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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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The one that Akane'll be riding in her college years.

The one that was also handled better than Reika and Nao being childhood friends


My strangest dream is still the one where aliens were in my house disguised as tupperware containers. The queen was disguised as the refrigerator. That must be what a bad trip feels like.

One time I had a nightmare that there were yellow jackets underneath the skin of the fried chicken I was having on a picnic. It scared me so much that at the age of 14 I went and crawled into my parents bed.

Or sleep walking.

When Cajun couldn't fight?

Cry me a river.

FUCK YOU MAN IT WAS LIKE TWO WEEKS AGO. You were the one in the lead during the ban.

The real problem is that Cajun NEVER sleeps.
Trigun 19
Well it was subpar compared to the last one but at least everyone got back together. Sort of cool that Vash was actually using his name to try and stop them even if it wasn't so effective


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Space Dandy 05
Conceptually this kind of episode is more interesting to me than anything Space Dandy has been up until now. The focus on a relationship between two characters actually displaying what could be interpreted as emotions is a big step forward for the series. The execution on it wound up being really underwhelming though. Awkward pacing, weird continuity cuts, and really atrocious coloring and background work not only didn't deliver, but actively worked to distract from the story. Tack on a really weak climax that seems to hinge on a joke and you wind up with something super forgettable. If you have to resort to multiple montages in a single 20 minute episode you've probably failed.


Subete no aware
Can't really expect me to watch the sequel if I'm still powering through the first series!
Are you going to do Side-A next then? lol

SHAFT saving romcom anime.
didn't actually happen, I was wrong :(
Dresden with his LIES. :(

Started rewatching Please Teacher! Not sure why. Maybe it is just because its back to school time here. Only watched one episode but having not seen it for ages or since I've seen Ano Natsu it interesting to see the differences/sameness I remember from that show. Thats one interesting uncle Kei has.
Well, the stupid sleeping coma thing in Onegai Teacher was pretty dumb. lol

The one that Akane'll be riding in her college years. https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/18780843/emot/kheldragar.gif
How else would she improve her English?


Imagine if he didn't multiquote. You should be thankful he lets you keep it close.

Honestly that's what makes me know that, no matter how close I come this round, I'd still never really be a winner, because Cajun took like a week off at the start AND goes easy mode.
FUCK YOU MAN IT WAS LIKE TWO WEEKS AGO. You were the one in the lead during the ban.

The real problem is that Cajun NEVER sleeps.

Dude, I only took the lead right before the thread was over. Surpassing his post count while being under a time limit before the thread was forcefully close for the Winter season. And I was roughly 200 posts behind in a thread that was moving at a slower pace than this (which meant less opportunities to fit in a post without looking like a spammer).

You're lucky I'm willingly sitting back to let you soak up whatever I would post.


Honestly that's what makes me know that, no matter how close I come this round, I'd still never really be a winner, because Cajun took like a week off at the start AND goes easy mode.

Im just going with the flow. Its fun. I browse this thread while walking places and being in lines.

I think I would literally go mad.

I would too. I love you guys :(
I love anime. I love squeeing about it while hugging things.


The Light of El Cantare
FUCK YOU MAN IT WAS LIKE TWO WEEKS AGO. You were the one in the lead during the ban.

The real problem is that Cajun NEVER sleeps.

What if this is true and cajun only thinks the things he's seeing are a dream? What if he's actually continually plagued by monsters and demons and eldritch abominations and his brain is subconsciously forcing him to dismiss it all as unreal as an automatic defense mechanism against insanity and his addiction to cute is some kind of primal imperative because the things that he experiences are so horrifying that he'll die if the pleasure centers of his brain aren't being stimulated with images of innocence and softness at every available moment?

Can we really be sure that this isn't actually the case?


Dude, I only took the lead right before the thread was over. Surpassing his post count while being under a time limit before the thread was forcefully close for the Winter season. And I was roughly 200 posts behind in a thread that was moving at a slower pace than this (which meant less opportunities to fit in a post without looking like a spammer).

You're lucky I'm willingly sitting back to let you soak up whatever I would post.



