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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -6| How much lower can we go?!

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Record of Lodos War 8

So the war is over, but we still need some loose end closing. We meet the Ginger whose job class is Ginger and her Berserker boyfriend. That'll be important later. Anyway, Gim succeeds at his mission, but at great cost. Woodchuck has left the party, too.


Why are we complaining about Hosoda/Japan being snubbed when he wasn't even eligible for the category?

If he's snubbed next year, then I will be pissed.
was Rinne no Lagrange licensed?
I think it should be on disc this summer.Tiger and bunny got its disc release, nura is starting to get its discs, so Lagrange ~ the flower of rin-ne is next. It has a nice dub.

There is no way that viz wouldnt be able to completely release both 11 or so episode sets, its not like this was 52 episodes.
anime is extremely hard to keep up with.
the amount of stuff that comes out every season is staggering.
much of it is not very good so you can afford to be selective.
What puts me off is that some animes have 100+ episodes, and I just feel like watching is pointless since it would take me forever to catch up.
Now that you're here, might as well see if having other people to discuss what you're watching with helps you commit to finishing something. Looking for suggestions?
Yeah, I need some suggestions. I started watching Saint Seiya Omega tonight, I've only watched the first two episodes. The only animes I have ever followed completely was Inuyasha, Angel Beats!, and Naruto. I've noticed that I like flashy fight scenes with smooth animation, but not the DBZ type.

Watch the top 10 anime of last year because this season is a wasteland.
Thanks for this, might check some of these out, I've never really watched a Slice of Life Anime before.

Full Metal Alchemist.
I was watching FMA Brotherhood like 1 year ago, I'm pretty sure I stopped around episode 13 or 14.


Yeah, I need some suggestions. I started watching Saint Seiya Omega tonight, I've only watched the first two episodes. The only animes I have ever followed completely was Inuyasha, Angel Beats!, and Naruto. I've noticed that I like flashy fight scenes with smooth animation, but not the DBZ type.

I was watching FMA Brotherhood like 1 year ago, I'm pretty sure I stopped around episode 13 or 14.

Both FMA and FMA:B have nice, well-animated fight scenes. They both start the same, but branch off after a certain number of episodes due to how they follow the source material. It seems you stopped while they were still basically recapping the original FMA. I think most people agree that, once FMA:B deviates from FMA, it becomes a lot better. I certainly liked it more.

Shows like Darker than Black and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann are also nice recommendations if you're looking for well-animated fight scenes. There's also Star Driver, which has good fight animations but is lacking in everything else, lol.


Vividred 7

oh no! How will Akane study for her exams now! Also smh + lmao @ the "evil force" forcing Rei to
to go to school

How long until an Operation Vividthreesome?


All kinds of exciting finals matches around this weekend for fighting games. Good stuff.



Doki Doki PreCure!

Episode 4

Like others, I too am quickly warming up to this show. With the introduction of the third member to the antagonists group he's made an interesting addition to the team. It's already been mentioned but the three of them lounging around their hideout reminds me of the Amazon Trio from Sailor Moon SuperS as well.

The Jikochu as the monster of the week baddies and their unique variety in terms of personalities and attacks makes them much more interesting than their Akanbe predecessors in Smile PreCure! The uniqueness that comes to their weaknesses is amusing as well. The fact that Mana's skill isn't really an attack like Miyuki's Happy Heart Hadouken but more of a purifier along with the whole "L-L-Love!" that comes from the Jikochu also reminds me of Sailor Moon and Usagi smashing a giant heart into the baddies complete with their cry out of "Lovely!".

The Jikochu in this episode was pretty amusing. I won't spoil what it is but it was neat how it had both the current and the retro styles. It does make me wonder how many younger kids do know what the latter is depending on the type of environment they grow up in. If they're like Alice then maybe not, haha.

Sebastian also seems like a pretty cool guy from this episode. The guy can just delete any trace of things from the internet like they never existed! Nobody takes screen captures or saves any copies of anything in this universe apparently. Watch out for those security cameras though.
I kind of wanted to see super Alice when she was younger though.

It's kind of obvious that Alice was going to become a PreCure, you know, the whole being in the the shows opening and everything but it was interesting to see her transformation and what kind of special ability she would get. I also felt many were being too hard on Alice to start with. I could perhaps see being the least interested in her compared to the other girls since she had the least screen time and thus development or maybe her particular character design but to outright say that she was easily the worst as if it was some absolute fact was a bit much. She hadn't even hardly had any screen time, at least give her a chance! I was kind of hoping she would end up being this shows version of Cure Peace just to see people eat their words based on their premature evaluations. In the end I still like Cure Diamond the best though and now sport an avatar of her to show my support.

Overall it was a fun episode and those reaction faces were pretty good. The ending is still awesome too!

Oh yeah, on that "What should your first PreCure be?" questionnaire, I tried it and wound up with Smile PreCure!. I'm happy with that result. Good show that one.


Comments like these worry me. I'm like, more than halfway through the show (I think?) and it's great. Can the last third really be so bad?

People dis the second season but really it's fine up through episode 21. Then after that they didn't seem to have any idea how to end it.


I think it should be on disc this summer.Tiger and bunny got its disc release, nura is starting to get its discs, so Lagrange ~ the flower of rin-ne is next. It has a nice dub.

There is no way that viz wouldnt be able to completely release both 11 or so episode sets, its not like this was 52 episodes.

yeah I know.
Im salty as a peking duck over Full Moon.
I will never forgive them.


All kinds of exciting finals matches around this weekend for fighting games. Good stuff.

