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Why Is It That Western Game Showcases Put So Much Emphasis On Showing The Creators, While Japanese Game Showcases Just Focus On Showing The Game?

Mister Wolf

Gold Member
I've always observed this, but it became brutally apparent today. All while watching this Direct I kept saying "why are you showing me these people". I don't give a fuck, just show me the game. Tetsuya Takahashi the creator of the Xeno games is my favorite creator in gaming. Even so, I don't want to see this dude on camera half of the time talking about Xenoblade during a showcase. I just want to see the game and let the results speak for themselves. If I gotta see you on screen more than your game during a showcase, then we got a fucking problem.
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Gold Member
Depends on who it is. For sure Kojima and Miyamoto will get a highlight as long as they’re involved. A lesser extent for Yoko Taro, Hideki Kamiya and Miyazaki.

They’re household names for gamer so it makes sense to show them.


The showcase that happened today is called Developer Direct and exists specifically to showcase the development teams that make the games and how the development of said games is going in the process. It's the only showcase dedicated to that, while all of the other showcases are basically just trailers played back to back.

The whole premise of your thread makes absolutely no sense.
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I've always observed this, but it became brutally apparent today. All while watching this this Direct I kept saying "why are you showing me these people". I don't give a fuck, just show me the game. Tetsuya Takahashi the creator of the Xeno games is my favorite creator in gaming. Even so, I don't want to see this dude on camera talking about Xenoblade. I just want to see the game and let the results speak for themselves.
For a long time, Japan didn't actually care who Shigeru Miyamoto was. It was the West who made a big deal about him being the creator of Mario. The idea being the team succeeded, not the credit of the head lead.

And frankly, games that speaks for themselves usually still happens in the West. But most of the time bringing out the creators are just padded content by marketeers; many of these people don't want the limelight and rather keep working in the background.


It's something I hate about these shows. Yes you are the developers, you saying it's the greatest thing you've ever done and throwing a bunch of buzz words out there does nothing but waste my time.

Listening to people hype up their own work does nothing for me. Stick to just explaining the mechanics or I'm not interested.

I'll just take the trailers and nothing else. Cut out all of their PR bullshit.


nintendo and sony conferences are alot better paced but alot of other pubs including one of my favourites (square enix) can be really bad as well. It's not purley westen exclusive.


While I agree with you in general, in regards to today’s show from Xbox, they called it a “Developer” direct. So I actually expected to see a lot of developer footage today.

Mister Wolf

Gold Member
The showcase that happened today is called Developer Direct and exists specifically to showcase the development teams that make the games and how the games development of said games is going in the process. It's the only showcase dedicated to that, while all of the other showcases are basically just trailers played back to back.

The whole premise of your thread makes absolutely no sense.

You think we all tuned in today because we give a fuck about seeing these people on camera? If Microsoft feels that should be a priority then maybe that's another one of the many reasons they are lagging behind.
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Confused Kid Cudi GIF by Apple Music

Bruh, what are you talking about? Kojima, Sakurai, Miyamoto, I remember the team who did Yoshi’s Wooly World talked during the game’s reveal, etc. do this sometimes. This is not a Westem-exclusive thing.


You think we all tuned in today because we give a fuck about seeing these people on camera. If Microsoft feels that should be a priority then maybe that's another one of the many reasons they are lagging behind.

They were very clear about what the show was so... If you tuned in expecting otherwise that seems like you deliberately chose to waste your time on something you weren't interested on, as the pure gameplay trailers were available everywhere simultaneously with when they were shown in the showcase. I'm definitely not an Xbox guy, but even I know they have plenty of showcases that are just trailers and you could watch those when they happen if you prefer that format.


Really just depends on the media itself. I've seen both West and East do both. But I think this format is approached to allow developers to talk about their game using their own mouths, rather than some text or hear it from someone else that isn't directly involved? Personally it makes senses to me and doesn't seem too out of place.

If it was JUST the developers and no gameplay whatsoever then that'd be a different story.
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What's wrong with that? Also, this isn't necessarily true, as there are Japanese devs that show their teams and have them talk about their games in interviews as such.

Most people, particularly on forums like Gaf, seem way more familiar with CEOs and executives than they are with the actual developers who make the games they love and hate.
Not everyone is just a consumer only interested in the product, and if you are that's fine too. Some of us are also interested in glimpsing the creative process as fans or people who also work in the industry, so putting faces to the games can be nice to see.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
lol Kojima doesnt show himself in his 10 minute trailers. none of the Death Stranding trailers and there were like 3 8-10 minute trailers, featured his fucking face.

MGSV was the same way. Lots and lots of really long trailers with a mix of cutscenes and gameplay and no Kojima.

hes been doing this since MGS2. MGS4 and MGS3 all had lots of really long trailers and we never got to see kojima's face in any of them. you can youtube all these trailers right now.

