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Why does BG3 still getting praise despite ACT 3 being a buggy, unfinished mess.


Gold Member
No game is perfect, it deserves the praise as long as all the positives far outweigh a few negatives. That definitely seems to be the case with BG3 from what I’ve seen/read.
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Let me guess - the OP loves TOTK
AC6 is what I would nominate for goty. It not actually not broken, and not a repeat of what came before.

Maybe BG3 actually that good it can weather the storm. Remnant 2 was buggy af and I still loved that game, so I can understand.
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They dropped the first big patch today, apparently fixing 1000 things. Next patch will work on performance. No doubt they’ll have most of the problems sorted by the time I reach Act 3. I’m 15 hours and have no idea how much of Act 1 is left. There’s so much good stuff, it never lets up.


They dropped the first big patch today, apparently fixing 1000 things. Next patch will work on performance. No doubt they’ll have most of the problems sorted by the time I reach Act 3. I’m 15 hours and have no idea how much of Act 1 is left. There’s so much good stuff, it never lets up.
Yep, same here.
First Act was about 27-30 hours long if i remember correctly.


After Baldurs Gate 3 release, the praise its receiving, and the tears of the OP, i understand now the title of the last Zelda game.
Welp, Larian is about to be cancelled. Somehow some fucktards has found something wrong with a game without microtransactions and all the other shit thats in a modern game. So now it has to die.
Exactly. My favourite game of all time is a buggy mess (Skyrim). If the game's good, the game's good. Doesn't excuse missing content that was promised, of course. But I'll take that any day over mtx, season passes and other predatory BS.


I find Act 3 to be most content filled so far, but what grinds my gears is the stuttering. That performance patch can't come soon enough.
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Can’t Git Gud
Pcmr can do no wrong.
Honestly dark souls is much worse after anor londo too and it’s still the best game ever made. The good make up for it. Probably same here


Where the hell did you read that? So far people counted 15 'full endings' not counting variations for each, with possibly more still being left out.

Read the OP

"2. Missing an epilouge (the claim of 17K endings is only four)."

Is the OP spreading FUD and or are you still correct?


By my pace, by the time I reach act three I guess they already published a GOTY version and sorted most things out.

Also, I prefer a strong start because I'm more likely to finish a game; and even if I don't I had a lot of fun with it. But If someone tells me a game gets good first after 10 hours I'm off. I don't drag myself to hours of tediousness in hope it gets better.


Are you kidding? I've waited 6 years for the game, i wanna play it NOW. :messenger_grinning_sweat:
What's a few more years then ?

Patches, mods, complete editions, cheaper...tons of other games to play in the meantime if you're an actual fan of the genre and not just in it for the modern cringe
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Fools idol

Maybe I'm an outlier but I never experienced major issues in act 3. I did a neutral / occasionally good gnome character and kept as many people alive as possilbe. The handful of combat and visual bugs I came accross have seemingly been fixed by the major patch yesterday.

Hyperbole on the internet is hilarious. Here we have the best RPG in years and people who have probably never finished it are bang wagon riding and magnifying issues. Sure, I am not saying bugs aren't present, and I'm sure with how many choices and characters and races you can have combined, there will be some continuation issues but I didnt see any. To say the games third act is 'a dumpster fire' is hilarious, it isnt the case at all.


Because perfect games does not exist. There's no game with perfect graphics, perfect mechanics, no bugs.
Anyone expecting perfection on a game is delusional.

A good game is a good game despite bugs or graphics and shouldnt detract people from playing it.
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Sad to hear but they’re at least patching it. I’ll be stuck in Starfield soon anyway so once I’m ready for BG3 it’ll hopefully be polished up well.

Regarding reviews in general…

* Late review codes for 100+ hour games.
* Games are updated post-launch.
* Reviews are never updated post-launch.

How is that ever going to work?

But as always, the sum of all good things could still end with an amazing experience even if certain areas needs more work. I wouldn’t say that Zelda TOTK is perfection but it’s still a 10/10 for me. I wouldn’t say that Elden Ring is perfect but it’s still my #2 best game of all time.


You'll be playing Starfield because BG3 has bugs? The dichotomy of gaming right here :D
No I’ll be playing Starfield because I want to play Starfield and I doubt I’ll have time to play anything else for awhile, Larian have time to sort this out from my perspective.


