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Winter 2014 Anime |OT2| Waiting for Sakamoto

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But Mars of Destruction was entertaining. I gave it an 8.

My scoring is mostly:

10 = One of my favorite shows/films, not perfect because that doesn't exist

Below that, I just grade based on how disgusted I am or how much I dislike a show/film. I don't use 2s and 3s as much as I should.

This is interesting, 10's show isn't necessary exact favorite for me.

I mean its obviously my favorite, but man I rewatching Code Geass, Akagi, far more than those lol

LMAO but should I really rate Code Geass as high as Gunbuster or Laputa?

My rating should've grounded in my objective judgement because its gonna help me/other people splitting various value when we looking to my list.

My favorite thing though can be entirely subjective..
LMAO but should I really rate Code Geass as high as Gunbuster or Laputa?

My rating should've grounded in my objective judgement because its gonna help me/other people splitting various value when we looking to my list.

My favorite thing though can be entirely subjective..
If you enjoyed Geass as much of those shows, then yes. I don't bother with "objective" judgement, I score based on how much I enjoyed it. Bringing objectivity into it would just make things even more arbitrary.


Setec Astronomer
The only real point in having 10 levels is getting this beautiful Gaussian distribution:

Otherwise I'm perfectly fine with 5, and it's pretty much my base thought process anyway, but if you're going to do 10 then ANN had a good rubric.


I personally feel that 10 point scales for artistic critique is totally pointless. The smaller the scale is, the better. A 2 point scale is good for very general recommendations if you're basically telling people if you are recommending it or not. If we want something more in-depth, a 4 point scale basically serves all practical purposes. Two levels for stuff which is deemed average or below (so 1/4 is plain bad, 2/4 is merely average), and two levels for stuff which is above average (3/4 is good, 4/4 is great).

Beyond this sort of scale, it becomes very contrived I think and has little benefit for both the audience and the critic. When writing a critique of something, the expression of opinion in the text is the most important part. When it comes to using a scale, it should be as simple as possible so the critic doesn't have to waste time thinking too hard about whether something is a 6.5 or a 7, or maaaaybe a 7.5. These are needless complexities which also don't benefit the reader because it encourages a culture of comparing numerical differences over the larger picture.

In most cases when it comes to creative works, valid direct comparisons are rare. You can have 10 different shows which are considered fairly good, but for very different reasons. That makes them worth watching for anyone who is interested in the material presented in each of the shows themselves. They don't need to be compared or even calculated to be a 6.5, a 7.0, a 7.5, etc. That actually makes no practical difference and takes focus away from actually reading what someone has to say why it is recommended.

Having a larger scale just results in stupid arguments where people go "well I agree that it's good, but I don't agree that it's a 7.5, I think it's more of a 7.0 personally..." or someone else going "you're crazy, anything below a 8.5 is nonsense, the show was great!". Stuff like that comes off as really childish. Like seriously, it's whogivesafuck.gif territory.

Any scale is silly if you argue about it. They're supposed to be for personal judgments.


Any scale is silly if you argue about it. They're supposed to be for personal judgments.

Yeah, but my point is that the smaller the scale, the less there is to argue about. The scale is so insignificant in the larger scheme of things that it doesn't really need to go beyond bad/average/good/great. It's the expansion of scales which contribute to the silliness, because it subconsciously makes people think that it's somewhat scientific. :)


Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii is directed by Hajime Kamegaki at Pierrot, character designs by Ichiro Uno



Source: http://natalie.mu/comic/news/109257

Not 100% on the character designer as the first kanji for the lastname doesn't match on ANN but credits seem to? http://www7.atwiki.jp/anime_wiki/pages/8723.html vs http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=24225

P.S: I'm dumb and forgot to mention in the previous thread that the MoCa news PR for Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou had some more character designs line art than the official page link, got reminded of it while browsing getchu, it has slightly bigger pics but more compressed (link).


Utena 33-

This was obviously designed to be a suckerpunch but I'm not that surprised.
It's been building towards this for awhile and Utena finally giving it up isn't really that shocking. She's always been a bit of a hypocrite but then, I suppose the whole show can be summed up in that manner. After all, everyone in this school is #thirsty.
This was a really well directed episode though and the art shifts especially in the character designs such as at the end, was a really good way of depicting the changes.


