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Woman lost 7 children in crash...

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Honorary Canadian.
Just heard this story on CNN. Actually the headline there is that the grandfather died after hearing of the 7 kids dying and the poor woman now has to not only deal with her dads funeral but her seven kids' too. I just didn't put the actual headline cuz of alpha's situation...
cnn.com said:
LAKE BUTLER, Florida (CNN) -- News of a crash in which seven children perished so upset their grandfather that he had a massive heart attack and died, the children's adoptive mother said.

"I lost my daddy tonight," Barbara Mann said Wednesday. "My dad died of a massive heart attack tonight over all this. He lost all seven of his grandkids ... I can't deal with this."

A tractor-trailer plowed into the children's car near Gainesville, Florida, Wednesday, slamming it into the rear of a school bus that had stopped to let children off.

The car burst into flames, killing all the children inside, said Lt. Mike Burroughs of the Florida Highway Patrol.
(Full story)

They have been identified as: Cynthia Mann and Elizabeth Mann, both 15; Ashley Keen and Johnny Mann, both 13; Miranda Finn, 9; Heaven Mann, 3; and Anthony Lamb, 20 months.

All were adopted foster children, except for Anthony, who was in the process of being adopted, Burroughs said.

Ashley and Miranda were also cousins.

At the wheel was Cynthia Mann, who had a learner's permit. Under Florida law, it is illegal for a 15-year-old to drive without an adult.

Cynthia Mann's aunt said the girl had just dropped off another child and was taking the rest of the children home "to get ready to go to church."

"It's my understanding she did not cause the accident," Tina Mann said of her niece. "The same thing would have happened had there been an adult in the car with her. We'd just have one more death in the family."

The accident occurred shortly after 3 p.m. four miles south of Lake Butler. At the time, all three vehicles -- the tractor-trailer, the car and the bus -- were heading north, said Lt. Bill Leeper of the Florida Highway Patrol.

The tractor-trailer left no skid marks, police told CNN Thursday. But there were marks on the road indicating the driver veered away after the initial impact, police added.

Its driver has been hospitalized and is medicated, police said, adding that they are waiting to question him about the accident. The driver had been cited for unsafe driving five years ago.

Three of the nine children aboard the bus were seriously injured and transported by helicopter to hospitals. None of the students' injuries were life-threatening, Leeper said.

A spokeswoman for Shands Hospital in Gainesville said eight patients were transported, ages 5 to 16. Two were in critical condition; three in serious condition, Betsy Miller said.

The driver of the bus was also injured, but her condition wasn't immediately known.
The drive of that semi truck should be in prison for life. I could understand if it was one fuck up, but the guy has a history of being a shitty drive, and some company goes and lets him drive their truck? In my opinion, the driver and the company should be held liable. Didn't even hit the brakes, they say.


A tragic story but lets not hang the trucker just yet. Getting cited for unsafe driving that basically means he got a ticket five years ago. The no skid marks and massive impact is normally a sign of mechanical failure. If the guy is negligent then I agree with you but lets hold the torches and pitchforks just yet.


Honorary Canadian.
olimario said:
This is so sad. I'll bet the mother has very little will to live right now.
yeah. i don't have any idea how I'd keep going if something like that happened.

And darscot-- you're right. It's just hard to keep from getting pissed when you read about something like this.


malek4980 said:
Or falling asleep at the wheel.

I was just about to add that as an alternative. I don't know anything about the area this happend but normally falling asleep at the wheel happens away from civilization. This guy may deserve the fires of hell, but no news article will ever allow me to make that conclusion.


Horrible story. Really feel for the mother.

Bet that truck driver feels almost as bad though. That is the kind of guilt that no one can live with.


Venerable Member
Grandpa Dies After Hearing 7 Kids Died In Crash


LAKE BUTLER, Fla. -- A family reeling from the deaths of of seven children in a fiery crash on a Florida highway Wednesday afternoon was struck with more tragedy when the children's grandfather suffered a heart attack and died.

Upon hearing the news that all of his grandchildren were killed when a semi smashed into the family's car that had stopped for a school bus, Edwin Scott started feeling sick and vomiting. The children of both of his daughters were killed.

Relatives called an ambulance, but family members believe he died on the way to the hospital.

"We lost my daddy tonight," Barbara Mann said. "He lost all seven of his grandkids and he died, too."

Five of those who died were the children of Scott's daughter, Barbara, and her husband, Terry Mann. One daughter, 15-year-old Cynthia Nicole, was from Mann's previous marriage and the others -- Elizabeth, 15; Johnny, 13; Heaven, 3; and Anthony, 20 months -- were taken in through the foster care program. Three had been adopted and Anthony was in the process of being adopted.

The other two victims -- Ashley Kenn, 13; and Miranda Finn, 10 -- were children of Scott's other daughter, Mandy.

Mandy's family had just moved to the area and the two children were to start school in Union County, Fla., this week.

The children died less than two miles from where they lived. The victims' aunt said they were on their way home from school and were planning to go to Wednesday night church services.

"It's not describable. A whole chunk of our family is just gone," Tina Mann said. "We're all kind of numb, trying to figure out what happens next."

Investigators were trying to understand why the driver of a truck hit the car from behind, pushing it in to the bus that was carrying nine students.

Everyone in the car was killed Wednesday, including the 15-year-old girl who was driving illegally. Tina Mann said that her niece, who had a learner's permit, had dropped off another child and was taking her siblings home "to get ready to go to church."

