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Why is Devil May Cry the best action game series of all time?


I thought it would be nice to be positive for once and talk about one of my all time favorite video game franchises. Devil May Cry. Namely, I thought it would be fun for us to share our past experiences with these games and talk about how great they are. And perhaps talk a little bit more about Devil May Cry V.

The question of the day is: WHAT MAKES DMC SO GREAT TO YOU?

For me, personally, it's the difficulty. I had grown bored of Nintendo and Sega games by the turn of the Millenium and felt that gaming had lost its edge. It wasn't fun or exciting anymore. All the games were too easy and boring. Games like Final Fantasy X and Luigi's Mansion were massive disappointments for me. I was beginning to wonder if I had outgrown gaming entirely. And then I picked up DMC, which changed everything.

Gaming, in the past fifteen years or so, has actually become far more oriented towards hardcore players like myself. And a big reason for that, in my mind, is Devil May Cry.


The nicest person on this forum
If you are bored of Nintendo then stop spamming thread about it and play something else.


Writes a lot, says very little
If you are bored of Nintendo then stop spamming thread about it and play something else.

errr I get he doesn't like them, but he is also free to express he doesn't. If anything simply talk about the topic of the thread ie DMC as as series.

On topic : DMC is very much a staple of action games, I can't see why it wouldn't be up there with one of the best action series of all time. At the time of its release, basically nothing existed like it. So in terms of just a series, DMC is in a pretty small league.


The nicest person on this forum
errr I get he doesn't like them, but he is also free to express he doesn't. If anything simply talk about the topic of the thread ie DMC as as series.
There is difference between expressing opinion and down right just spamming entire neogaf which what this is doing.


I think there are better action games like the Castlevania series, Metal Slug and the first three Contra games.
The reason it's the best is because in development of the first game, Dante was originally called Tony. You can only go up from there.


It isnt i put NG2 over every DMC i prefer the fast, difficult and violent combat over any DMC :p
Also the enemy AI is something else.
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Writes a lot, says very little
There is difference between expressing opinion and down right just spamming entire neogaf which what this is doing.

lol I don't know.

The thread is about DMC, they might have stated they dislike Nintendo, but they also stated Sega, Square and gave reasons behind that feeling and why DIMC ties into giving a fresh concept a genre. So the whole thread isn't about "Nintendo", you simply are fixated that they stated they disliked them around that time. I mean....you are not saying anything about what they stated about Sega...or Square....

Soooooo maybe they are obsessed with not liking Nintendo, maybe you are obsessed with pointing it out and arguing over it. The thread isn't about Nintendo or Sega or Square, those examples are simply to point out how different Capcom was around that time compared to other publishers. Even if they hate Nintendo, that example is fair to their point of view and doesn't need to be always blown out of proportion. I mean, I like your post, but I feel you need to stay on topic just as much as this guy needs to stop making threads simply about disliking Nintendo lol

So in this persons defense, they are not focusing the whole entire thread on that, I'd argue you are.


Neo Member
The devil may cry series are the best freestyle rhythm games of all time. Bayonetta comes close, but due to QTE similar to those in the GoW series, is too restrictive. This makes dmc3 the character action game of all time as of now.

Come at me.


Writes a lot, says very little
The devil may cry series are the best freestyle rhythm games of all time. Bayonetta comes close, but due to QTE similar to those in the GoW series, is too restrictive. This makes dmc3 the character action game of all time as of now.

Come at me.

I feel Bayonetta by default with a few more will be above DMC. They've yet to hit a um..."DMC2" situation lol


Neo Member
Unfortunately, I havent played the second bayonetta. But ill assume that, based on your comment, it introduces mechanics that the developers didnt know how to utilize properly as of yet, similar to dmc2 mechanics such as wall jumping etc.

Either way. If the current developers for the series learn how to utilize said mechanics more efficiently, those who are interested in the genre are in for a treat.


I honestly am not sure if Killer understands his opinions aren't facts.

"Let's discuss why my favorite thing is everyone's favorite thing".

"As 100% of people know, Nintendo is dead and hasn't made a good game or console in 20 years".


I thought it would be nice to be positive for once and talk about one of my all time favorite video game franchises. Devil May Cry. Namely, I thought it would be fun for us to share our past experiences with these games and talk about how great they are. And perhaps talk a little bit more about Devil May Cry V.

The question of the day is: WHAT MAKES DMC SO GREAT TO YOU?

For me, personally, it's the difficulty. I had grown bored of Nintendo and Sega games by the turn of the Millenium and felt that gaming had lost its edge. It wasn't fun or exciting anymore. All the games were too easy and boring. Games like Final Fantasy X and Luigi's Mansion were massive disappointments for me. I was beginning to wonder if I had outgrown gaming entirely. And then I picked up DMC, which changed everything.

Gaming, in the past fifteen years or so, has actually become far more oriented towards hardcore players like myself. And a big reason for that, in my mind, is Devil May Cry.

It’s not.