I'm still shaking my head in disgust though.


lol that Jarmel's gif
If you enjoyed Geass as much of those shows, then yes. I don't bother with "objective" judgement, I score based on how much I enjoyed it.

Yeah, but I'm really aware of its flaw and have my own criteria at rating them..

Say let say I like Kobe Bryant (I actually want use Durant as example but that not really work lol) more, but I shouldn't say he's the best when all the evidence he not (stats, etc)
But he's my favorite . I like watching him more, but I also love watching those better player.. its just I love those heavily contested fadeaway more than Tim Duncan smart post-up.
Its the same for entertainment media, there's objective value like production, directing quality, etc..

And its not like I totally give in to that value either, or object it as peer pressure lol
I rate ssome flawed show really high before or the opposite.
HXH 39

Squealer is in this? This arc looks promising.

Good.. you entering period where the show got real good.


Maturity, bitches.
4 points is quite good because it doesn't allow one to simply settle on the lazy mid point. You have to at least say it's semi good or semi bad.


I'll have to check out the Phantom Blood OST then.

Iwasaki created the ultimate everything's going insane,
Kars is the ultimate life form, and his hand is a squirrel
theme. When I remember that moment, I remember this song.

He's so good at orchestrating impactful moments and "shit is fucking going down right fucking now!" moments in his music.

That and his string writing all sounds the same, but it's a good kind of same.


Nooooooooo Corvo died D: Hope it's not for too long...

Since people are posting them, might as well add in my MALgraph rating distribution:

(I always keep my watchlist up to date and my ratings consistent between MAL and Hummingbird! I'm such a good animewatcher.)

One reason why it's so heavily biased towards the top half of the scale is because if I really hate something I drop it, and when I drop things I usually don't rate them because I haven't had the full experience. If I watched something to the end, it usually means I found enough to like in it to give it at least a few points, even if it's horribly flawed (such as AO, where the story was generally pretty bad and the ending positively awful, but it still had enough things going for it in terms of the few moments I did genuinely like, the fairly slick action, the incredibly cute Elena and Fleur, and the great OPs and EDs, to bump it up to a 4).

...The other reason, of course, is the old mentality of "anything below a 7 sucks". Though I do steel myself and at least try to make 6 the mark for shows where I think the pros just about outweigh the cons.

Aaaaaanyway, this morning I woke up early enough to fit in an episode before work again, and we all know what that means, right? Right?!

Fresh Precure! 1

Ahhhhh, it feels good to be starting a brand-new series with brand new characters after so long. I will miss the Yes! characters (especially Rin), but it was definitely time to move on >.>

So! Initial impressions of this shiny new Precure experience:

- The OP is screechy and horrible and hurts my ears. Which sounds suspiciously similar to my initial impressions of the OP for YP5, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up loving it in a few episodes' time. For now, though, not impressed.
- The main characters in general look...older than usual. I'm not sure if I like it, my first impression on seeing the character designs was that the cute factor seems decreased somewhat. It didn't bother me much while actually watching the episode though, so I'm sure it'll be fine.
- The MC is called Love. Really? Really? I can't deny it suits her, though. She seems possibly more bubbly and genki and positive than Nozomi and Urara put together, and her defining character trait seems to be an overwhelming desire to help others, to the point of caring about their problems even more than they do. I like it.
- The MC's blue-haired friend, who I will refer to as Cure Worstgirl until I actually learn her name, has a boyfriend. Boyfriends? In my Precure?!
- What appears to be the "main" mascot is a baby. Ohboy.
- We also have what appears to be a ferret that speaks Kansai-ben. Interesting.
- And I suppose for completion's sake I should mention the beaked elder mascot from the beginning of the episode, whose most notable feature was that his staff had icecream on it. I guess this is to represent that he comes from the Sweets Kingdom, which sounds suspiciously similar to the Dessert Kingdom in the movie I just watched yesterday. Silly Precure, recycling all the ideas.
- The transformation sequence for Cure Peach (and presumably for the other Cures as well) seems very...idol-y. Which I guess makes sense since Love already went to an idol concert in this episode and professed a desire to be like them.
- Cure Peach's fighting style seems rather no-nonsense and hands-on. Her finisher is a little weak, though. It's like...radiating pink light that makes the enemy just...dissolve? Meh.
- The villain in this episode, a girl named Eas (tempted to just call her Y's), was pretty cute. I think I may have inadvertently glimpsed a pretty major spoiler while trying to work out how to spell her name, though.
Do we have an honest-to-god heel-face turn incoming? The series has been begging for one of those ever since Splash Star...
- The monsters-of-the-week are called Nakiwameke (which is a bit of a mouthful), and their identifying symbol appears to be a diamond-shaped jewel thing. Well, at least it looks markedly less stupid than the Hoshiina faces we had to suffer with through the whole of GoGo.
- The ED is idol-y (undeniably so, since it's the same song that the actual idol group were singing in the episode itself) and easy to listen to. Approved.
- Also, it seems this is where we begin the series tradition of CG dances in the ED sequence. I was expecting the first instance of this to look really awkward, but it's actually not bad at all.

