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Women in Darfur were being raped by militiamen as their women sang for joy.

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Doth Togo

Game over, man. Enough with the craziness.


Let's start over.


Messed up, I get angry just sitting here reading this. I can't believe people like this, they're so brainwashed.


It might not work, but it is the least we can do to aleve the suffering of these people. It takes a whole 2 minutes so why not? ;)


Ripclawe said:

hey, France says its not genocide, the UN can handle this as they debate if to put sanctions or not right?

Huh where the fuck is the US liberators of the fucking world? This is far more pressing than made up WMD in Iraq. Before you go on about the UN and asking why they are not doing anything,, let me head you off. The UN isn't doing anything cause it can't the Un only acts when the US is behind it. It's always been that way. To put the ball abck on your couart why isn't the US putting up a big stink over this as they were over Saddam and his phantom WMD and his 10 year plus mass murdering?


ShadowRed said:
Huh where the fuck is the US liberators of the fucking world? This is far more pressing than made up WMD in Iraq. Before you go on about the UN and asking why they are not doing anything,, let me head you off. The UN isn't doing anything cause it can't the Un only acts when the US is behind it. It's always been that way. To put the ball abck on your couart why isn't the US putting up a big stink over this as they were over Saddam and his phantom WMD and his 10 year plus mass murdering?

The US has tried and France blocked off any talks of sanctions or even calling it genocide and other countries want no part of Sudan.


"In Darfur, it would be better to help the Sudanese get over the crisis so their country is pacified rather than sanctions which would push them back to their misdeeds of old," junior Foreign Minister Renaud Muselier told French radio.

France led opposition to US moves at the UN over Iraq. As was the case in Iraq, France also has significant oil interests in Sudan.

Mr Muselier also dismissed claims of "ethnic cleansing" or genocide in Darfur.

"I firmly believe it is a civil war and as they are little villages of 30, 40, 50, there is nothing easier than for a few armed horsemen to burn things down, to kill the men and drive out the women," he said.


Ripclawe said:
The US has tried and France blocked off any talks of sanctions or even calling it genocide and other countries want no part of Sudan.


That didn't stop the US from say screw France and invading Iraq. Here you have the entire world, with the exception of France, saying look genocide and the US looks the other way. During the run up to Iraq you had the same thing. The entire world was screaming Iraq was no threat let the inspector carry on, yet the US had no problem tell not only France, but Germany and Russia to suck an egg. Why the distiction here when you have people being killed right now, not 10 years ago? I mean the US is so big into liberating why not start with liberating the people who are worse off first rather than the people with the oil. Oh shit i said the O word.


Setec Astronomer
Actually, it is a slightly more complicated issue... because Sudan HAS been in a civil war for a while now and the main reason the genocide commited by one of the factions has been overlooked is because they don't want to shake up what looks to be an end to that war.

... is it the right thing to do? Probably not, but I'm not in any position to say which would be the greater crime given my current understanding of the matter. (Actually, I'm hoping I don't have Sudan confused with another country that currently has an internationally ignored atrocity underway)


ShadowRed said:
That didn't stop the US from say screw France and invading Iraq. Here you have the entire world, with the exception of France, saying look genocide and the US looks the other way. During the run up to Iraq you had the same thing. The entire world was screaming Iraq was no threat let the inspector carry on, yet the US had no problem tell not only France, but Germany and Russia to suck an egg. Why the distiction here when you have people being killed right now, not 10 years ago? I mean the US is so big into liberating why not start with liberating the people who are worse off first rather than the people with the oil. Oh shit i said the O word.

France and Russia lived off and continued to live off Iraq, they have reason to stand against the invasion of Iraq. Incase you didn't know arms were provided to Iraq by them.

Politics is bullshit, the route of all the world's problems. Its all just a big game, presidents and prime ministers don't give a shit about the lives being lost as long as it plays along with their agenda.


ShadowRed said:
That didn't stop the US from say screw France and invading Iraq. Here you have the entire world, with the exception of France, saying look genocide and the US looks the other way. During the run up to Iraq you had the same thing. The entire world was screaming Iraq was no threat let the inspector carry on, yet the US had no problem tell not only France, but Germany and Russia to suck an egg. Why the distiction here when you have people being killed right now, not 10 years ago? I mean the US is so big into liberating why not start with liberating the people who are worse off first rather than the people with the oil. Oh shit i said the O word.

Oil you say?



U.S stay out of other peoples business, U.S please go over and help them - make your mind up peeps.

But fuck France and their pathetic attempts to flex what little muscle they have left.


Fusebox said:
U.S stay out of other peoples business, U.S please go over and help them - make your mind up peeps.

But fuck France and their pathetic attempts to flex what little muscle they have left.

France had muscle? When? :p


U.S stay out of other peoples business, U.S please go over and help them - make your mind up peeps.

It's more like, "U.S., please don't kill people" and "U.S. please stop the killing of people". The goal is one and the same.

The ones that need to make up their minds are the ones claiming that "Our weapons are so accurate few innocent people will be killed" and after the war when thousands of women and children are dead they say "well that's war for you, it's Hell, collateral damage is a part of modern warfare".

Gotta stop listening to gabber when reading threads like this, makes me more pissed off. :p

I'm not going to blame any one country in particular. Weak...powerful, they all have to take a stand on this issue.

This issue is probably going to bite us in the ass in the future, creating more terrorists.
Fight for Freeform said:
It's more like, "U.S., please don't kill people" and "U.S. please stop the killing of people". The goal is one and the same.

The ones that need to make up their minds are the ones claiming that "Our weapons are so accurate few innocent people will be killed" and after the war when thousands of women and children are dead they say "well that's war for you, it's Hell, collateral damage is a part of modern warfare".

Gotta stop listening to gabber when reading threads like this, makes me more pissed off. :p

I'm not going to blame any one country in particular. Weak...powerful, they all have to take a stand on this issue.

This issue is probably going to bite us in the ass in the future, creating more terrorists.

You speak the truth. It's not nessesarily that the rest of the world wants the U.S. to go super xenophobic or anything (you guys do a good enough job of that on your own sometimes ;)), but to stop all the shadey shit and help with strings ... and just help people because it's the right thing to do. Yes the U.S. had helped people out, but it's also caused a great many of the problems we have to deal with in the world right now. I'm not trying to say the U.S. is evil or anything, but the double standards (all countries do this to an extent) are really terrible; and the selective memory about the past (eg: Saddam and Bin Laden in the 80s).

Personally I think we'd all be better off if we stopped focusing on nationality, religion and political objectives and just helped people. But hey, we're only human :(


they call me "Man Gravy".
ManDudeChild said:
You speak the truth. It's not nessesarily that the rest of the world wants the U.S. to go super xenophobic or anything (you guys do a good enough job of that on your own sometimes ;)), but to stop all the shadey shit and help with strings ... and just help people because it's the right thing to do.

Give me one other country that develops its foreign policy purely for purely altruistic reasons. You can't - it doesn't exist. Every country has shadowy agendas and hidden interests. Everyone notices the US doing it more because they're the biggest. That's it. Don't get me wrong - I hate the current administration and I'm sick of their shit. But I'm not going to pretend it's a uniquely US problem. Is it any real surprise that the nations that stood up to the US-backed war were the ones with the strongest commercial interests in Iraq? Is it any surprise that the biggest opposition to intervention in Sudan comes from a nation with currently strong commercial interests there? You people need to open your eyes a little bit before you come onto thes message boards and bitch about US foreign policy.
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