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Will GTA 6 gameplay really look like that or bullshots?

Will the final product look that good on ps5/SX?

  • Yes, Dummy! This is Rockstar!

    Votes: 195 57.7%
  • NO, these are complete bullshots. Just hype

    Votes: 35 10.4%
  • Will be heavily downgraded by Launch

    Votes: 108 32.0%

  • Total voters


Predicts the worst decade for Sony starting 2022
That GTA 6 trailer looks better than any game I have ever seen. This is what I expected when picking up a ps5 (not ps4 games with upscaled resolution) My wife waked by and asked what I was watching thinking it was a tv show. This trailor blows away anything I have ever seen on any pc or console IMO. Is it too good?

I get it there are no gameplay footage shown. With that said, Rockstar are no dummies. They are not going to release a video that looks like that and then have gameplay that is far from it or will they? I understand a 4090 is multitudes more powerful and more expensive than a PS5. However, there are not games that are made to take full advangatge of a 4090. It's mostly taking existing games and then having higher res and higher framerates. This maybe the first game we see take full advantage of what a PS5 and Series X can dow with a world class team at the helm. It could just be bad marketing and the final product will be far less impressive but Rockstar's Resume speaks for itself.


It's in engine, but definitely has some layers of bullshot. I don't think it will hit that many NPCs on the beach or what not. But, hey, I could be wrong. Red Dead Redemption 2 looked really good when it came out. It didn't hit the level of bullshot that the original trailer did, but it does look incredible.


Gold Member
Does it matter the trailer didn't state: "I'm-engine footage" or does not represent final product disclaimer.
I think it will be close....
Do I want it to be true......you bet....
But let's wait until actually gameplay demo comes out


Writes a lot, says very little
I don't doubt Rockstar in this area.

They have a long history of just showing engine stuff to keep gamers in the same scope and immersion and its something Kojima touched on that he admired with their design.

I also have zero doubt based on how good RDR2 looks, its like....when we saw that original trailer, what bullshots existed on that? Yet literally look at how fucking good RDR2 actually looks, we are now talking about even more powerful systems running GTAVI, so I have no doubts that what you see, is what you are going to get and I'd even argue that it might even look better by time its released.

The hype around Rockstar is based on their integrity as a developer. What you see, is what you get. Their trailers are based on FACTUALLY what you will fucking see in the actual game, not "lore" or "cut content" or shit 3 years later that magically pops up as some early access shit or something..... thus, when Rockstar shows a fucking game, the hype is beyond real, because they don't need to lie, fake, cut content, with hold information, hide review or any of that shit. They have such a long history of being trusted to this degree, that I feel lots of that is why that trailer is being looked at the way it is.

Cause we know what they show, is the game we get.

That should have been a lesson to lots of developers btw because I feel the first trailer, teaser etc should be a real look at what the world is, not a series of made up things to get people to buy something that doesn't exist. How many of em are buying it the next time? It does more harm then good and If I was a created director, producer etc at any of those studios, I'd have a hard stance on ANYTHING being shown in the trailer that isn't a real, viable, functional, working feature or something that will be in the final game.

So looking at that RDR2 trailer, many of us already knew you likely could do all of that, cause we trust the team's past, thus looking at GTAVI's trailer, I trust what they are showing, is what will be in the game
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It's in engine, but definitely has some layers of bullshot. I don't think it will hit that many NPCs on the beach or what not. But, hey, I could be wrong. Red Dead Redemption 2 looked really good when it came out. It didn't hit the level of bullshot that the original trailer did, but it does look incredible.
I actually went back to watch the original three trailers and honestly...I think the released game look better than the trailers lol. I probably can count the amount of times I could say that on one hand.
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Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
It's in engine, but definitely has some layers of bullshot. I don't think it will hit that many NPCs on the beach or what not. But, hey, I could be wrong. Red Dead Redemption 2 looked really good when it came out. It didn't hit the level of bullshot that the original trailer did, but it does look incredible.
Right, you can see enough in the trailer to tell you it isnt perfect as is.

I think it will be close.


I'd say that during gameplay won't have this lighting. Probably only in cutsenes, and / or 4090 and higher in PC. Other than that I see it perfectly achievable.