Sure, Act III feels a bit less polished right now, but the city is incredible, and I haven't encountered any game breaking bug.
Cut content is the norm everywhere, and it's still a 150h+ game...


No I’ll be playing Starfield because I want to play Starfield and I doubt I’ll have time to play anything else for awhile, Larian have time to sort this out from my perspective.
What i meant is that you choose to play Starfield, knowing Bethesda games history with bugs, but leave BG3 to later because you want to leave Larian to fix the bugs.


so people could only see the problem after they played like 80 hours.
So you have an amazing time for 80 hours and then there's a few bug, you answered your own question. I mean those crafty bastards, giving us some of the best 80 hours any game in recent memory has had in order to expertly hide those bugs and trick us. How dare they.
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Larian is the new 'darling' of the videogame community. This is CD Projekt Red hype all over again.
And the funny thing is that before The Witcher II CD project was seen as one of the worst developers ever (PC port of Saints Row 2 and Dark Sector anyone?)

Also the First Witcher was jank fest central.
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Because most people either A, haven't played the game at all or B, are still in act 1 maaaybe 2 or VERY early 3 at absolute best ( I would argue that act 2 had a great finale but still was less overall quality than act 1 ).

I really can't stand this dickriding tho especially when people are trying to argue that the Definitive Edition will solve all of the issues and patches will solve issues etc.
Wasn't the entire point of praising Larian that they supposedly weren't '' like other devs ''?...
Quite frankly, people underestimate how much content was cut they were marketing Upper City in June and multiple companions have no story in act 3 altogether and barely any interactions ( probably because theirs was in Upper City ).
The story in act 3 felt like two stories smashed together and it kinda sprint to the end towards the end of the game it feels very rushed and like there's stuff missing the pacing is noticeably rushed compared to previous acts especially if we actually consider the main story rather than pointless side activites.

Imho Larian doesn't deserve the praise they're getting, is the game good? Yes.
But it's not this '' Jesus of gaming '', I think people are mostly just dickriding Larian and BG3 because they want to send a message about the state of gaming but at the same time BG3 and Larian are guilty of many of the same things they give other devs shit for.
It's not just bugs and the game being unfinished either the game has major issues with poor progression and feeling like it wasn't play-tested at all, it's also why the game is so ridiculously easy it felt almost impossible to lose in act 3 even on Tactician.

Larian doesn't do mtx I guess, good for them and yes game companies are greedy.
But that's a low bar for '' saviour of the industry ''.
And it's just frustrating how people are making excuses for things they'd give other devs a hard time for and being so forgiving of them rushing the game out.
I dunno how many beat the game in the first week but I ran into a constant barrage of game breaking bugs in the last sections of act 3 and the act was buggy from the start and just got increasingly worse it felt like an early access alpha.

Edit: I can't stress enough how many people who praise this game haven't played it or have only played it a few hours too.
I've seen so many Youtubers and Streamers too who talk about how amazing Larian and BG3 is who haven't/ aren't playing it or in the case of Ethan from H3H3 does it and then in the next breath says that he has only played 2h lol...
People are literally just circlejerking with hype without even playing what they're hyping up to any useful degree.
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So you have an amazing time for 80 hours and then there's a few bug, you answered your own question. I mean those crafty bastards, giving us some of the best 80 hours any game in recent memory has had in order to expertly hide those bugs and trick us. How dare they.

It's not '' a few bugs '' and don't pretend like a bad ending can't compromise the experience ( remember Mass Effect 3? ).
Especially when it comes to replaying, this isn't even getting into all of the cut content that they were literally marketing only two months ago.
In June Swen was talking about Upper City and hyping it up as this amazing section of the game, meanwhile in the '' finished game '' it's not even there at all and dataminers have confirmed that it was meant to be and that it was cut...

There's a ton of game breaking bugs, have fun spending 80 hours and then your favorite companion just literally doesn't work and doesn't trigger dialogues and their scenes at the end don't show or play incorrectly.
In the last sections of the game I ran into so many bugs it made me want to stop playing it legit upset me the drop in quality is completely jarring compared to act 1.
I had to do the last boss like 10 times over because the end turn just wouldn't work and I got stuck repeatedly and that wasn't even the worst I ran into.

It's not really 80 hours of quality hours either, just because you spend 80 hours on a game doesn't mean that all of those hours were enjoyable.
The game has a lot of very high highs, but it also has a lot of boring stuff and filler and quite frankly the combat is not very fun beyond a certain point because the game clearly wasn't play-tested and it was too easy and becomes very tedious.
The ai is also one of the worst I've seen in gaming in a very long time in act 3 it's just broken.

