Woman claims officer raped her during DUI arrest, police respond by releasing dash and body cam footage


Philadelphia lawyer S. Lee Merritt, the attorney for a woman who accused a Texas trooper of sexual assault after a traffic stop early Sunday on Interstate 35, is apologizing after bodycam video was released late Tuesday that appears to contradict the claims.

“The body camera footage released directly conflicts with the accounts reported to my office,” Merritt said in press release Wednesday.

“Officer Daniel Hubbard appears to comport himself professionally during the duration of the traffic stop and arrest and—without more—should be cleared of any wrongdoing,” he said.

“It is deeply troubling when innocent parties are falsely accused and I am truly sorry for any trouble these claims have caused Officer Hubbard and his family. I take full responsibility for amplifying those claims to the point of national concern.”

Sherita Dixon-Cole, 37, of Grapevine, was pulled over for a traffic violation at around 1:30 a.m. Sunday on southbound I-35 in Ellis County near U.S. 287 and then was arrested for driving while intoxicated.

She was taken to the Ellis County Jail.

New York-based activist and writer Shaun King later claimed in a Twitter post that went viral that although Dixon-Cole passed field sobriety tests, she was arrested because the trooper "didn't like her attitude."

King claimed that the trooper sexually assaulted Dixon-Cole and threatened to shoot her fiancée, who had arrived at the scene of the traffic stop in response to a phone call from Cole.

The DPS says it moved quickly to review video from the incident and said it found no evidence to support the allegations and provided the video to the Ellis County District Attorney’s Office, which also reviewed the video and then authorized the reelease.

“The video shows absolutely no evidence to support the egregious and unsubstantiated accusations against the trooper during the DWI arrest of the suspect,” DPS said.

“The department is appalled that anyone would make such a despicable, slanderous and false accusation against a peace officer who willingly risks his life every day to protect and serve the public.”

The viral posts that circulated the false claims did some collateral damage, as well.

A Waco lawyer who represents a second trooper with the same last name demanded earlier this week that Merritt and King correct the erroneous identification of his client as the target of the allegations.

In a letter Monday to King and Merritt, Waco lawyer, Vance Dunnam, Jr., who represents Jarrod Kyle Hubbard of Waco, says his client “have been erroneously identified through the internet and other means (including without limitation, by photograph, Facebook account and contact information) as the officer involved in the event.”

"My client is not the Officer Daniel Hubbard...and is not a relative of that officer. My client has never been known as 'Daniel' and does not work or reside in Waxahachie, Texas," he wrote.

“The identification error has defamed and is defaming my client and his family resulting in substantial harassment and threats necessitating his discontinuation of his Facebook page” and to request “protection for himself and his family from appropriate law enforcement agencies.”

Dunnam demanded both King and Merritt act “immediately to minimize the harm that has been and is being caused (to) my client and his family (including without limitation, by publicly disseminating information clearly and unambiguously disclosing that my client is not and has been erroneously identified as the Officer Daniel Hubbard…”

So she lied, not before Shaun King decided to weigh in without knowing any of the details, though.
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Can’t stump the diablos
Terrible situation for the officer.
Hard bell to unring once the court of public opinion already saw you as guilty.

Stories can be published regarding the officer’s innocence but unfortunately anybody who ever searches his name will see all this baggage now.
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Why does anyone believe anything Shaun King says anymore? He always makes these types of unsubstantiated claims.

As for the woman, dear god, stop being a terrible individual please.
“It is deeply troubling when innocent parties are falsely accused and I am truly sorry for any trouble these claims have caused Officer Hubbard and his family. I take full responsibility for amplifying those claims to the point of national concern.”

Wow, how often does a lawyer fully apologize and even admit wrongdoing like that? That seems unusual.


Wow, how often does a lawyer fully apologize and even admit wrongdoing like that? That seems unusual.
To be fair, it's not often a lawyer escalates a situation like this one supposedly did. Usually lawyers keep things wrapped up nice and tight...


Bodycams working as intended.

She claimed sexual assault, not rape though.

Correct, I went back and checked, it was Shaun king who posted she was raped

"This woman was kidnapped and raped by a Texas State Trooper — OFFICER HUBBARD, she is now being held hostage in Ellis County Jail! " -Shaun King via twitter
Correct, I went back and checked, it was Shaun king who posted she was raped

"This woman was kidnapped and raped by a Texas State Trooper — OFFICER HUBBARD, she is now being held hostage in Ellis County Jail! " -Shaun King via twitter
looks like someone was trying to start a race war.(this King dude)

Deleted member 713885

Unconfirmed Member
Out of every white person on Twitter...I dislike Shaun King the most.

God Enel

If you don't know you are better off. A twitter race baiting personality essentially.

I have no idea about a lot of us-celebrities(?) and politicians so I often times hve absolutely no clue what's going on.
How come he became so popular..?