Overall, it looks like we're off to a pretty decent start. Looking forward to watching more of this!
Fresh Precure! 1

- The OP is screechy and horrible and hurts my ears. Which sounds suspiciously similar to my initial impressions of the OP for YP5, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up loving it in a few episodes' time. For now, though, not impressed.

I really dislike Fresh's OP, which is a shame, because it's really my only problem with the show.

- The main characters in general look...older than usual. I'm not sure if I like it, my first impression on seeing the character designs was that the cute factor seems decreased somewhat. It didn't bother me much while actually watching the episode though, so I'm sure it'll be fine.

And yet they aren't any older than usual.

- The MC's blue-haired friend, who I will refer to as Cure Worstgirl until I actually learn her name, has a boyfriend. Boyfriends? In my Precure?!



- What appears to be the "main" mascot is a baby. Ohboy.

Honestly, it's not as bad as you think it is.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
I personally feel that 10 point scales for artistic critique is totally pointless.
It just allows more points of articulation. Scales that skew low often have difficulty differentiating some of the ratings to single out products that are truly special. Websites like Giantbomb that use a five star system come across as super conflicted to me, because what gets caught in the full five star net is so wide that it might as well be meaningless.
That arc was so good
Stupid beyond recognition

Still can't get past this ..total nonsense of plot for something that goes GUNDAM and then
super robo
Where do you find your stats? Wait, you counted this manually? Bah.
excellent question , mal humming bird is kinda big , now counting doesn't feel fun.

I personally feel that 10 point scales for artistic critique is totally pointless. The smaller the scale is, the better. A 2 point scale is good for very general recommendations if you're basically telling people if you are recommending it or not. If we want something more in-depth, a 4 point scale basically serves all practical purposes. Two levels for stuff which is deemed average or below (so 1/4 is plain bad, 2/4 is merely average), and two levels for stuff which is above average (3/4 is good, 4/4 is great).


Having a larger scale just results in stupid arguments where people go "well I agree that it's good, but I don't agree that it's a 7.5, I think it's more of a 7.0 personally..." or someone else going "you're crazy, anything below a 8.5 is nonsense, the show was great!". Stuff like that comes off as really childish. Like seriously, it's whogivesafuck.gif territory.
This is why i enjoy the 5 star scale of humming bird, sure it's not that different than MAL , but on a psyhological level , i have no problem giving good/great show a 5 stars note even if they aren't paster pieces.
Fresh Precure! 1

Ahhhhh, it feels good to be starting a brand-new series with brand new characters after so long. I will miss the Yes! characters (especially Rin), but it was definitely time to move on >.>
Finally , you have seen the worst of the franchise , and you can expect good things out of fresh and heartcatch , just don't get burned by magical girl show over exposure.
So! Initial impressions of this shiny new Precure experience:

