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WIRED: Space and Time Could Be a Quantum Error-Correcting Code


Gold Member
in the dogged pursuit of these codes over the past quarter-century, a funny thing happened in 2014, when physicists found evidence of a deep connection between quantum error correction and the nature of space, time and gravity.

That year—2014—three young quantum gravity researchers came to an astonishing realization. They were working in physicists’ theoretical playground of choice: a toy universe called “anti-de Sitter space” that works like a hologram. The bendy fabric of space-time in the interior of the universe is a projection that emerges from entangled quantum particles living on its outer boundary. Ahmed Almheiri, Xi Dong and Daniel Harlowdid calculations suggesting that this holographic “emergence” of space-time works just like a quantum error-correcting code. They conjectured in the Journal of High Energy Physics that space-time itself is a code—in anti-de Sitter (AdS) universes, at least. The paper has triggered a wave of activity in the quantum gravity community, and new quantum error-correcting codes have been discovered that capture more properties of space-time.

In their paper conjecturing that holographic space-time and quantum error correction are one and the same, they described how even a simple code could be understood as a 2D hologram. It consists of three “qutrits” — particles that exist in any of three states — sitting at equidistant points around a circle. The entangled trio of qutrits encode one logical qutrit, corresponding to a single space-time point in the circle’s center. The code protects the point against the erasure of any of the three qutrits.

“It’s really entanglement which is holding the space together,” he said. “If you want to weave space-time together out of little pieces, you have to entangle them in the right way. And the right way is to build a quantum error-correcting code.”



I pride myself on my intellect. However this was a bit over my head. Can we get a tldr for dummies version?


Gold Member
I pride myself on my intellect. However this was a bit over my head. Can we get a tldr for dummies version?

these people are absolute grifters. just make up any old shite, and who's going to call you out on it?



Gold Member
We used to have that guy on GAF that explained all this stuff to us. Dimensions, strings, relativity. I wonder what happened to him.


Gold Member


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I think part of the issue for wrapping your head around this stuff is the way that we have traditionally represented atoms and sub-atomic stuff as ball-shaped solids connected together by bar-like bonds. Its a good, simple model for showing how everything is constructed by untold billions of these tiny objects.

Problem is, there are no "solids" in the quantum view of the universe. Everything is a waveform, which obviously is a whole other way of looking at things.


I love stuff like this which is at the edge of my understanding. I often come back to stuff this when taking a dump or when I have a few moments alone to think about it. Great food for thought.
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If it’s saying what I think it’s saying because I don’t really understand it, is it basically saying that we are living in a simulation potentially or a surrounded by holographic universe?

Second time I read something like this today.
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I hate this shit. It isn’t nature looking like code. It is the code working within the laws and rules of nature.
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Don't read too much into it. The paper is highly technical and is one of the many off-shoots of AdS/CFT duality.

AdS spacetime itself has nothing to do with holography. It's just a spacetime with constant negative curvature. For example, in two dimensions (one space and one time), it looks like a hyperboloid:


It is a solution to Eintein's equations of general relativity, which is interesting. The problem is that our universe has positive curvature, as experimentally observed, and as such this is what we call a toy model.

The importance of this spacetime is that if you consider, for example, the 5-dimensional case, it seems that at its "boundary", which is 4-dimensional, there lives a conformal field theory, or CFT for short. A CFT is a quantum field theory (QFT) which has conformal invariance. A QFT is just a quantum theory which deals with fields (such as electromagnetic fields, for example) and conformal invariance just means that the theory looks the same at all length scales. CFT's are very important and they have two main applications: (1) String theory and (2) Critical phenomena. By critical phenomena we mean the behavior of matter near certain phase transitions, which is indeed scale-invariant, or conformal.

Anyways, the idea is that there is a correspondence between a 4D CFT and a 5D gravitational theory in an AdS. The word holographic quite literally means that one lies at the boundary of the other and holds the same information. This is nothing exotic. I mean, if you know the bare minimum of differential calculus you know that the integral of a typical function defined in a continuous region corresponds to its antiderivative evaluated at the regions boundary (Stoke's theorem). This is not the whole story, obviously, but the idea itself is not exotic.

Let's take a look at that funny picture above:


A black hole is nothing more than a mathematical solution to Eintein's equations. As such, it represents the behaviour of a given spacetime which happens to have a singularity. At the border you have a solution to the CFT, i.e., conformal fields. By the way, we ordinarily construct QFTs on flat spacetime. Curved spacetime, generically, is just general relativity and we don't have a theory which unifies it with QFT. As for the superstrings and hot radiation stuff I don't know how they come into this picture.

Having said this, the correspondence between these two kinds of theories, has lots of applications and has been a hot field in physics for 2 decades I think. We must remember, however, that the spacetime is AdS, and so it is not physical. It's a toy model which may give us some ideas on how to find or deal with the correct physical model.

Finding correspondences between mathematical models of physical systems is a very popular research area. In general this means answering the question of how objects in one theory correspond to objects in the other, and how this helps in going around hard calculations. Any quantity of models can describe the same physical phenomenon, but that is all they do. They describe. Saying that Space and Time could be a Quantum Error Correcting Code is just a publicity stunt, and you should not take it seriously. What we as physicists are interested in is using these correspondences to make calculations and hopefully find a theory which predicts new phenomena. In foundational physics the field has been stuck for many decades, in this sense.
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"conjecture"... how can a peer-reviewed journal rely on conjecture rather than physical proof?

Conjectures are an essential part of doing science, as they set forward research programs. Such conjectures are usually motivated by well grounded ideas but at the time of their conception there are no immediate ways of proving them. This is very common in theoretical fields, such as theoretical physics.

Holography itself, as a physical model, was a conjecture until it was realized in the AdS/CFT duality by Juan Maldacena.

As for physical proof, I assume you mean experiments. Alas, the most well funded research are in foundational physics is string theory, which is as of yet not experimentally verifiable. Make of that what you will. For a concise review/critic on string theory I recommend watching Sabine's video

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