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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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Gundam AGE 41

Not bad. Got some Asemu vs Zeheart and had a chance to see how Kio wants to resolve the conflict.
Honestly glad he's doing what he's doing. It's naive youthful idealism but I went into the second arc thinking Flit was going to brainwash both Asemu & Kio into his genocide plans.


The Truth About DARPA and Anime

Serious evidence that DARPA created anime to start World War Three has existed in DARPA's records for years-- but a vast network of lies and misdirections have concealed this information from the public.

Thousands of documents found in the remains of the World Trade Center contained evidence indicating that DARPA has a direct role in the creation and dissemination of anime.

Outspoken journalists researching this matter have been repeatedly silenced by libel lawsuits.

On January 24th, 1965, Winston Churchill admitted on his deathbed that his government invested heavily in anime. Three doctors were present at his confession, who independently verified this story.

I know that many people have a hard time believing this, but please, look at the facts.

Agents from DARPA sometimes show up at random citizens' homes, demanding that they reveal what they know about anime.

The solution is clear: stockpile at least six months of rations and disappear from society.

Friedmann, John. Empowerment: the politics of alternative development. Blackwell, 1992.
Lyons, D. I. "Changing patterns of corporate headquarter influence, 1974-89."Environment and Planning A 26 (1994): 733-733.
Green, Andy. Education, Globalization and the Nation State. St. Martin's Press, Inc., Scholarly and Reference Division, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010., 1997.

damning stuff really


Zetsuen 19

I've been pretty sure since the beginning that Aika killed herself, and I've been pretty convinced for a while that she was the mage of exodus. I guess we will find out one way or another next week.



it gets deeper :(

Kyoto animation has been working for years to destroy the privacy of ordinary citizens-- for profit.

It's a little-known (but widely-suppressed) fact that Bobby Knight has invested heavily in kyoto animation.

Most of the news sites you consider “credible” are secretly owned and controlled by kyoto animation.

Metz, Christian. "The imaginary signifier." Screen 16.2 (1975): 14-76.
Green, Andy. Education, Globalization and the Nation State. St. Martin's Press, Inc., Scholarly and Reference Division, 175 Fifth Avenue, New York, NY 10010., 1997.
Findlay, Ronald, and Kevin H. O'Rourke. Power and plenty: trade, war, and the world economy in the second millennium. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2007.
Reisman, Richard. "Method and apparatus for utilizing the social usage learned from multi-user feedback to improve resource identity signifier mapping." U.S. Patent No. 7,062,561. 13 Jun. 2006.


Maturity, bitches.
It's odd that they mention British candidates in Space Brothers because, please correct me if I am wrong, I thought we didn't fund human space exploration.


The NSA is afraid that ordinary Americans will use their freedom of speech to reveal the truth about Sword Art Online.

Most economy textbooks don't include the most important facts about how Sword Art Online is critical to our economy.

Biblical scholars say that ancient translations of the bible carry secret codes about the dangers of Sword Art Online. We ignore them at our peril.

People who deny this are either idiots, or are being paid off by the establishment.

The NSA's involvement in weather control is probably related to the circumstances surrounding Project Tuskegee. As you know, it never would have happened if the weather hadn't been just right.

The reliability of these findings has been verified.

Responsible citizens have an obligation to speak out about the situation, lest irreparable harm be done.

Thinking firehawk might be the source for this one.


this explains everything

All persons claiming to suffer from moe are in fact shape-changing aliens.

Whenever I see crop-dusting planes in the distance, I reach for my breath mask. There's way too much evidence that it's not a farmer behind the controls of that plane, but an agent of the TSA-- and that he's not dropping pesticides, but compounds genetically engineered to cause moe.

The solution is clear: buy a gun.

Le Billon, Philippe. "The political ecology of war: natural resources and armed conflicts." Political Geography 20.5 (2001): 561-584.
Stover, C. K., et al. "New use of BCG for recombinant vaccines." Nature351.6326 (1991): 456-460.
Anderson, Christopher. Blaming the government: Citizens and the economy in five European democracies. ME Sharpe Inc, 1995.



The Light of El Cantare
Dokidoki Precure! 04:

Yellow Precure staff bias strikes again, and the results are great. Rosetta's transformation is the best individual transformation since Heartcatch--not GoGo Rouge/GoGo Lemonade/Passion/Sunshine tier, but still a really superior transformation.