- The OP is screechy and horrible and hurts my ears. Which sounds suspiciously similar to my initial impressions of the OP for YP5, so I wouldn't be surprised if I end up loving it in a few episodes' time. For now, though, not impressed.
- The main characters in general look...older than usual. I'm not sure if I like it, my first impression on seeing the character designs was that the cute factor seems decreased somewhat. It didn't bother me much while actually watching the episode though, so I'm sure it'll be fine.
- The MC is called Love. Really? Really? I can't deny it suits her, though. She seems possibly more bubbly and genki and positive than Nozomi and Urara put together, and her defining character trait seems to be an overwhelming desire to help others, to the point of caring about their problems even more than they do. I like it.
- The MC's blue-haired friend, who I will refer to as Cure Worstgirl until I actually learn her name, has a boyfriend. Boyfriends? In my Precure?!
- What appears to be the "main" mascot is a baby. Ohboy.
- We also have what appears to be a ferret that speaks Kansai-ben. Interesting.
- And I suppose for completion's sake I should mention the beaked elder mascot from the beginning of the episode, whose most notable feature was that his staff had icecream on it. I guess this is to represent that he comes from the Sweets Kingdom, which sounds suspiciously similar to the Dessert Kingdom in the movie I just watched yesterday. Silly Precure, recycling all the ideas.
- The transformation sequence for Cure Peach (and presumably for the other Cures as well) seems very...idol-y. Which I guess makes sense since Love already went to an idol concert in this episode and professed a desire to be like them.
- Cure Peach's fighting style seems rather no-nonsense and hands-on. Her finisher is a little weak, though. It's like...radiating pink light that makes the enemy just...dissolve? Meh.
- The villain in this episode, a girl named Eas (tempted to just call her Y's), was pretty cute. I think I may have inadvertently glimpsed a pretty major spoiler while trying to work out how to spell her name, though.
Do we have an honest-to-god heel-face turn incoming? The series has been begging for one of those ever since Splash Star...
- The monsters-of-the-week are called Nakiwameke (which is a bit of a mouthful), and their identifying symbol appears to be a diamond-shaped jewel thing. Well, at least it looks markedly less stupid than the Hoshiina faces we had to suffer with through the whole of GoGo.
- The ED is idol-y (undeniably so, since it's the same song that the actual idol group were singing in the episode itself) and easy to listen to. Approved.
- Also, it seems this is where we begin the series tradition of CG dances in the ED sequence. I was expecting the first instance of this to look really awkward, but it's actually not bad at all.

Overall, it looks like we're off to a pretty decent start. Looking forward to watching more of this!

You're pretty much spot-on ..i have the same impressions mmostly when watching this episode the first time... now i'm not sure you'll enjoy "THE BABY" or noot because it's a point of divergence between fans but so be it.
The idol theme of the show was done on purpose by toei, it's obvious they wanted a part of the trend that was blooming at the time. Again you'll have to make your own opinion. I personnaly disliked that part


It just allows more points of articulation. Scales that skew low often have difficulty differentiating some of the ratings to single out products that are truly special. Websites like Giantbomb that use a five star system come across as super conflicted to me, because what gets caught in the full five star net is so wide that it might as well be meaningless.

That is exactly the opinion I expect from someone who has opinions like yours! Lol. :)
Oh yeah because I forgot:

Un-Go 01
Shitty shit.

I remember liking Un-Go when it aired, but that could of just been because it was surrounded by a ton of other shows I really enjoyed during autumn 2011, Persona 4, Fate/Zero, Mirai Nikki, Working!!, Chihayafuru and more...

Also I really like the song Fantasy by Lama.


Nooooooooo Corvo died D: Hope it's not for too long...

Since people are posting them, might as well add in my MALgraph rating distribution:

(I always keep my watchlist up to date and my ratings consistent between MAL and Hummingbird! I'm such a good animewatcher.)

One reason why it's so heavily biased towards the top half of the scale is because if I really hate something I drop it, and when I drop things I usually don't rate them because I haven't had the full experience. If I watched something to the end, it usually means I found enough to like in it to give it at least a few points, even if it's horribly flawed (such as AO, where the story was generally pretty bad and the ending positively awful, but it still had enough things going for it in terms of the few moments I did genuinely like, the fairly slick action, the incredibly cute Elena and Fleur, and the great OPs and EDs, to bump it up to a 4).

I think I'm a harder marker than most from what I can tell of MAL people generally.

I will say I do find it hard to rate stuff below 5. Mostly because most things I watch have some merits to them and are not just artistically and technically just awful. Of course the two 1's I handed out aren't as the above would suggest, I just found them repugnant.

And looking in more detail at my MAL account...my dropped list actually contains some shows that I rated 6. In addition I completed some shows with a 4 rating. Admittedly they are very rare. But things like that have happened.


Maturity, bitches.
How do you rate a show like School Days that is pretty terrible and full of hateful characters but delivers extremely well on what it set out to do?


How do you rate a show like School Days that is pretty terrible and full of hateful characters but delivers extremely well on what it set out to do?

