It doesn't revolve around Metal Gear Solid either?Sir, this is a videogame forum.
Not a racist mindset, I've literally already heard this situation being used in such a manner both online and while out interacting with others in town.I think you have to have something of a racist world view for your mind to go there. It wasn’t until the retards in era started pushing this ‘violent blacks’ narrative that such an idea even crossed my mind.
Rather I thought that “here we go, another unhinged rich celeb like Britney, Kanye or John McAfee”. The fact that they are have ended up in positions in life that feed their narcissism, with wealth that removes basic inhibitors of bad behaviour like the fear of going to jail or losing a job is the real culprit, not skin colour.
EDIT: Might as well add Ezra Miller to that list
Virtue signaling for the sake of "I support the current thing" does not accomplish anything.The simple fact that this would challenge the invasion of a country in recent replies is proof enough most of you need to step the fuck up.
The world does not revolve around Will Smith.
Sir, this is a videogame forum.
They’re basically saying that if you think Smith was in the wrong, you must be pearl-clutching. And if you think the joke wasn’t offensive to begin with, then you’re just a racist and the worst person in the world.This must be a joke right??!
I mean holy shit at that bit about black hairs related to black oppression...
This can't be real cmon...
I wonder how many people actually could even point to Ukraine in a map before a month ago.Virtue signaling for the sake of "I support the current thing" does not accomplish anything.
Stopping your world for things happening thousands of km far away from you and out of your control does not accomplish anything.
There are a few people in here, a lot on Reddit and twitter obsessed to the point that the invasion is another entertainment for them...
Between Denzel and others rushing over to support Will immediately after he'd just attacked someone and that standing ovation they gave him, all they did was reveal what a hypocritical and disingenous mess hollywood and their leading "stars" are.
I agree that Hollywood is a hypocritical and disingenuous mess, but I disagree about Denzel. Comforting a friend who has just made a monumental mistake is not the same as legitimating that mistake. It doesn’t take anything away from Chris Rock.
From what I saw, Denzel talked to him immediately after, during the commercial break. It looked like a private chat at a public event.Then he should have done it in private. Not social media or press shit.
But then ... perhaps there was a a a ...
This must be a joke right??!
I mean holy shit at that bit about black hairs related to black oppression...
This can't be real cmon...
That's because employers don't want people with freakish hair making their office look sloppy.It's been a thing talked about in the community for decades. You think it's fake because you've never heard of it and/or it doesn't affect you.
Plenty of black people have been told their hair isn't professional and to either get a wig (black women), straighten it (also black women), cut it (mostly black men) or de-style it (both sexes when hair is styled neatly but still called unprofessional or whatnot. SOME places don't care if you have an afro or cornrows or Box braids or locs or whatever... I've seen some beautiful hair styles on black folks and it's used as a reason to fire or deny someone a job.
And notice, I said the hairstyles were NEAT! Not unkempt... Not messy... NEAT!
It's been a thing talked about in the community for decades. You think it's fake because you've never heard of it and/or it doesn't affect you.
Plenty of black people have been told their hair isn't professional and to either get a wig (black women), straighten it (also black women), cut it (mostly black men) or de-style it (both sexes when hair is styled neatly but still called unprofessional or whatnot. SOME places don't care if you have an afro or cornrows or Box braids or locs or whatever... I've seen some beautiful hair styles on black folks and it's used as a reason to fire or deny someone a job.
And notice, I said the hairstyles were NEAT! Not unkempt... Not messy... NEAT!
This is not a race issue, at all. It's a professional issue. If a white dude showed up to the office looking like Sid Vicious, he'd get told to clean up his act.It's been a thing talked about in the community for decades. You think it's fake because you've never heard of it and/or it doesn't affect you.
Plenty of black people have been told their hair isn't professional and to either get a wig (black women), straighten it (also black women), cut it (mostly black men) or de-style it (both sexes when hair is styled neatly but still called unprofessional or whatnot. SOME places don't care if you have an afro or cornrows or Box braids or locs or whatever... I've seen some beautiful hair styles on black folks and it's used as a reason to fire or deny someone a job.
And notice, I said the hairstyles were NEAT! Not unkempt... Not messy... NEAT!
Probability of incoherent bad jokes: 100%
Probability of incoherent bad jokes: 100%
Probability of celebs sitting in their seat scared shitless to make a move: 100%
That's because employers don't want people with freakish hair making their office look sloppy.
Being "neat" means nothing. I can have wacky bed head styled so it's dumbly spiking up in every direction symmetrically, or even more simply slop on a bunch of gel and do punker hair.