The broken ai + a bug also caused me to become perma tagged as hostile with Gartosh and his goons and it lead to me totally missing out on ALL dialogue with one of the main villains, and one of my friends who also played the game ran into the same bug.
It's seriously fucking annoying how people are so desperately trying to make excuses and underplay how bad it actually is.
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What i meant is that you choose to play Starfield, knowing Bethesda games history with bugs, but leave BG3 to later because you want to leave Larian to fix the bugs.
It’s not about the bugs I just want to play Starfield more and don’t have time to play both now, it just plays out well this time that the bugs talked about here will likely have been erased til I’m ready for it.


Yeah, it's why I'm not doing a second playthrough until this stuff is hopefully fixed. It's a great game that unfortunately has a disappointing ending.


It's not '' a few bugs '' and don't pretend like a bad ending can't compromise the experience ( remember Mass Effect 3? ).
Especially when it comes to replaying, this isn't even getting into all of the cut content that they were literally marketing only two months ago.
In June Swen was talking about Upper City and hyping it up as this amazing section of the game, meanwhile in the '' finished game '' it's not even there at all and dataminers have confirmed that it was meant to be and that it was cut...

There's a ton of game breaking bugs, have fun spending 80 hours and then your favorite companion just literally doesn't work and doesn't trigger dialogues and their scenes at the end don't show or play incorrectly.
In the last sections of the game I ran into so many bugs it made me want to stop playing it legit upset me the drop in quality is completely jarring compared to act 1.
I had to do the last boss like 10 times over because the end turn just wouldn't work and I got stuck repeatedly and that wasn't even the worst I ran into.

It's not really 80 hours of quality hours either, just because you spend 80 hours on a game doesn't mean that all of those hours were enjoyable.
The game has a lot of very high highs, but it also has a lot of boring stuff and filler and quite frankly the combat is not very fun beyond a certain point because the game clearly wasn't play-tested and it was too easy and becomes very tedious.
The ai is also one of the worst I've seen in gaming in a very long time in act 3 it's just broken.
I have no doubt there's tons of issues and bugs in act3, but they're already working on it and released several fixes with more to come. I'm sure it sucks for those that reached act3 early, but most people haven't yet and everything in the 60 hours I've played so far has been great with minimal issues other than performance in certain areas. Very ambitious projects from small developers will have bugs, I was fully aware of it when I bought the game and so far I've been impressed by how few I've found. A game doesn't need to be a technical masterpiece for people to love it, when something is very good and resonates with you it can overcome its shortcomings. Otherwise the only type of game reviews we would have would be of the technical kind and any game running at 30fps would instantly get a below average score which isn't really the case.

As for the ending thing, I'm personally of the opinion that an ending alone can't ruin a game if you've had a great time until then. My issues with ME3 were most of the game and not the ending.
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Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
The handful of people I know who have finished loved Act 3, although one had stuttering up the wazoo in it. One said he felt it ended too quick but he still put GOTY on it, 2 the others had nothing but praise for it but are on like 4090s so maybe that helped with performance. The most D&D and Faerun knowledgeable mate said a TOB type expansion could definitely go from there, but kind of not..whatever that means 😂

I've been asking as well but always prefacing 'no spoilers please', as I'm a sloth who's just about in Act 2, at the 62 hour mark....so what do I know? lol.

Taking my time with this one, this one.......is so good. 😍


As for the ending thing, I'm personally of the opinion that an ending alone can't ruin a game if you've had a great time until then.
Agreed, I don’t even understand how someone can think that. It’s actually a fairly rare thing for me to even finish long open world RPGs, I always explore and start doing side stuff and forget about the main quest and eventually want to try a different character. It’s a wonder I finished Elden Ring 3 times.


Read the OP

"2. Missing an epilouge (the claim of 17K endings is only four)."

Is the OP spreading FUD and or are you still correct?
Then yes, OP is spreading FUD. Go on youtube right now, type "BG3 Endings" and see 2 hours compilations with tons of different endings, its even possible to end the game in Act 2 with some decisions.


Larian is the new 'darling' of the videogame community. This is CD Projekt Red hype all over again.

Game alone is fantastic as cyberpunk was. Marketing i can blame, but assuming there no info and game just released both would deserve a lot of praise.

