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Why did Danny De Vito win a Razzie for his role as Penguin?


I can never understand why he won a Razzie for it. I was suprised to learn that some years ago. Penguin from Batman Returns is a great version of the character and amazing acting by Danny De Vito. Not good as Jack Nicholson's Joker but I don't think he pales in comparison. I love both performances. Also Batman Return is one of the best Batman movies.

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Gold Member
Batman Returns is looked upon fondly now but wasn't it pretty much panned when it came out?

The campy schlock, the daytime soap opera drama, DeVito hamming it up. The Burton weirdness.

Besides, the Razzies are clickbaiting before clickbaiting was even a thing. Never forget they gave Sandra Bullock a Razzie for a role she won an Oscar for like a week later.


Gold Member
I will say it again, F Warner Bros. for not letting Tim Burton make his Batman 3. It probably would have had the same hype as Batman Forever.


Batman Returns is looked upon fondly now but wasn't it pretty much panned when it came out?

The campy schlock, the daytime soap opera drama, DeVito hamming it up. The Burton weirdness.

Besides, the Razzies are clickbaiting before clickbaiting was even a thing. Never forget they gave Sandra Bullock a Razzie for a role she won an Oscar for like a week later.

Bored Christopher Walken GIF

It was amazing then and amazing now.


Mr pizza calzone was a miscast tho. No disrespect just don't know his name
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You know how they have "tv ugly" and actual ugly people.

The Razzies I think are aiming for the former. Trying to immortalize what was significant about that year in films.

Another example like how Nickleback is meme'd as being "the worst" when they're obviously not.


I hated the Danny DeVito penguin when I was a kid. He was so gross.

going from



Was just too much
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Made a crappy phPBB forum once ... once.
I would be scared to go to sleep in case she wasn't there when I woke up.

But I suspect she isnt gonna go my way...
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I will say it again, F Warner Bros. for not letting Tim Burton make his Batman 3. It probably would have had the same hype as Batman Forever.
You know what, as much as I loved & will always love '89 Burton Batman, and appreciate it's mega-weird (that's putting it lightly) sequel - I never really minded that they ended the Keaton/Burton run after that. Maybe it's because things went so off-the-rails following that, maybe it's that even Returns felt kind of extraneous and sort of took something special away with the self-contained-ness of the '89 movie, maybe it's my tendency to start getting tired of shit by the time they get to number three of ANYTHIING (movie, film, game, musical album, etc). Yes, I am sure it would definitely be interesting to see where they would have gone next, I remember reading in some tabloid back in the day what one of the proposed storylines was going to be (it sounded completely overboard insane, even for that universe).

Look at Star Wars, look at Robocop, look at Ghostbusters.. sometimes it's good for us as fans of something, when they stop after number 1 or 2.

Mr Hyde

When Batman Returns released critics went off at Danny Devito and called his performance lazy and inferior to Jack Nicholsons Joker, that he basically copied what Jack did in the previous film and turned it up to 11 with more cringe and hamfisted acting. I don't agree. I think Devito did an original take of the Penguin and distanced himself from the Joker quite well. His backstory was intriguing and sad, which made him more human and relatable, and his makeup was spot on.
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