This episode was symbolic of the bourgeoisie's exploitation of the proletariat--I mean, uhh, I was really entertained by just how unconventional this episode was in terms of how it dealt with the usual new Cure introduction formula. Not only was there a total role reversal in how "recruitment" typically plays out, but
Mana and Rikka's covers are TOTALLY BLOWN to an unprecedented extent and, if that isn't enough, Alice is actively working to censor and erase any information on Precure that's managed to leak to the public.
That's pretty impressive.

I couldn't be more thankful that Alice isn't a stereotypical oujosama. Her extreme wealth is played for laughs several times in the episode, but the effect that it has on her character is incidental at best. Yeah, she offers to provide Batman-level logistical backing for Mana and Rikka and
what the fuck she has a Dragon Radar for Jikochu--easy mode total
, but it's made clear that it's not because her first recourse is to throw money at a problem but because of her personal hangups over becoming a Cure. I can deal with the pink stretch Royce and the butler and the tea so long as Alice isn't being a shrill condescending egotistical twit.

This week's Jikochu is the greatest thing ever. I'll leave the surprise for anyone yet to watch the episode.


It's odd that they mention British candidates in Space Brothers because, please correct me if I am wrong, I thought we didn't fund human space exploration.

We don't - but I would guess the mangaka didn't know that. Although I remember we've had a few astronauts in our lifetime haven't we? Not counting Lord British and all.
Naruto Shippuden 154 - 166 (eng dub)

Tempted to boot up Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninja Storm 2 to relive the Naruto v Pain moments, its just so well in that game that watching in the anime is kind of a step down in quality :( Though all my favorite Rasan-moves. Though anyway, this arc is probably my second favorite in Shippuden, or maybe first favorite, the Retrieving Gaara arc is a mix of nostalgia and just being actually good on its own, and well the previous Sastachi arc, well its Sasuke, so it cant ever be not good.

Pain's english voice is so good, and whenever he says his famous Pain lines and knowing it and such it just feels more powerful and meaningful than when I remember in the jpn dub so many years ago. Still the whole thing is just so emotional and I still tear up during the key moments
Kakashi death, choji tearing up, shizune death, Konohamaru giving it his all, Naruto reminiscing, and then Naruto having to watch Hinata fail :(


Mobile Suit Godwin 39

YEAH YOU MEAN ZEON YOU ARE JUST LIKE HITLER BECAUSE YOU HAVE THIS ONE BATTLE STRATEGY! AND ALSO AREN'T YOU MY SON? And I hate Mobile Armors. They're are so much less cool than the least cool of mobile suits. Like, seriously, Mobile Armors are dumb. Bright declares a shipwide lunchtime. AHAHAHAHA Cacelia is dissing LALAH's clothing? Calling it an eyesore? WHEN SHE IS WEARING A CUSTOM PURPLE UNIFORM WITH BUILT IN LOWER-FACE MASK.

Dude, Bright needs to get over how good Amuro is at this stuff.

Newtypenewtypenewtypenewtype. Not as bad as Gundam AGE, but nobody talks this much about Zero System and SEED mode in a single scene.


Maturity, bitches.
We don't - but I would guess the mangaka didn't know that. Although I remember we've had a few astronauts in our lifetime haven't we? Not counting Lord British and all.
Having done a quick read up on it, there have been British astronauts but none from our Space Programme. Most of them applied directly to NASA. We don't even fund the International Space Station.


Mirai Nikki 23
Well that was also somewhat expected after what happened on the last episode. Yukii remains a moron btw. I can't believe the change of tone at the start of the episode either. Either way this is getting fun!


I started watching that but dropped it because other things came up, but I'm willing to give another JC Staff show a shot


Mobile Suit Brainscrew 40





What the hell was going on with Lalah and Amuro? Since when is Lalah x Char a thing? SINCE WHEN IS LALAH X AMURO EVEN REMOTELY A THING? How did Lalah come to outrank Char in the space of an episode? Why does Degran Zabi suddenly want peace, when he was willing to kill Seyla and Char's dad to start it? WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!?