Gold Member
It was after I had only known about Dynasty Warriors that I walked into Babbages and saw a kiosk with the Devil May Cry demo. It was amazing. He could attack enemies with his sword, pop them up in the air, and shoot them with his guns. It was the craziest and most wonderful thing I could have ever asked for. I preorded it for $5 and picked it up at launch.

I loved the series except the sequel was my least favorite. I really enjoy the games.

Ninja Gaiden's enemies and combat were up there though. I forgot about DMC for a while because Ninja Gaiden came out on Xbox. I loved that game and the boss fights.

Alma, for instance, was amazing to me. The fight looked like a challenge. All Ninja Gaiden bosses felt tough at first. I will say Ninja Gaiden 2 on Xbox 360 had some amazing demonic bosses. I loved the enemies in Ninja Gaiden 2. I bought all the Sigma's and Vita ports. I just bought Ninja Gaiden Black on Xbox One just so I had a solid copy of it. The Vita versions are awful with lag.

I'd say it's hard to top the combat in Devil May Cry. The combos and weapons, the story of the brothers, and their enemies they fight along the way. The way the Devil Trigger works is amazing. One thing that makes it stand out.

Ninja Gaiden is also awesome, but Ninja Gaiden 3 was crap to me. I bought Razer's Edge, but by then I didn't care. I liked the enemies in Ninja Gaiden 3, but the developer shouldn't have had animated kills after every death. They gave him access to the same skill over and over. Ninja Gaiden is a classic, ninja action game, probably the best of its kind, but it doesn't have the amount of style of Devil May Cry.

I also really enjoy the music to Devil May Cry. I feel as though I am in this fight with Dante and the cast.

I think Bayonetta is up there. I really enjoyed 1 & 2. I think it was the hair doing all the moves that made it fun too. I think the creator made an awesome character when he designed Bayonetta. I just can't deny that Devil May Cry was the first of its kind. I'd buy the next Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden, but I also know that Devil May Cry was when I first imagined myself using a gun and a sword.

The castle theme and the overall aesthetics of the original Devil May Cry was one of a kind. The way they designed the Orbs and the music was spot on. It's just like how nothing will probably top the Izuna Drop in Ninja Gaiden. Those things resemble what made those games special.
The devil may cry series are the best freestyle rhythm games of all time. Bayonetta comes close, but due to QTE similar to those in the GoW series, is too restrictive. This makes dmc3 the character action game of all time as of now.

Come at me.
I say Wonderful 101 if your heart's desire is freestyle fighting and combos. Nothing compares, not even DMC (though Dante does get a lot of cool weapons and items that genuinely shake up the combat).


Killer751, you have to understand something about Neogaf

you're not allowed to have an unpopular opinion, and you're not allowed to have any negative opinion about any Nintendo or Sony exclusive, if you disobey these rules, the members will attack you, Neogaf is filled with overly sensitive members that will get triggered immediately over the silliest things

i hope you get used to it
DMC is one of the best action game. I can understand why OP don't like Nintendo game. Don't know why it caused someone so upset


Writes a lot, says very little
Killer751, you have to understand something about Neogaf

you're not allowed to have an unpopular opinion, and you're not allowed to have any negative opinion about any Nintendo or Sony exclusive, if you disobey these rules, the members will attack you, Neogaf is filled with overly sensitive members that will get triggered immediately over the silliest things

i hope you get used to it


Put it this way. How many times have you seen on a thread about EA, Activition, Ubisoft etc and you hear this type of talk? I'm not saying I agree with Killer's last few threads, I'm saying that this type of attitude seems to be ok and allowed based on certain publishers.

If its not ok when its being stated about Nintendo, the same must apply to all publishers in gaming on this site. I mean....we legit have entire threads of folks complaining about stuff that have very little to do with the actual games itself. So Killer may be wrong on his last threads regarding Nintendo as clearly that just shouldn't be allowed, but if he simply talked about Nintendo questionable online, DLC practices etc and ignored talking about the game, would that be ok?

Just saying folks, take a look at some of theses other threads where it seems some publishers are fair game to just go OT and express how much someone hates them. Replace Nintendo with EA or Ubisoft or Activision or even MS and suddenly its ok.

Example. Would it be ok if Killer went inside a Nintendo thread and just posted "I'm quite looking forward to not buying this" ??

Yet that is very much what we see from other threads of other publishers not received as well as Nintendo. So neither is ok, but I'd argue Killer feels they are able to post stuff like this as it seems to strangely ok to when regarding other publishers.
Would strongly recommend Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101 to any fan of the genre. Provided, of course, they can look past the fact that those are Nintendo exclusives.

I'm really looking forward to Devil May Cry V. 3 was outstanding and I enjoyed the changes that Nero's mechanics brought to the series.


Writes a lot, says very little
Would strongly recommend Bayonetta 2 and The Wonderful 101 to any fan of the genre. Provided, of course, they can look past the fact that those are Nintendo exclusives.

I'm really looking forward to Devil May Cry V. 3 was outstanding and I enjoyed the changes that Nero's mechanics brought to the series.

