down. The COM player just stands there. I can't exactly parry if I am not being hit.

That's what the Block Training mode is for... You get to "record" a full round of movements for the COM player to execute on you. I think you have to select "Dummy Recording" or something in the menu.
Crazymoogle said:
Well, 13 consecutive parries is worth some applause, I think. Reflex wise that seems about on par with grabbing a bullet out of mid-air.

Jack, that's cheating though. Ozymandias would be like using Akuma in the tourney, and to really drag this analogy into the mud, his special meter just hit level 99 from the attack damage caused in the whole New York thing.


Vargas said:
I tried to get in some Parry Training after seeing the video but I can't seem to get the settings down. The COM player just stands there. I can't exactly parry if I am not being hit.

there are moves you can tell the CPU to perform repeatedly, like all three punches, all the kicks, comboes.

i fucking suck at it though, the best i ever did was parry a jumping strong kick and countered with ryu's dragon punch super and decimated my opponent. then he beat the hell out of me on the next round with hugo. he was very good with hugo, pretty much the best i saw i my campus.

what did the DC version lack anyway?
Seriously that moment is overwhelming. It's just so badass when he parrys that shit in the air to come down on her like a reign of hurt.


Bruce: Your ignorance pisses me off. You should've just asked nicely what the big deal was about the video, rather than proceed to be an ass about it. Seriously, it's not your opinion that counts, but how it's phrased.


I'm relatively good at parrying. I can parry 1-3 hit/combo as long as I know it's coming. I can never parry most supers all the way though though...... the only ones I could manage to parry is Ryu super hadokens(Both electric and normal) where the timing is steady.


Crazymoogle said:
Well, 13 consecutive parries is worth some applause, I think. Reflex wise that seems about on par with grabbing a bullet out of mid-air.
Parrying Chun Li's SAII entirely isn't unheard of or uncommon, and after enough training and in-game experience, SA parrying becomes second nature if you're seasoned enough (which makes JWong's decision to underestimate Daigo's ability, and fire a super he was clearly prepared for, pretty poor judgement on his part imo).

What was impressive was Daigo's perfect execution and spectacular finish at crunch time. It's the difference between messing around after school and sinking a basket from the other side of the court at the gym, and a player on your favorite team doing the same thing at the buzzer to win Game 7 of the NBA Finals.
robojimbo said:
Your lack of knowledge on this subject contends with the thread starter's.
uh, after Justin escapes the corner, Daigo chases him down halfway across the screen chipping him still... THEN he stops, once he knows he has made Justin lose energy so he can kill in one combo...


The Faceless Master said:
uh, after Justin escapes the corner, Daigo chases him down halfway across the screen chipping him still... THEN he stops, once he knows he has made Justin lose energy so he can kill in one combo...

The way I see it, he chase him down until his life is threatenly low, he then back off and waited in hope that Justin would pull off a Super so he could make a comeback. I just think that what happened in the game just fell into places for him. There really is no way that Daigo could predict that Justin would do the super since from what I heard Justin is a turtler who could just have just chip at Daigo. Just look at the video, Daigo back off the moment his life went down to a sliver AND any hit will finish him off.


The more I think about it, the stupider I think Justin was for pulling out a super like that. Both players were standing across the screen with maybe 25% of the screen between them IIRC. Justin should've just played it safe and used his own turtling style to win, rather than foolishly pulling out a super in hopes of chipping Daigo to death (I can't blame him I guess, but these guys are super high level SF'ers, they should know better than to act out of frustration!).


Can someone explain why JWong didn't just throw a well-placed normal attack at Daigo, instead of pulling off the SA? One weak punch or kick at Daigo and the game's over..


XS+ said:
Can someone explain why JWong didn't just throw a well-placed normal attack at Daigo, instead of pulling off the SA? One weak punch or kick at Daigo and the game's over..

The crowd....
the male ego...
the perfect finish in style...
XS+ said:
Can someone explain why JWong didn't just throw a well-placed normal attack at Daigo, instead of pulling off the SA? One weak punch or kick at Daigo and the game's over..

Maybe he wanted a really big finish, against a really big player. He was probably counting on chip damage.

