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Why Matt hardy is the best thing in the WWE.

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First tragedy, then farce.
Sure, the whole Lita angle sucks, he has absolutely no mic skills, is saddled with a feud with Kane he has been destined to lose since day 1, Lita cant wrestle and V1 hasnt put up a good in ring performance since Jeff got the big boot and Mattitude went solo...

someone else out there has to actually laugh out loud at Matt facts..








Would let Tony Parker sleep with his wife
What the hell is his gimmick?

Is he a virus?

A Program?

A Cult Leader?

I never figured it out


First tragedy, then farce.
I never thought to question why he comes out looking like a computer program..

I just enjoy the matt facts.. and then change the channel.

Im hoping with a hardcore rules match tommorow night we will see the matt hardy we all remember in those 3 way tag team table and ladder matches from a few years ago... sure his knee is going to explode, but he doesnt need that to get thrown through a half dozen tables.


MetaKnight said:
Jeff was given the boot? Why?

Refusal to check into rehab.

Nothing beat's Matt Hardy's entrance video (the old Smackdown one though, not the crippled RAW one), dropped frames and all.


First tragedy, then farce.
yeah, I even bought a TNA PPV because Jeff was on it.. I thought he was going to join the TNA fold and was pretty excited.. then he came out, fought for 5 minutes, the ring got rushed and then he and his oppenent fought the people rushing for a no decision..

then they shitcanned his ass because he showed up in the arena about 10 minutes before his match.. probably off snorting coke.. its a real shame too the hardy boyz were a great tag team.
Did Matt come up with all those quips himself? I'm assuming he does; they're pretty funny. And he is a damn good worker. I always thought he was better than his over-rated brother.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Matt had a bunch of good matches on Smackdown imo. Losing that POS Jeff was the best thing ever til they sent him to Raw just so he could turn on ugly. Jeff is enough to make me never want to watch TNA again..


First tragedy, then farce.
you can hate on Jeff all you want, but that guy took some crazy ass bumps in those TLC matches a few years ago. between him and christian, I thought someone was going to die.

And yeah, when Matt was on smackdown and held the superlight title or whatever they called it back then he had some very very good matches.. he has been terribly misused ever since then... I just hope he puts on a good show tonight.. he is the only reason Im getting it... this has to be the worst card Raw has put up in a while.
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