"Even though she was an underage driver, it's my understanding she did not cause the accident," Mann said. "The same thing would have happened had there been an adult in the car with her. We'd just have one more death in the family."

Five of the students onboard the bus were taken to University of Florida's Shands Hospital in Gainesville. Three were in serious condition and two were in fair condition, hospital officials said Wednesday night.

The other four were taken to area hospitals. It was believed that they were treated and released, said Lt. Mike Burroughs of the Florida Highway Patrol.

"It was horrible. People were screaming, children were wandering around, two were laying (in) the middle of the road," said Joy Clemins, who lives near the crash site. "It is like they were walking around in a dream."

The bus driver, Lillie Mae Perry Godbolt , was transferred to a Gainesville hospital, where she was in stable condition, hospital officials said.

"She's pretty shook up; everybody is," the driver's sister, Eunice Clemons, said.

"That was her main concern, are the kids alright?" said Godbolt's daughter, Michelle Reeves.

Grief counselors were on hand Thursday to help students deal with the tragedy, said Union County School Superintendent Carlton Faulk.

"In a small county you get to know the kids," he said. "A lot of the administrators and myself actually taught the parents of some of these kids. It's a very close-knit community."

Alvin Wilkerson, 31, the truck driver, suffered minor injuries. Burroughs said charges against Wilkerson were pending an investigation.

"We want to know why he didn't see a big, large school bus," Burroughs said.

He said authorities were looking into whether Wilkerson was possibly talking on his cell phone, if he was tired or if there was a mechanical failure of the truck.

Burroughs said a sample of Wilkerson's blood has also been collected to determine his blood-alcohol level.

The speed limit in that stretch of the highway is 60 mph, and the bus was stopped at an approved bus stop.

"It's a dangerous road -- it's one lane going and one lane coming -- and they fly through here every day," resident Jason Wilson said. "I've lived here about seven years and I've witnessed over half a dozen fatalities out there."

The FHP said it would take most of the night to complete its investigation and clear and reopen the road.

The National Transportation Safety Board originally planned to visit the crash site, but since the fatalities were not on the bus, they may leave the investigation to local agencies.

Two funds were set up to help the families with funeral and other expenses:

The City of Lake Butler set up the Mann-Scott Family Fund at Community State Bank, 255 Southeast 6th Street, Lake Butler, Fla. 32054, or call (386)-496-3333.
Donations can be sent to the Mann Family Memorial Fund at Mercantile Bank, 300 W Main St., Lake Butler, Fla. 32054. Donors can call the bank at (386) 496-2101.


Bane was better.
This reminds me of a few months ago when that guy lost his wife + 6-7 kids in a house fire. Seeing all the varying sized caskets lined up at the funeral was just so sad.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
It's refreshing to see that some of us still have hearts.


Just another thing to add to my long list as to why I hate tractor trailers and the people who drive them. I make sure to signal with my middle finger whenever one passes me going 95 in a 55 zone much faster than the speed of traffic.


teiresias said:
Just another thing to add to my long list as to why I hate tractor trailers and the people who drive them. I make sure to signal with my middle finger whenever one passes me going 95 in a 55 zone much faster than the speed of traffic.

Man this shit anoys me. Basically everything you own and everything that sustains your life was on the back of one of those trucks. You know why they speed and drive like that cause dick head at EB is going to get him fired if his XBox 360 isn't there the tuesday they thought it would be. Do you think truckers like to stay up for days with no sleep and work like dogs. Do you think they do it becuase there getting rich and plan to retire on a beach in the sun?


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
darscot said:
Man this shit anoys me. Basically everything you own and everything that sustains your life was on the back of one of those trucks. You know why they speed and drive like that cause dick head at EB is going to get him fired if his XBox 360 isn't there the tuesday they thought it would be. Do you think truckers like to stay up for days with no sleep and work like dogs. Do you think they do it becuase there getting rich and plan to retire on a beach in the sun?

Precisely. It's not exactly a glorious job, but you'd have a hard time finding anything at your local Wal-mart if truck drivers didn't exist. Take a big enough pool of people and you're bound to have a few wreckless or just plain unfortaunte people that made a grave mistake. Plenty of people killed by plain ole' normal trucks and cars being driven by drunk morons or people that foolishly allowed theirselves to fall asleep at the wheel.

What happened here is incredibly unfortunate, but such brash blanket statements accomplish nothing.


darscot said:
Man this shit anoys me. Basically everything you own and everything that sustains your life was on the back of one of those trucks. You know why they speed and drive like that cause dick head at EB is going to get him fired if his XBox 360 isn't there the tuesday they thought it would be. Do you think truckers like to stay up for days with no sleep and work like dogs. Do you think they do it becuase there getting rich and plan to retire on a beach in the sun?

Heh, agreed...driving a truck tractor is a thankless, thankless job.

This story is beyond depressing...sadly it makes the issues I've got in my life a lot easier to take, but it shouldn't take a family getting wiped out for that to occur. Just sad.


Closet Masochist
Did anyone find out yet why a 15 year old was driving the car illegally, did she steal the car from her parents with all the kids in it too, or did the mom let her drive?
masochist said:
Did anyone find out yet why a 15 year old was driving the car illegally, did she steal the car from her parents with all the kids in it too, or did the mom let her drive?

Im guessing her mom let her. You dont steal a car to pick people up from school and take them to church.

Which is another layer of guilt to pile on.
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