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Will the systems really be called Playstation 3 and Xbox 2?

Wont that give the impression that Xbox is behind by a gen?

I think they'll probably end up calling it something else like "Xbox Advance" :p


I really hope it's called Xbox {Something} because it just seems so weird to call it "Xenon" or "Xbox 2". I doubt little kids could pronounce "Xenon" the first time ("Ex-Enon!") and Xbox 2 makes it sound behind the PS3.

I'm personally hoping for a Famicom 3 vs. PlayStation 3 war in Japan, that would be a site to see. ;)
i'm hoping it's either called Xbox 2 or {one word name (like Xenon)} and not Xbox CE / ME / NT / XP / SE / SP / Next / Last / GT / MCE / '05 / '06 / XX #Reload / Ultimate


Fafracer forever
I was always partial to PlayGirl myself.
But then Sony went and ruined it all with Playstation Portable... the dullest name ever. :p

Anyway, I actually kinda like Xenon for XBox2 right now(better then I ever liked XBox anyway), too bad it's just a codename that isn't likely to make it to final product.


I really hope not. I was rather let down when the PlayStation successor ended up being called the PlayStation 2. Christ, we have enough sequels in the games, does hardware naming really have to go down the same path? I suppose I should be happy it didn't go down that other favorite software naming route, i.e. subtitles. PlayStation: The Revenge.

I think Sony has built the name enough that they can afford to branch out a little. Play[Something Else] would be cool and would still have most of the brand name recognition the marketing drones get hard for.
Maybe they'll wanna abreviate the console,something like

The Microsoft XS2. [XboxStep2]

Folks would just say XS2 for short?

Sounds generic but then so was th name Xbox when it was first announced. And hell,I remember the chaos the night the gaming world found out that Sega's next console was going to be called *Dream+Cast* heh.
Many had their hearts set on Katana,or even Phoenix.


Don't know about the next Xbox console... I agree Xenon would be to damn hard to pronounce for the kids. MS should name it something along the lines of XGEN sorta like Next Generation Console.

Sony's Console... well Playstation 3 sounds ok I guess, but I think just "PS3" would be good. No Playstation, just "PS3"

Just my 2 cents,



anyone thinking that the Playstation will be called other than Playstation X is high. It is hugely well known and trusted brand.

Brands at that level are worth literally billions of dollars because of their ubiquity. It would be lunacy to even try to change it. It is better known than Sony now.
Both of them have pumped far too much money into branding "Playstation" and "Xbox" for them to give them up. However, I wouldn't be surprised if they don't use a number at the end. I mean would the really call the system after that PS4?

I think, much like games, the hardware manufacturers are going to move away from the "sequel" numeral, which give a sense of more of the same and go to some other addition to the brand name.

Unfortunately that probably means we'll see (<system> Next/Ultimate/XS/whatever)


Scary Euro Man
shibbs said:
Playstation3... yes
Xbox 2... i dont think so.

I mostly agree. Until Sony don't dominate a generation with their console, we can expect to see the Playstation 4, 5, 6 and 7. In terms of brand recognition, Playstation is the new Nintendo.

As for XBox, I think we'll still see the XBox name - Microsoft have invested a lot of work into building the brand, and not entirely without success. I'd expect to see a name rather than number associated with it, though.
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