Detail up close has definitely improved but looking at some of those scenery shots.. (above the toll gate, the famous bridge scene from Arnold's film, True lies) a lot of it doesnt look too different from GTAV which still look incredible.
But the closer up details have made a huge jump i believe. Characters especially.
I reckon the actual visuals wont be too far off and with anywhere between 1-2 years to go till launch. It most likey will improve more.
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is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Equating a real time 3D trailer with "bullshots" (which typically means CG) is a bit weird. GTA V looked better than the reveal trailer. The question is going to be what framerate/resolution combinations they can achieve, if the world density stays in tact, or what kind of improvements a theoretical PS5 Pro version could have. I've never known Rockstar to pull a Halo 2 E3 2003 or BioShock Infinite E3 2011 where a vertical slice is presented in real time, but is absent from the final product. It is too early to hazard a guess on much of anything, at this point.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I may be in the minority but did nothing for me because unless a trailer has actual gameplay I couldn’t care less about it

I can’t wait to play it but this trailer did nothing for my hype levels
Same. I want to play, hoping it's as is, as initially presented to us. It looks fun, even if the main is a Female. This could still be good. I want to be optimistic. Lots of what I liked Versus what I didn't. PC specs, tech review including performance will be the deciding factor, for me, I think?


I may be in the minority but did nothing for me because unless a trailer has actual gameplay I couldn’t care less about it

I can’t wait to play it but this trailer did nothing for my hype levels
I think it will play just like GTA 5 with few extra animations here and there nothing different. Same 60 missions plus extra activities and may be RPG features that all that is there in GTA 6.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
Again, like I've been saying for years:

This is what you get when a talented, budget-rich studio targets 30fps on next gen consoles.

Its real. That's what these consoles are capable of. The reason you can't believe it is because of the incompetence of other developers. And also, the push for nonsense like 60fps. Completely limiting whats possible in games.
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I think the graphics will look better on launch. The attention to detail and the quality of animation is what impressed me with the trailer. Also the sheer size of Vice City.
Rockstar is not that kind of studio. From what I can remember, I have never seen a CGI trailer or gameplay preview for a a GTA game that didnt match the final product.


Again, like I've been saying for years:

This is what you get when a talented, budget-rich studio targets 30fps on next gen consoles.

Its real. That's what these consoles are capable of. The reason you can't believe it is because of the incompetence of other developers. And also, the push for nonsense like 60fps. Completely limiting whats possible in games.

Absolutely could not agree more. The ridiculous push for 60fps games has hobbled the industry. It's treated like a holy Grail, when the average gamer simply doesn't care.

Glad to see a big studio ditch 60fps in favor of awesome visuals. We can have both next Gen...


character models looked weak tbh. RS is great with environments, so the trailer checks out imo.


I might be misremembering but wasn't the GTA V launch trailer using the PC/PS4 version that didn't even release for a while after?

Edit-It was bullshots not the trailer
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Most of the character models barely look better than GTA V to me but there are some scenes in the trailer which looked super realistic.
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Boss Mog

It'll look like that, but expect 1440p 30fps on base PS5 / Series X and like 360p on Series S. PS5 Pro will probably have a 60fps option though.
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It does not look visually impressive enough to be skeptical. Not saying it looks bad, just doesn’t look unbelievable. That, coupled with their track record.
Exactly my thoughts. I'm confused with everyone saying how unbelievably good it looks, how it will need a 5090 etc... It looks good but the trailer did nothing particularly groudbreaking for me. At this point it kind of seem like an echo chamber where everyone exagerate it.


Gold Member
It better look like that, I didn’t even think it looked particularly impressive. Looks like a beefed up RDR2.

Would be surprised if they have to cut back.


I might be misremembering but wasn't the GTA V launch trailer using the PC/PS4 version that didn't even release for a while after?

Edit-It was bullshots not the trailer
Well There It Is Jurassic Park GIF

Rockstar showed with the Trailer how lazy and profit driven other developers and publishers are.

The consoles are out for 3 years out and only a few games are worth to be called PS5 and XSX Games.
It does not look visually impressive enough to be skeptical. Not saying it looks bad, just doesn’t look unbelievable. That, coupled with their track record.
I suppose you could argue that on purely visual fidelity it's not that much better than other games, but taking in everything as a whole IMO this is the most impressive game seen yet.

It gives the impression at least from the trailer of a living city that goes far beyond anything we've seen. Factor in that even NPC'S are of a high quality and dozens upon dozens are rendered on screen at anytime and of course the most realistic animations yet seen, while retaining that GTA art style.
What do you think?
Do you think Rockstar have a magical new engine that allows visuals a generation above all the other AAA games on consoles or do you think the trailer was just a target render?

People say RDR2 looked realy good when it released, and it does, but it graphically it was in the same leage as other AAA games at that time.


The lighting will be downgraded , but they will increase image clarity and change textures a bit so most people will think "its just different", some blind ppl will think "its better" "its just subjective" .
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