Generally I don't get that far with 'pretty terrible' shows. I tend to get bored before their terribleness is shown and drop as being bland. Like School, Days. Dropped after 3 episodes for me. Gave it a 5.

Of course for a lot of shows it goes like this. I get somewhat bored after a few episodes, but think I'll give it another try later, so they get added to my giant on-hold list. Then they never get looked at again. So at some point I go through my onholds and move all the shows I figure I'll never return to (and by that stage I've forgotten why it got dumped in onhold) into dropped.
How do you rate a show like School Days that is pretty terrible and full of hateful characters but delivers extremely well on what it set out to do?

You rate it on how much impact it had on you or how much you enjoyed it. I don't think School Days needs to be graded differently from anything else.


You rate it on how much impact it had on you or how much you enjoyed it. I don't think School Days needs to be graded differently from anything else.

Reminds me of Schindlers List in some ways. Did not enjoy myself, nor do I want to rewatch it. I'd still give it a high grade though.


I just have MAL Updater open at all times. It's really easy so I can just click "update" after watching something and not having to worry about forgetting to visit MAL to manually update.

How does this work? Its connected with Crunchyroll or ?
I watch alot on my Ps3/Ps4 on bluray so Im guessing this would have no way to work.

Soredemo Sekai wa Utsukushii is directed by Hajime Kamegaki at Pierrot, character designs by Ichiro Uno

Source: http://natalie.mu/comic/news/109257

Not 100% on the character designer as the first kanji for the lastname doesn't match on ANN but credits seem to? http://www7.atwiki.jp/anime_wiki/pages/8723.html vs http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/people.php?id=24225

P.S: I'm dumb and forgot to mention in the previous thread that the MoCa news PR for Bokura wa Minna Kawaisou had some more character designs line art than the official page link, got reminded of it while browsing getchu, it has slightly bigger pics but more compressed (link).

This is gonna cause future confusion with SoreDemo.

How do you rate a show like School Days that is pretty terrible and full of hateful characters but delivers extremely well on what it set out to do?

I gave it a 10 along with Yami and Code Geass.


Rozen Maiden Z 2


How did his hair get lighter?

This is more interesting. I may lament the first episode, but it does set important groundwork for what happens here.


These clocks establish routine (particularly that punchclock), and they also tell us a lot about the sort of life Jun is leading. The combination of the morning greeting and the 4 PM punch-in says all you need to know.

In another life, Sakurada Jun may have been the protagonist in a battle anime. But he spent his middle school years as a hikkikomori, and he's still struggling to deal with the consequences of that time lost. He sits in the back corner of his college lectures, he goes regularly to a part-time job in a bookstore sorting books in the back while pretending to ignore his manager's cruel gossip, he curses the parade of idiots that seem to dominate his life while lamenting how terribly things have turned out. And then he encounters a book about dollmaking, awakening long-forgotten memories...

Hosanna wrote some exhaustive essays about these early episodes of Rozen Maiden that almost got me to watch it months ago, and I'm not going to be able to match that insight. But I like the directing here a lot. It reminds me of the excellent three-episode Sankarea OVA, which was also directed and storyboarded by Hatakeyama. It's not as obsessed with death, but there's a real sense of claustrophobia in Jun's solitary existence. He's either living in darkness or constantly boxed in. Even when the doll book gives him something he cares about, that still entraps him.



Coincidentally, this kind of framing also gets used a lot, with a different kind of significance, in Mouryou no Hako. When are you going to start that, Branduil?

I really like how they establish Jun's character, so I'm looking forward to seeing how this plays out. The end-game of the series as related to the events of episode 1 mean nothing to me, but it'd be cool to see Jun start getting his life together.


This is cute, but I have no idea what its significance is. I guess I'll figure it out eventually.


School Days - The Schindler's List of Japanimation

Not quite what I was going for.

And After Story might be closer. Show that was too painful to enjoy and cant imagine wanting to watch again, yet I acknowledge its goodness as story.
Not quite what I was going for.

And After Story might be closer. Show that was too painful to enjoy and cant imagine wanting to watch again, yet I acknowledge its goodness as story.

After Story was great, the perfect conclusion. But I'm with you, I can't see my-self watching it again anytime soon.


Pet Girl of Sakurasou - 12


Get that shit out of here. Right the fuck out.

Glad he got shut the fuck down.

Can't have him tainting the best girl with the dirty air he breathes.
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