MS needs to learn from E3 2015 and E3 2016 Sony conferences and focus on making 5-10 minute gameplay demos. No one wants to see who made the game. i couldnt care less if it was made by men or women, lesbians or straight men, black or white or asian. Just show me a good looking game with great gameplay. Enough with these studios tours. no one cares about you. you are working at a video game studio because you are not pretty enough to be a movie star or skilled enough to be a sports athlete. Own it and stay behind the scenes.

Mister Wolf

Gold Member
Really just depends on the media itself. I've seen both West and East do both. But I think this format is approached to allow developers to talk about their game using their own mouths, rather than some text or hear it from someone else that isn't directly involved? Personally it makes senses to me and doesn't seem too out of place.

If it was JUST the developers and no gameplay whatsoever then that'd be a different story.

They could have easily had developer commentary playing over curated segments of gameplay. They want to show themselves interview style because they want to be in the spotlight. Yes, Kojima is guilty of the same thing. Kojima is also a legend in the industry so some of his ego is earned. Most of the people you guys are naming on the japanese side for a counter example of doing this as well are industry legends with a fanbase for their work.

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Because the games cannot speak for themselves, so instead we have 15 minute videos of devs sniffing their own farts. Nobody wants to listen to your emotional journey. Nobody wants to hear 'you dont just play a Indy, you are Indy'. Its a load of insufferable guff.

Dont tell, SHOW!

If the games were good enough it would need no preamble.


Confused Kid Cudi GIF by Apple Music

Bruh, what are you talking about? Kojima, Sakurai, Miyamoto, I remember the team who did Yoshi’s Wooly World talked during the game’s reveal, etc. do this sometimes. This is not a Westem-exclusive thing.
It certainly isn't. I don't know where this notion is even coming from either.

Sakurai even has his own YouTube channel where he goes in-depth about various aspects of game design.



The showcase that happened today is called Developer Direct and exists specifically to showcase the development teams that make the games and how the games development of said games is going in the process. It's the only showcase dedicated to that, while all of the other showcases are basically just trailers played back to back.

The whole premise of your thread makes absolutely no sense.

Yeah except when they link game reveals and footage to the developer direct. It's not like we had this, or even other/alternate, Indiana Jones footage to watch yesterday.


They could have easily had developer commentary playing over curated segments of gameplay. They want to show themselves interview style because they want to be in the spotlight. Yes, Kojima is guilty of the same thing. Kojima is also a legend in the industry so some of his ego is earned. Most of the people you guys are naming on the japanese side for a counter example of doing this as well are industry legends with a fanbase for their work.
True, they could have. But I don't think that's what this was event meant to be, I mean, it's called "Developer Direct" for a reason. I just think it's because Microsoft/Xbox (or other studios that do this) believe that doing this will give the impression that they care more about their developers and studio(s). Because they're giving individual devs a spotlight to talk about their games, etc. 🤷‍♂️
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Gold Member
Developers talking off a prompter or whatever is no different than any other marketing trash we always get from western publishers.

The best developer content I've seen was stuff akin to the Ask Iwata series: an intelligent developer hosting a roundtable and discussing the process with other developers, uncovering insights, technical tidbits, funny stories, etc.


Because if we can see ourselves (minorities) making games, it means we are all capable of making games.

It’s why I’m more of a fan of Japan’s way of making games. And showing off games. They focus on games and not the makers. Who gives a fuck if you started the company in your basement? Who cares if you have a female as the lighting director? What does the gameplay look like???
The showcase that happened today is called Developer Direct and exists specifically to showcase the development teams that make the games and how the games development of said games is going in the process. It's the only showcase dedicated to that, while all of the other showcases are basically just trailers played back to back.

The whole premise of your thread makes absolutely no sense.

I mean if they have some escorts on camera in Victoria Secret's best attire talking about these games then I'd actually give a fuck.

All I saw were a couple of Wildebeest and a few Hippos.

What's the opposite of an erection?! THAT'S what i got from this show.
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I've always observed this, but it became brutally apparent today. All while watching this Direct I kept saying "why are you showing me these people". I don't give a fuck, just show me the game. Tetsuya Takahashi the creator of the Xeno games is my favorite creator in gaming. Even so, I don't want to see this dude on camera half of the time talking about Xenoblade during a showcase. I just want to see the game and let the results speak for themselves.
Probably because the first time someone did it, it was really well received and a breath of fresh air, so it's become the way.

Now, you just get to know why a game is shit before it's out looking at the people making it and listening to the shit they say.
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Its not an East vs. West thing at all, it's about number of games per show.

If its event where the intention is to show off / announce many games, you don't really show developers.

If its a deep dive on a small number of games, you're more likely to get developer interviews.
That was just for fun.

Not that the woke brigade would know fun if it repeatedly slapped them in the face.
I mean it is what it is, but if someone is going to complain about seeing and hearing developers during a conference then turning them into actual Muppets and having them do skits would probably be the worst offending example that could possibly exist. Not only were they narcissistic by having the gall to be in the show, they had Muppets made of themselves!

Personally, I don't mind having people talk as long as they have interesting things to say.
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