Filthy Casual
Looks lit
I suppose that depends on your definition of "new". It's a modified id Tech 5 rather than the fundamental overhaul that Carmack had in mind back in 2008.
That's not all there was to the writing though. What about a love story where the characters actually seem to feel affection for one another? Characters who feel remorse or even depression about having survived when someone else more deserving than them did not? The scene where racial segregation in the US is compared to the Nazi regime? Or when Frau Engel confronts you in the train cart? Or any of the incidental writing showing how life under the Nazi regime would be, like overhearing a conversation where a woman rattles out a neighbor for crossdressing?I don't think forced moments of grumbling "profound" insights is great writing!
I remember a preview thread for the first game where they claimed TNO would have Naughty Dog-quality cutscenes. I swore up and down in the thread that it wasn't even possible for a meathead Wolfenstein game.
I was fucking wrong.
The Darkness is one of my favorite games of last-gen and MachineGames still blew away my expectations for the narrative and cutscene direction for TNO.Riddick: Escape From Butcher Bay and The Darkness' voice acting still hold up, so I never had any doubts that the writing + performances would be great, but the visual flourishes on the cutscene side were very unexpected. Once I got to that time lapse scene in TNO with BJ in the chair as everything passing him by, I knew I was in for something special.
They're actually way more playful than Naughty Dog. I've never seen a shot like the one I mentioned with the chair in a game before. Having it hit the camera and then shoot the conversation with it blocking most of the screen is an interesting choice. Then they cut to a super low angle of Brian Bloom killing it with those subtle head movements to sell BJ's anger. Good stuff.
Can someone explain the joke as though I were a child.WHAT THE FUUUUUUUU
The shot where BJ kicks the chair and goes off on the guy is such a well directed scene. MachineGames cutscenes are so underrated.
Great trailer. I loved the last one (and to a lesser degree the DLC) so I'm all in on this.
Can someone explain the joke as though I were a child.![]()
I have no idea what I just watched but this game looks completely fucking bonkers. I am normally not a big shooter fan but I am intrigued...
Mick Gordon tweeted a TNO quote during the trailer reveal last night, so that's enough for me to think he's still involved.
Blazkowicz must be like 50 here, then again he's using Caroline's suit here it seems.
I have to be honest, the first two games on the PS4 just didn't grab me for some reason. I know that they're very popular on here and I've tried playing a couple of times but I just couldn't get into them.
This looks very interesting though.
Maybe I should download them again and give them a final go, I do want to like them but it isn't really something that you can force. Does anybody recommend playing Old Blood or New Order first? Is one of them supposed to be better than the other?
I have to be honest, the first two games on the PS4 just didn't grab me for some reason. I know that they're very popular on here and I've tried playing a couple of times but I just couldn't get into them.
This looks very interesting though.
Maybe I should download them again and give them a final go, I do want to like them but it isn't really something that you can force. Does anybody recommend playing Old Blood or New Order first? Is one of them supposed to be better than the other?
Basically, the last few people that the internet collectively rallied behind turned out to have some skeletons in their closet. Usually racist views.Can someone explain the joke as though I were a child.![]()
The New Order is the one. The Old Blood is only for massive fans of that.
Well, that simplified things. That was the first one, wasn't it?Play the New Order. You'll have to get past the opening stages before the game really "begins"
Well, that simplified things. That was the first one, wasn't it?
I think a part of the issue with me was down to the look of the game, on a technical level it was impressive but it was just far too grey for me and because the gameplay didn't exactly hold my attention either I just really struggled to stick with it.
I'm downloading both now (93GB) and I'll give New Order another go.
Didnt one of the lead CryEngine guys took over als lead renderer programmer after Carmack left? Forgot his name, Tiago Souza or something. I think DF had a great talk with him on Doom; dude seems legit. While I'm not doubting Carmack's vision, I think they made some good calls with id tech 6 so far.
edit: DF interview:
Otherwise looks decent, but the facial animations are awful. Why can't they use some new tech to make them better? Haven't seen such robotic, plastic and lifeless expressions in an "AAA" game for a while.
I still don't get it.