No different than places wanting people dressing nice. Technically there's no difference in work performance between wearing a buttoned shirt or a homer simpson wife beater, but most places will want you wearing a buttoned shirt.
No workplace is going to care if Black people have naturally afro hair. Just cut it if it's gets too loud and big and dont do weird styles. It goes for anyone not just Black people. If a blonde woman came in with really long hair that was super messy because she never combed it, she'd get spoken to by HR too. Heck, unless you maybe work at a tech company that doesn't care, no office I've ever worked at even allows opened toed shoes even during casual Friday. But some guy always tests it coming in wearing sandals. And each time, HR or their boss comes knocking.
I'm 47... I've known MANY people who have had issues with their NEATLY styled hair be called unprofessional or ugly. And it was almost always when the boss or HR person was white. And about half of them live in Atlanta, GA where it's a majority black population.This is not a race issue, at all. It's a professional issue. If a white dude showed up to the office looking like Sid Vicious, he'd get told to clean up his act.
DT, you seem like a smart dude. Don't fall for the narrative, please. I know it's hard to always do independent research; none of us have that kind of time. But we should be careful that a single or even a small handful of anecdotes are not misconstrued to be a "systemic" issue.
I never said all Black people hair are freakish or abnormal. If you read my post, anyone with sloppy hair can be told to clean up. No different than wearing sandals to work (which I said too).You just proved my point!
Your first assumption was that nontraditional (aka black) hair styles are sloppy and freakish. Are these freakish and sloppy?
It's like that woman saying "I judge people by the content of their character" but then prejudged folks she hasn't met ... That's what you sound like in your post.
The stuff you talk about, if true, is indeed fucked up. Was it just limited to the hairstyles being called "ugly," or did job repercussions actually happen? (And to answer your question, as a dark guy myself, of course those hair styles are not ugly in any way. They're cool!)I'm 47... I've known MANY people who have had issues with their NEATLY styled hair be called unprofessional or ugly. And it was almost always when the boss or HR person was white. And about half of them live in Atlanta, GA where it's a majority black population.
Not saying it's racism but the acceptable hairstyles were always straight hair which meant the women had to either do something to their natural hair or wear wigs. And the men had to cut their hair short.
Did ANY of the pics I shared above look dirty, ugly or sloppy?
Separation is not divorce.
And about half of them live in Atlanta, GA where it's a majority black population.
Truly! Will was smiling/laughing and Jaida looked pissed - then it cut away and suddenly Will is walking on stage. Maybe he just saw her face and that set him off ? Very odd
New to the oscars? Hosts roasting actors is part of the deal.Im going to make an emphasis here
This is oscar an award show not comedic stage
Theres place for everything
New to the oscars? Hosts roasting actors is part of the deal.
Wow Americans live on a different reality. Oh kids watch the oscars? In Europe they do not, it starts past 1 am.
Apparently, he hasn't seen Ricky host the Golden Globes... he let em have it.New to the oscars? Hosts roasting actors is part of the deal.
My kids don’t lol. They already learned from Daniel Tiger not to hit someone anyway.Wow Americans live on a different reality. Oh kids watch the oscars? In Europe they do not, it starts past 1 am.
aren't too bad? Jesus broI never said all Black people hair are freakish or abnormal. If you read my post, anyone with sloppy hair can be told to clean up. No different than wearing sandals to work (which I said too).
The pics you posted arent too bad, except that woman with the design which looks like a spider coming out from the back of her head wouldnt fly in many places.
I'm not HR or set the rules. I'm just telling you what it is in lots of businesses. That's life. And the more corporatey and banky it is, the more conservative it is (I've worked in them). Out of all high level employees, or even average level workers with a Linkedin pic photo, how many of them have wacky hair, face tattoos or piercings. Almost none. There's a certain level of professionalism at many companies. Of course, there are some who dont care and you can go to work with sweatpants and static cling hair.
It's like going to a job interview. Dont act like a slob or be a rebel. Just look decent.
I can tell you don't work for big corporations or have a high level job, because spider lady or Colin Kapepernick kinds of hairdos wont fly and you dont see them at the office (well, maybe a tech company). As I said before, if someone with long messy blonde hair came to work looking like he or she just woke up with bad bed head, they'd be told to fix it too.
Does it? I just watched a man making poor judgement defending his wife on a huge platform. The pigment of his skin never entered my mind personally.What I hate about this whole situation is that Will Smith's actions just help to perpetrate the violent black male myth and gives racist more ammo to use in their black on black crime narrative.