LOVE Wonderful 101! I hope it sees a sequel one day.


1 was great for its time but hasn't aged well. 2 was never good. 3 was one of the best games of all time. 4 I didn't like but I hear the SE plays much better.

I have high hopes for 5. I would say Ninja Gaiden is a better overall series even if the 3rd sucks.
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I do not agree, never really liked the gameplay of the DMC series, it's too... rigid, it doesn't feel smooth.

Each single action requires more inputs than it needs (in my opinion), it just feels like playing a VS fighting game, but in 3D.
I get that some people like how "deep" it feels, but for me it feels too complicated for nothing, I don't have a lot of fun playing it because I focus to much on specific inputs rather than what's happening on screen.

DMC 4 had a perfect example with that with the dodge system with Nero being terrible, you have to press two buttons and a direction to dodge, but those 2 directions need to be exactly a perfect right or left angle, if you are slightly off center, it won't dodge and Nero will instead just jump, and you would probably say that it just requires training, but the problem is that all the directions inputs required to do any action in the game are based on the camera angle, and since this game use fixed camera angle, sometimes to dodge on the right, maybe the needed direction of the input won't be a perfect right, but 30° on the left instead, it makes it really terrible for me, and it's also like that with most attacks in the game.

I really prefer games like Bayonetta, Metal Gear Rising, Nier Automata etc where everything really feels smoother and more natural, while still allowing some crazy things if you go deeper.
Only played the first one and at the time is was everything I wanted, which wasn't really much: good combat system + Resident Evil. Just started playing Bayonetta and it's only better because it's standing on the shoulders of a giant


Killer751, you have to understand something about Neogaf

you're not allowed to have an unpopular opinion, and you're not allowed to have any negative opinion about any Nintendo or Sony exclusive, if you disobey these rules, the members will attack you, Neogaf is filled with overly sensitive members that will get triggered immediately over the silliest things

i hope you get used to it

The way I see it, having a conversation about something you dislike is rarely going to be interesting to others, not on the internet nor in real life. It's an uphill struggle and sometimes it's better just to swallow the bitter pill than mention it in the first place.
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Why is confirmation bias the worst conversation starter of all time, and what makes it so great to you?

You coulda had something here OP, but instead you immediately alerted anyone and everyone with an opposing opinion by stating your own as hard gospel :messenger_expressionless:

Now, back to my DMD run of DMC3SE...


Writes a lot, says very little
Why is confirmation bias the worst conversation starter of all time, and what makes it so great to you?

You coulda had something here OP, but instead you immediately alerted anyone and everyone with an opposing opinion by stating your own as hard gospel :messenger_expressionless:

Now, back to my DMD run of DMC3SE...



Killer751, you have to understand something about Neogaf

you're not allowed to have an unpopular opinion, and you're not allowed to have any negative opinion about any Nintendo or Sony exclusive, if you disobey these rules, the members will attack you, Neogaf is filled with overly sensitive members that will get triggered immediately over the silliest things

i hope you get used to it

You play this "poor Xbox is a victim of the mean ol' Internet" card a lot. Like every day. 9 times out of 10, Xbox isnt even the subject of conversation.
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Gold Member
Luigi's Mansion was the first game I ever finished and enjoyed on GameCube. Tsk tsk...
My wife has a couple Yuna figures, so there's that. I finish it the week of its launch too.

I have run across many different opinions about Nintendo and Squaresoft/Square-Enix game(s). Nothing really sticks. They are good at creating entertainment. OP could possibly end up liking those games in the near future.

Genres like sandbox and first person shooter are good until the feeling starts to feel too familiar. Then it's time to find another type of game. I find it's best to change it up or not feel so down about something being boring the first time around.


Writes a lot, says very little
Luigi's Mansion was the first game I ever finished and enjoyed on GameCube. Tsk tsk...
My wife has a couple Yuna figures, so there's that. I finish it the week of its launch too.

I have run across many different opinions about Nintendo and Squaresoft/Square-Enix game(s). Nothing really sticks. They are good at creating entertainment. OP could possibly end up liking those games in the near future.

Genres like sandbox and first person shooter are good until the feeling starts to feel too familiar. Then it's time to find another type of game. I find it's best to change it up or not feel so down about something being boring the first time around.


Luigi's Mansion was such a fresh concept, looked amazing and still does in 2018. Only thing wrong with it, is Nintendo didn't continue focusing on it after. I felt we needed to see it on Wii, Wii U etc and really let it become a progressive IP. So I'm happy it got a sequel, but want the 3rd to be like the first. Doesn't get the credit it deserves.


DMC always going to have that " man this is so hype game" for me. When i Played the 1st one and lunched a monster in the air then blasted it with my guns.. man that feeling was so good. The closest I ever came to that feeling again was Ninja Gaiden. The destruction level in Ninja Gaiden, the force of the impacts, the gore, the fact that it was brighter and you could see more of the action that games was delicious.
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