Watching Floe play makes me wonder how everyone will deal with Infiltration's Jin. Also, lol at Dieminion Guile vs PR Rog Fei. It made me feel bad for Mago because Dieminion always gives Mago (and Fuudo too if I remember correctly) a hard time, and then PR Rog picks up Fei and runs through him.


Mobile Suit Godwin 41

Reaaaaally playing up the whole Ghirin Zabi is Hitler thing. And SINCE WHEN IS HAYATO x FRAU BOW A THING? WHAT HAPPENED TO AMURO x FRAU BOW?

Oh no. Does this mean Amuro is going to score Seyla? WHY? Why does this show keep pulling pairings out of its ass? Like Lalah x Amuro? What even was that? And now Cacelia is "obsessed" with Char? After Garma Zabi was already gay for him? IS THERE ANY ZABI WHO ISN'T?

And the Zeeong is the lamest, man. No wonder the Providence turned out lame. It's not even red! Laaaaaaaaaame. Oh dude, but Ghirin Zabi
in a way cooler way than freaking Patrick Zala could ever hope to have. DAAAAANG.

Yu-Gi-Oh! ZeXal 04

There's the difference between pride in your own skill and just arrogance in believing that you know better than a mysterious floating spirit that only you can see and hear that you know better in dueling than he does. The main character is being all kinds of stupid and irritating.

And, does no one in this show know how to play the game? I mean really? You gotta ask about continuous magic cards? You guys even duel at school. I mean what the hell.


Black Rabbit Yes! 6

I'm not quite sure why I enjoy this show so much since it's pretty mediocre... but I just do...

SFxT was, against all logic, the best part of the night.

2013 is pretty damn fun to play, still wasn't sure how it would come across in regards to watching matches on stream...., though the Pr clutch match against dragongod that arturo uploaded was hype as fuck.

So Winter Brawl 2013 for sfxt2013 is like the complete opposite of NCR 2012 for vanilla sfxtk? Final Round should be pretty good....


I'm wondering whether I should take the easy way out and just go with something SAO inspired for the avatar theme. There is so much fucked up material.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Carn did a great NTR manga a while ago with an Utena look-alike. I'll pretend it's the revolutionary girl and fuck with Syrinx's mind.


Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete

You know, for a 2005 CG film this holds up pretty well, with the possible exception of the (understandably) cartoonish fight scenes. I just finished FFVII so I was hankering to go back and see that now that I actually understood what was going on (also, the original release I watched was apparently cut terribly? Or something? I don't even remember anymore). Still a fun ride, with only a couple of spots here and there where anything felt really jarring - one character's ear, for example, looks like a piece of plasticine molded to their skull, and every single male character (with the possible exception of Rude) more or less looking like a protostandard bishie was about it.

One day just before Square implodes they'll remake FFVII with crazy CGI and graphics power and it will be cool for a while before being kind of lame again

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Final Fantasy VII Advent Children Complete

One day just before Square implodes they'll remake FFVII with crazy CGI and graphics power and it will be cool for a while before being kind of lame again
They would probably cut out all the cool bits like the Gold Saucer and the Honey Bee Inn because of the mood clash with the realistic post-Advent Children CGI. So, basically, fuck no.



So easy it should be criminal. If anyone can't find their own they can use this.

I like this one. I might go with it if I can't find something better.


I was actually pretty impressed with the way they remade a lot of the game's scenes into the CG stuff. I know I'm pushing 8 years too late on this, but the flashbacks at the beginning of the game in full crazy money-hatted CG strike just the right chord of being able to remind you of the scenes in question while still blowing your mind with visual overloadan'.


In a survey of 1000 women, watching anime only ranks 8th as a hobby that turns women off a guy.

1. Idol otaku (6530 votes)
2. Figure otaku (2170 votes)
3. Pachinko (1668 votes)
4. Sewing (588 votes)
5. Horse racing (501 votes)
6. Poetry (475 votes)
7. Card collecting (I'm assuming this is Digimon or Pokemon or Magic) (392 votes)
8. Anime (359 votes)
9. Embroidery (307 votes)
10. Baking (125 votes)

We're not the most creepy after all!

In a survey of 1000 women, watching anime only ranks 8th as a hobby that turns women off a guy.

1. Idol otaku (6530 votes)
2. Figure otaku (2170 votes)
3. Pachinko (1668 votes)
4. Sewing (588 votes)
5. Horse racing (501 votes)
6. Poetry (475 votes)
7. Card collecting (I'm assuming this is Digimon or Pokemon or Magic) (392 votes)
8. Anime (359 votes)
9. Embroidery (307 votes)
10. Baking (125 votes)

We're not the most creepy after all!


What the hell is wrong with baking?


In a survey of 1000 women, watching anime only ranks 8th as a hobby that turns women off a guy.

1. Idol otaku (6530 votes)
2. Figure otaku (2170 votes)
3. Pachinko (1668 votes)
4. Sewing (588 votes)
5. Horse racing (501 votes)
6. Poetry (475 votes)
7. Card collecting (I'm assuming this is Digimon or Pokemon or Magic) (392 votes)
8. Anime (359 votes)
9. Embroidery (307 votes)
10. Baking (125 votes)

We're not the most creepy after all!

Wait, being a fan of 3D women is worse than being a fan of 2D women?


In a survey of 1000 women, watching anime only ranks 8th as a hobby that turns women off a guy.

1. Idol otaku (6530 votes)
2. Figure otaku (2170 votes)
3. Pachinko (1668 votes)
4. Sewing (588 votes)
5. Horse racing (501 votes)
6. Poetry (475 votes)
7. Card collecting (I'm assuming this is Digimon or Pokemon or Magic) (392 votes)
8. Anime (359 votes)
9. Embroidery (307 votes)
10. Baking (125 votes)

We're not the most creepy after all!


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