Will cloud gaming ever be a serious platform?


well we already have new laptop APUs that can compete with mid range PCs.
onboard graphics in the past were always useless for proper gaming, this has changed in the last few years.

Apple's M chips also steadily improve GPU and CPU power while drawing extremely low amounts of power.

game graphics are barely improving anymore and are almost entirely limited by budget now. this previously happened with movies within the 2010s. CGI in movies absolutely plateaued because they hit a hard limit that is entirely dependent on the budget, because the hardware can already basically do anything anyone would ever want.
we will soon reach a point in gaming where new hardware will have such tiny incremental improvements, that the mobile hardware that is catching up with it will be able to run games at very similar quality.

this plateauing of graphics quality will also mean that eventually low end and high end PC hardware will have increasingly similar looking graphics quality. especially with the increasing capabilities of AI reconstruction to close the gap.

I'm not saying that this will happen in 2 or 3 years, but absolutely by the end of the next decade.
and that's not even taking into account that the majority of people don't care about graphics quality and would have no issue playing low settings.
And ironically you don't need any of that when gaming via cloud. Cloud is a serious platform and is absolutely a viable solution for many people. I've been a member of GFN for over 6 months and I have no intention of leaving.

Cloud is just another option to play games.


If cloud gaming doesn’t become the norm It means we’ve had a massive infrastructure failure. I think I’ve got maybe one more full PC build before I just won’t need to build them anymore. Certainly will keep my old machines around, but anything they can’t handle I’m betting will be on the cloud.
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