Gold Member
I skimmed through the bodycam footage, the police guy and the woman both appeared relatively calm, the atmosphere as relaxed as could expected considering it was an arrest.. Then BOOM; "POLICE BRUTALITY!!! SEXUAL ASSAULT!!!" WTF
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I have no idea about a lot of us-celebrities(?) and politicians so I often times hve absolutely no clue what's going on.
How come he became so popular..?
Race baiters usually do. Dont know why though. Just look at Michael Eric Dyson, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest, they just do.


These people once again make it so much harder for those that actually have legit complaints.
Who is hurt more where a false accusation is concerned, the falsely accused or possible future sexual assault victims?
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Well the other issue remains then before we move onto that. Where did I say those words you were explicitly attacking with your question?
Sorry, not following you.

You said:
These people once again make it so much harder for those that actually have legit complaints.

...which suggests to me that you place potential future victims at a higher priority than victims of false accusations since you only mentioned one of them. So, I asked you. It could not be more simple.


Sorry, not following you.

You said:

...which suggests to me that you place potential future victims at a higher priority than victims of false accusations since you only mentioned one of them. So, I asked you. It could not be more simple.
It is only simple in your words because you put everything in your words in order to explain my point. I didnt explicitly state those words hence why I wasnt the only confused by your statement. Trying to follow you right now.


It is only simple in your words because you put everything in your words in order to explain my point. I didnt explicitly state those words hence why I wasnt the only confused by your statement. Trying to follow you right now.

Ok, you aren't answering so I am going to assume you don't want to and I will drop it.


Ok, you aren't answering so I am going to assume you don't want to and I will drop it.
You don't have an actual defense to your pointless response. You are trying to defend a point on fabricated words. Then are taking a firm stance on that. What is there to answer to?


Clearly both would be affected negatively.

Arguing which one is impacted more is pointless as it is immeasurable.

I would say that the actual victim is more impacted than people who aren't victims. As a society we go easy on women who falsely accuse men of rape because we don't want to discourage reporting by future victims but what about justice for the ACTUAL victim of a false accusation? He's not as important to society, apparently.
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I would say that the actual victim is more impacted than people who aren't victims. As a society we go easy on women who falsely accuse men of rape because we don't want to discourage reporting by future victims but what about justice for the ACTUAL victim of a false accusation? He's not as important to society, apparently.

Humans thinking about future circumstance is something we have been doing for quite a long time now. The boy who cried wolf was written how long ago? Planning for the future is what spawned civilization. The inability to plan for the future would pretty much mean an end to civilization. People care about the future and they always will. It's not unique to this scenario or sexual assault cases. And plenty of people care about the current victim, just look at this thread.


Humans thinking about future circumstance is something we have been doing for quite a long time now. The boy who cried wolf was written how long ago? Planning for the future is what spawned civilization. The inability to plan for the future would pretty much mean an end to civilization. People care about the future and they always will. It's not unique to this scenario or sexual assault cases. And plenty of people care about the current victim, just look at this thread.

Everytime there is a discussion about a sexual assault false accusation someone says 'well this just makes it harder for future victims'. I am aware of no other crime where this happens.


Everytime there is a discussion about a sexual assault false accusation someone says 'well this just makes it harder for future victims'. I am aware of no other crime where this happens.

Because sexual assault is one of the few crimes where the victims claims are questioned severely. Society does not regularly question people who claim they were robbery victims.

But the mentality of baseless accusations harming the future isn't specific to sexual assault cases... like I said.. The Boy Who Cried Wolf was written how long ago?


Because sexual assault is one of the few crimes where the victims claims are questioned severely. Society does not regularly question people who claim they were robbery victims.

But the mentality of baseless accusations harming the future isn't specific to sexual assault cases... like I said.. The Boy Who Cried Wolf was written how long ago?

So in the area of law and justice it is specific to sexual assault cases?


I had this thought too on the recent spate of videos of white people calling cops on black people for just.... living. Write em a ticket or something.
This is a new fad now? Never heard of it. How does that work? They call the cops and tell them there are black people surviving down the street and the cops actually show up? I feel like multiple parties are guilty in that whole scenario...


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Race baiters usually do. Dont know why though. Just look at Michael Eric Dyson, Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson and the rest, they just do.

It's stupid for you to add Michael Eric Dyson in here. Shows how little you know about the guy. He's one of the nation's best speakers in general. And especially when it comes to race. For shame.


It's stupid for you to add Michael Eric Dyson in here. Shows how little you know about the guy. He's one of the nation's best speakers in general. And especially when it comes to race. For shame.

Sure, its real sad for such a great speaker to resort to calling his opponent "a mad mean white man" in a debate.


To defend mckmas8808 mckmas8808 here, you can say some dismissive ad hominem like that and it doesn't necessarily reflect on your ability as a "great speaker".
Sure, if it wasn't a response to a reasonable question like what a white man has to do to be on equal footing in a debate, since his privilege diminishes his opinions and observations.
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