What if this is true and cajun only thinks the things he's seeing are a dream? What if he's actually continually plagued by monsters and demons and eldritch abominations and his brain is subconsciously forcing him to dismiss it all as unreal as an automatic defense mechanism against insanity and his addiction to cute is some kind of primal imperative because the things that he experiences are so horrifying that he'll die if the pleasure centers of his brain aren't being stimulated with images of innocence and softness at every available moment?

Can we really be sure that this isn't actually the case?

I'd watch an anime about that


What if this is true and cajun only thinks the things he's seeing are a dream? What if he's actually continually plagued by monsters and demons and eldritch abominations and his brain is subconsciously forcing him to dismiss it all as unreal as an automatic defense mechanism against insanity and his addiction to cute is some kind of primal imperative because the things that he experiences are so horrifying that he'll die if the pleasure centers of his brain aren't being stimulated with images of innocence and softness at every available moment?

Can we really be sure that this isn't actually the case?

It could be. They feel so real. Its kind of disturbing.



Okay MORE mad.

Im just going with the flow. Its fun. I browse this thread while walking places and being in lines.

I would too. I love you guys :(
I love anime. I love squeeing about it while hugging things.

I'ma start callin you Shissou.

What if this is true and cajun only thinks the things he's seeing are a dream? What if he's actually continually plagued by monsters and demons and eldritch abominations and his brain is subconsciously forcing him to dismiss it all as unreal as an automatic defense mechanism against insanity and his addiction to cute is some kind of primal imperative because the things that he experiences are so horrifying that he'll die if the pleasure centers of his brain aren't being stimulated with images of innocence and softness at every available moment?

Can we really be sure that this isn't actually the case?


Link Man

Started rewatching Please Teacher! Not sure why. Maybe it is just because its back to school time here. Only watched one episode but having not seen it for ages or since I've seen Ano Natsu it interesting to see the differences/sameness I remember from that show. Thats one interesting uncle Kei has.

I knew a guy on a different forum who was a bit obsessed with Mizuho from that show. Pretty much waifu levels, though I could be overblowing it a bit.


I dunno, but it has to be by KyoANI, because moeblobs is the only way to work this. Of course the horrific nightmares should be stark contrast.

Then it would be like Higurashi. Maybe if it was like Pupa except longer? Or what if it was like Waita Uziga mangas?


The Light of El Cantare
The one director who could make that happen is no longer with us.
who else could do it justice?

I'm pretty sure Mamoru Oshii would do a pretty bang-up job so long as you were fine with it doubling as a scathing critique of moe.


The Light of El Cantare
I can't tell if this is just jocular grandstanding or an actual dispute. Someone help me :kayos
Or maybe you just don't have the stamina.

I would probably lean more to my inexplicable inexperience in many topics being that I've only fully returned to anime for about a year, and still slowly but surely filling my head with things to actively participate more in other discussions.


Space Dandy 5

Hmm. I like the idea of a more serious episode, and the change of pace was really appreciated, but the actual content left me a bit cold. My main problem was that everything just felt... cliche. I found it kind of hard to get invested when it felt like they were checking "necessary" elements off a list instead of naturally developing the story. The pay-off was also weak.
The grandfather just... shows up? I mean, we know Dandy found him, but where was he?! Why was he not taking care of the kid, and if he had a reason not to, why is he suddenly totally cool with it?!
I liked what this episode did for Dandy's character, though. Probably the best part.


Well, the stupid sleeping coma thing in Onegai Teacher was pretty dumb. lol

Well yeah. There seems a lot of wackiness all to enable the marriage to be legal.

But really...beyond the whole redhead alien/kid with glasses romance there isn't really a whole lot in common.


Mizuho is GORGEOUS. the artwork for her is pretty incredible so I dont blame them. My friend has an artbook from Onegai teacher and Im legit jealous of it.
On the other hand NISA boxsets are the best.


Another thinker. Considering 900+ was my general average range (with this topic serving as an outlier), it's probably safe to assume that I didn't really give a damn about beating cajun most of the time.

Well you should have!

I can't tell if this is just jocular grandstanding or an actual dispute. Someone help me :kayos

Lemme join you. Far as I know we're all just havin' a larf.
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