I mean c'mon. I just beat RDR2 on PS4 Pro and it looks better then some 1st party titles. TLOU2/Uncharted 6 & GoW look still better imho but they are not open world and only have one platform to optimize for.
That leaves me to believe that the next GTA will look AMAAAZIIING.
My arguments:
1. Look at GTA 5 and then look at RDR2. WHAT A JUMP in graphics with the RAGE engine on the same platform. ok GTA 5 was a port, but still. We can expect a similar jump.
2. As you could guess, XSX and PS5 will have almost 10x graphics performance than base PS4/Xbone consoles, which will help enormously.
3. As GTA 6 will probably not come out before 2022/2023 there is still lots of time to optimize for the new hardware and proper dev kits.
4. SSDs on both platforms means more detailed assets in the environment. Just think about the UE5 demo.
5. Since RDR2 already looked amazing in a steril environment with mostly grass and trees everywhere, just imagine what a city full of high res assets of cars, streets, high buildings, bridges etc.
It will probably look better then this times two
That leaves me to believe that the next GTA will look AMAAAZIIING.
My arguments:
1. Look at GTA 5 and then look at RDR2. WHAT A JUMP in graphics with the RAGE engine on the same platform. ok GTA 5 was a port, but still. We can expect a similar jump.
2. As you could guess, XSX and PS5 will have almost 10x graphics performance than base PS4/Xbone consoles, which will help enormously.
3. As GTA 6 will probably not come out before 2022/2023 there is still lots of time to optimize for the new hardware and proper dev kits.
4. SSDs on both platforms means more detailed assets in the environment. Just think about the UE5 demo.
5. Since RDR2 already looked amazing in a steril environment with mostly grass and trees everywhere, just imagine what a city full of high res assets of cars, streets, high buildings, bridges etc.
It will probably look better then this times two