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Wikileaks documents claim Hillary Clinton 'thinks Saudi Arabia and Qatar fund Isis'

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Anyone with a brain would make that assessment.
Anyone else kind of like the "inside baseball" view these leaks provide? Also, I'm not sure how most will take this stuff, but personally they've made Clinton look more impressive to me in some ways. At least when up against someone like Trump. Here for example, she recognizes a major problem, but also the complexities of that problem. Trump just wants to be a badass.
They are interesting but I'm not happy about seeing them.

They give people a very limited view while pretending to give a full view of how campaigns work and eliminated a need element of secrecy.

They should also be viewed through the lens these are stolen emails by a foreign power attempting to affect the election (they've clearly given up on Donald and are now just trying to plant these ideas in the GOP and media's head so they're constantly undermining her) and international politics in their favor.

Whose gonna want to talk to clinton if their conversations are going to be public? But you know Putin will kill some before undermining his relationships
One thing to remember about these documents (which, let's remember, were stolen by the Russian intelligence agencies and published via Wikileaks with the purpose of influencing the US election in favor of Trump) is that we have no idea what information in these emails is genuine and what is unchanged from the time they were stolen and therefore what may have been altered or even wholly created in order to further the agenda of this campaign.

I'm not saying that this particular document isn't genuine or not, just that we have no way of knowing and considering the source and motive for publication at this time, you have to be suspicious.


So conservatives who think all Muslims fund ISIS will be offended that Clinton thinks these specific countries fund ISIS?


Flashless at the Golden Globes
We should have droned Asssange a long time ago. He's a bigger national security threat than many terrorists at this point.

Saying it in jest of course, but the embassy doesnt have any staff at night, right?


Professional Schmuck
Wikileaks documents show Hillary email: "I didn't think Thor 2 was good."

^^ a meme with assange's face saying dumb obvious things would go viral af right now

-- Wikileaks documents show | Hillary says Thor 2 is bad
-- Wikileaks documents show | Hillary says [super obvious thing]
While I think it's good that she acknowledges this, I don't think it's good to have these kind of "allegations" out in the open for a strategic ally.


Gold Member
Is there a main thread for today's Wikileaks info? Some of it is pretty awful, if not exactly surprising/shocking.

Then you have this back and forth fight between Brian Fallon and Wikileaks on Twitter, and I'm not sure we've ever seen an election this awful, and we might not again in our lifetimes.


Is there a main thread for today's Wikileaks info? Some of it is pretty awful, if not exactly surprising/shocking.

Then you have this back and forth fight between Brian Fallon and Wikileaks on Twitter, and I'm not sure we've ever seen an election this awful, and we might not again in our lifetimes.
You can't really go backwards from this point. Unless people decide to never use email again for 4 years for the next election, everything is fair game.


Gold Member
You can't really go backwards from this point. Unless people decide to never use email again for 4 years for the next election, everything is fair game.

You have to imagine that this is going to be a case study for years to come. It's going to shape campaign procedures.


Is there a main thread for today's Wikileaks info? Some of it is pretty awful, if not exactly surprising/shocking.

It would be great to have a thread for people to post the stuff they think matters out of the Podesta emails so that we can laugh at it, I agree.


Gold Member
The Wikileaks leaks made me like Clinton more.

I don't think any of it hurts her. But if you like your media unbiased, some of it is a little disconcerting. Of course, the counter argument will be "Trump is so bad the media had to do what it did."

The Blink 182 UFO stuff made me laugh, though. Hooray for Podesta if he killed that band.


Gold Member
How patronizing. There is some noteworthy stuff in there that (surprise, surprise) hasn't been talked about over at PoliGAF, like the email chain on HRC's position on DOMA and gay marriage.


Yeah, there's definitely items worth looking at, but it seems there's a good chance the amount of crap posts in a thread devoted to it would be deemed as an attack on Hillary and in support of Trump.

Trump is such a joke and he stands zero chance of winning, but maybe this stuff gets revisited after the election?
This, hopefully Hillary will be different to Obama in this matter.
What the Obama admin did with regard to oil prices and energy independence (at a pretty steep cost to America w/r/t fracking and mountain top removal and so on) inflicted lots of damage on most national petrol economies but was very good for Saudi Arabia in the short term yeah. Remains to be seen what the next chapter of that strategy is about, I suppose.


Yeah, there's definitely items worth looking at, but it seems there's a good chance the amount of crap posts in a thread devoted to it would be deemed as an attack on Hillary and in support of Trump.

Trump is such a joke and he stands zero chance of winning, but maybe this stuff gets revisited after the election?

Let me be clear - just because I think HRC shouldn't get a pass on this doesn't mean I want to MAGA.

This is shit that needs to be talked about and should not be swept back under the carpet. As a queer man, this is incredibly disheartening to read.


Sunni hardliners involved in sectarian conflict fund Sunni hardliners involved in sectarian conflict. Well I never. Who saw this coming.


How patronizing. There is some noteworthy stuff in there that (surprise, surprise) hasn't been talked about over at PoliGAF, like the email chain on HRC's position on DOMA and gay marriage.


So let's talk about it.

This is a thread about how Hillary said DOMA was a retreating defense against a possible constitutional amendment about gay marriage. Her campaign looked into it and determined that nobody believes that -- but Hillary and Bill apparently genuinely do believe it, which is why they said that. So the campaign decided to walk it back gently because they didn't think Hillary would lie about what she believes.

What, exactly, is the problem here? Hillary's internal position is that they had to pass DOMA to keep the possibility of gay marriage alive in the future, because a constitutional amendment would kill it. You might disagree with that on strategic grounds, but I'm not clear on how you would come away from that thinking she had the wrong goals.
I don't think any of it hurts her. But if you like your media unbiased, some of it is a little disconcerting. Of course, the counter argument will be "Trump is so bad the media had to do what it did."

Well I liked for exmaple the part that she wants to basically create a north american version of the EU.
Open borders, open trade etc. Thats a good vision.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Cue Donald Trump coming to the defense of the good, tremendous people of Saudi Arabia.
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