From the New World 21

Pretty impressive how well planned all of this was, Yakomaru set all of this in motion years and years in advance. Now that almost everything has been laid bare, it will be interesting to see how the remaining humans can respond to this. Killing Yakomaru doesn't solve the problem of the fiend. Obviously we are still in the dark about what happened to Maria and Mamorou, although I imagine that will come soon.

I really liked the storyboarding this week, there's a ton of simple yet very effective shots that help deliver the emotions in each major scene.


Rah Incest 14

Fuck No.

Fucking ripping off Evangelion is one thing. Now you're telling me that Ayato is Haruka's cousin's son? That's the straw that breaks the camel's backs, kids.

Rah Xephon is a horrible show and I recommend it to NOBODY. At least MSGA was fun to hate. This is just a terrible, slow, not-an-original-bone-in-its-body, shittier version of Evangelion.

Fuck Rah Xephon and its creepy incest. I should've dropped this show as soon as Ayato's mom started coming on to him. I figured "Oh its just crazy mindscrew Oedipal jazz, it'll pass." NOW THIS?




Done, so done.
Rah Incest 14

Fuck No.

Fucking ripping off Evangelion is one thing. Now you're telling me that Ayato is Haruka's cousin's son? That's the straw that breaks the camel's backs, kids.

Rah Xephon is a horrible show and I recommend it to NOBODY. At least MSGA was fun to hate. This is just a terrible, slow, not-an-original-bone-in-its-body, shittier version of Evangelion.

Fuck Rah Xephon and its creepy incest. I should've dropped this show as soon as Ayato's mom started coming on to him. I figured "Oh its just crazy mindscrew Oedipal jazz, it'll pass." NOW THIS?




Done, so done.
now half of anime gaf is interested

what have u done!


OreImo (rewatch) - 9

The parts where Kuroneko takes care of her sisters are the best.

This episode reminds me of when I was supposed to study for exams but ended up playing Little Busters! instead.


Rah Incest 14

Now you're telling me that Ayato is Haruka's cousin's son?

I don't remember all the details right now, but for the record...I do know that's not entirely true.

Then again, if the show is really bothering you that much, I suppose this doesn't matter either way.
The episode started nicely ...

I'm seriously considering that this isn't friendship anymore

So yeah , a little comedy , a nice SDBURTON moment and another comedy to finish ... This episode should have been a nice ride to follow ..


Flashback time , dark time , serious story time ! Little fox girl on the verge of mindbreak time.


Well a poor foxgirl is on the verge of mindbreak, her psycho pass is clearly too high ..
Dammit , i shouldn't care about this anime story ... yet i do for some reason .

Why did they try a serious story , why does this work ?

Where is my next episode ?
Mobile Suit Godwin 39


Newtypenewtypenewtypenewtype. Not as bad as Gundam AGE, but nobody talks this much about Zero System and SEED mode in a single scene.

The problems with having 7 less episodes to work with (It was a good thing they got that 4 episode extension). They just went all out with the Newtype stuff at the end because they needed to, they had no choice. Mobile Suit Gundam's way of introducing Newtype Magic was better though, it was more gradual.

I liked how Gihren just assumed that Hitler was a great man before Degwin could finish the story.


Rah Incest 14

Now you're telling me that Ayato is Haruka's cousin's son?

No, no-one is telling you that. Think about it.

You already know from early in the series that Maya Kamina is a Mulian (as is, as revealed in this episode, Ayato). The Shitow family is clearly not Mulian. So why do they say that Rikudo was potentially Maya's father? Think about it...

It's clear you hate the show anyway (you really do seem to watch a lot of shows that inspire a LOT of vitriol in you!), so it's not like I'm going to change your mind on it - it's a shame you're stopping where you are, though, as episode 15 is truly excellent.

Also, if you were correct, surely it's no weirder than Eva anyway, what with (Eva spoilers)
Rei being recreated from the remains of Yui Ikari - ergo Shinji is attracted to his own mother in some ways... how very Oedipal...


The Light of El Cantare
Love Live! 03:

I love how the person operating the curtains in the auditorium
still opened them even though there was NO ONE in the audience :lol No telling the girls about the situation, just a wordless twist of the knife.

This show really doesn't deserve its energy, budget, or OST, but it remains inexplicably fun in spite of the subject matter.
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