Technical issues on last gen aside. This was a travesty.

The games in their core are fantastic and among the best. I hope both games will be build upon for years to come.
Just dont get hyped people and read as little as you can as marketing will disappoint you in the end. It should not be like this but it should not diminish the games and what the developers have done. Still fantastic.

You guys are complaining that the 5%-10% of missing contents makes the 90% not excellent, it does not. Yes i would want more and better, but what was delivered is still among the best in video games. Better than 99% of game releases. That counts as something right? Could it have been better, of course. But there is always something that can be improved no matter what you do. The bits that are not there doesnt mean the game cannot be celebrated.

How marketing made it look vs reality is terrible and they should get the blame.
Core production people still gave us top notch entertainment.
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The bear of bad news
Game alone is fantastic as cyberpunk was. Marketing i can blame, but assuming there no info and game just released both would deserve a lot of praise.

Technical issues on last gen aside. This was a travesty.

The games in their core are fantastic and among the best. I hope both games will be build upon for years to come.
Just dont get hyped people and read as little as you can as marketing will disappoint you in the end. It should not be like this but it should not diminish the games and what the developers have done. Still fantastic.

You guys are complaining that the 5%-10% of missing contents makes the 90% not excellent, it does not. Yes i would want more and better, but what was delivered is still among the best in video games. Better than 99% of game releases. That counts as something right? Could it have been better, of course. But there is always something that can be improved no matter what you do. The bits that are not there doesnt mean the game cannot be celebrated.

How marketing made it look vs reality is terrible and they should get the blame.
Core production people still gave us top notch entertainment.
My friends this is reviewed as the berst game of all times never played it but a CRPG with bugs is the best game of all time I cant even



Because most people are not even out of act 1,like myself.

Hopefully by the time I reach that part, it will be patched, but it's a shame to hear


My friends this is reviewed as the berst game of all times never played it but a CRPG with bugs is the best game of all time I cant even

A perfectly polished game thats worse is still worse then a great game even if it has bugs.

I am not saying its the best of all time. But its pretty damn near that at least. Highest tier for sure. Defo in my top 10. But where, too early to tell.


You cannot seriously be stupid enough to have posted this.
I can kinda get this response, because 17K unique ending Is very unrealistic, but there is no epilogue or ending slides, so the choices you have don't even get expounding on for a resolution Ala new vegas style. The 4 endings is really just the mind flayer, no mind flayer and good or evil variant from what I understand. You could have been more charitable though. Moreso, the BS marketing is what annoyed me on that more than anything else, as they slapped the figure everywhere.
I have no doubt there's tons of issues and bugs in act3, but they're already working on it and released several fixes with more to come. I'm sure it sucks for those that reached act3 early, but most people haven't yet and everything in the 60 hours I've played so far has been great with minimal issues other than performance in certain areas. Very ambitious projects from small developers will have bugs, I was fully aware of it when I bought the game and so far I've been impressed by how few I've found. A game doesn't need to be a technical masterpiece for people to love it, when something is very good and resonates with you it can overcome its shortcomings. Otherwise the only type of game reviews we would have would be of the technical kind and any game running at 30fps would instantly get a below average score which isn't really the case.

This is VERBATIM, the cyberpunk defense force argument, just switch ACT3 for CDPR on consoles. I am glad you enjoyed the game, but this is just defending delivering undercooked unfinished products, which not something I am about.
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This is VERBATIM, the cyberpunk defense force argument, just switch ACT3 for CDPR on consoles. I am glad you enjoyed the game, but this is just defending delivering undercooked unfinished products, which not something I am about.
You didn't even played the game mate. The people i know who got there all liked act3, described it as one of the biggest cities they ever saw in a rpg to the point of overwhelming them, not in size but in depth, some spending more time there than they spent on any other act. Its not an "unfinished mess", its at worst "not as good as the previous two acts".

I can kinda get this response, because 17K unique ending Is very unrealistic, but there is no epilogue or ending slides, so the choices you have don't even get expounding on for a resolution Ala new vegas style. The 4 endings is really just the mind flayer, no mind flayer and good or evil variant from what I understand. You could have been more charitable though. Moreso, the BS marketing is what annoyed me on that what more than anything else, as they slapped the figure everywhere.
They never said unique, they said variations. Also, your claim on OP saying the game only really has 4 endings is a straight up, easily verifiable LIE. You can easily go on youtube to confirm this.
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