Daigo could still have parried that quick punch or kick and launched his super still, but then we wouldn't have this thread.
The way I see it, he chase him down until his life is threatenly low, he then back off and waited in hope that Justin would pull off a Super so he could make a comeback. I just think that what happened in the game just fell into places for him. There really is no way that Daigo could predict that Justin would do the super since from what I heard Justin is a turtler who could just have just chip at Daigo. Just look at the video, Daigo back off the moment his life went down to a sliver AND any hit will finish him off.

There's also the fact that Justin got his super bar to the first level just before Daigo backed off. I think Daigo probably noticed that and then backed off to bait the super. I don't believe for a second that he purposely let his life get down to where it was at the beginning of the video though. He made an amazing comeback, that's all there is to it IMO.


ArcadeStickMonk said:
Maybe he wanted a really big finish, against a really big player. He was probably counting on chip damage.

Daigo could still have parried that quick punch or kick and launched his super still, but then we wouldn't have this thread.
Yeah well 'really big finishes' are risky and tend to backfire. Acting ballsy isn't the way to play in high-stakes tournaments, competiting with the best on planet earth.

They traded hits right before they backed off. JWong could have closed in and threw more well-placed hit trade, and he would have won.

I think Daigo got into JWong's head or something..


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, I don't think he purposely let his life get low, but I think he did bait him into the SA once he was in that predicament.
If you rewatch the video, up until about 20 second into the video, Daigo is definitly still going after Wong since he still had at least a medium hit left in his lifebar.

But at around the 20 second point, he trades a hit with Wong (Chun Li does a low medium kick that literally get's Ken within a pixel width of death in his healthbar), and backs off, waiting for the super to come.

I think at that point he was hoping that Wong would back off and take the "easy" way to victory by doing the finishing super, knowing that he had a good chance of doing a full parry and counter. The fact that he jumped in the air to parry the last hit to set up his own combo into the super tells me that he has done it plenty of times in the past in matches.


Shogmaster said:
If you rewatch the video, up until about 20 second into the video, Daigo is definitly still going after Wong since he still had at least a medium hit left in his lifebar.

But at around the 20 second point, he trades a hit with Wong (Chun Li does a low medium kick that literally get's Ken within a pixel width of death in his healthbar), and backs off, waiting for the super to come.
If Justin had sharper eyes or whatever, he could have comboed or at least followed up the low Forward with the SAII (his meter was already full at that point), game over. But what do they say about hindsight..


(for those who dont understand SF3)

Parrying is Supermove @ 1/2 tempo.

The tricky part is the gaps - that super has gaps in it which you need to stay neutral at: (each number represents a forward push on the stick, space is a neutral gap)

space----time used for jump

Easy way to explain is if you memorise the beat of the supermove - add "and" between each beat and space. It's hilarious the way people on this forum hate on games they havent bothered to learn.
Bruce Vilanch said:
It's just a game.

The "stupid" in the title was joking. Yeesh.

I didn't know anything about the game, sorry.

LOL... dude the people here will never let you forget about this.


I'm like a Hadouken, down-right Fierce!
XS+ said:
If Justin had sharper eyes or whatever, he could have comboed or at least followed up the low Forward with the SAII (his meter was already full at that point), game over. But what do they say about hindsight..

Um, he traded hits on the low foward, you can't 2 in 1 after that. He probably was looking for the combo but didn't get it because of the trade. The only way he could've made it harder on Daigo was to do a kikoken XX SAII so that he would have to parry both moves. Either way, Daigo probably would've gotten through it, knowing his skills.
shoplifter said:
They were playing the arcade version on a Super Gun.

Which is a device that accept an arcade PCB and runs the output to standard AV equipment, kinda like a home console for the enitre JAMMA library.

Money was tight, so EVO was all console this year. Since the DC port of SF3rd wasn't considered arcade perfect, a super gun was used in this case to get the real game without paying for whole cabinets


LakeEarth said:
Just a question about the tournament, there WAS some kind of projection screen somewhere in there? Cause all I see is a small TV they're playing with, and then a room filled with people and I'm like... how the hell are they seeing what's going on?

Yes, there is a huge projection screen directly behind Seth (the guy recording the video). He's standing in the staff area in front of the projection screen shooting back toward the crowd.


toohectic said:
Yes, there is a huge projection screen directly behind Seth (the guy recording the video). He's standing in the staff area in front of the projection screen shooting back toward the crowd.

Awsome thanks.

Sick video, I need to get that game.


Ante Up
The thing that makes that video so great is that, for anyone who's played a fighting game, that's the kind of moment you've always dreamt of.
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