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Wonder how long it is until they port DDR to...


...the DS?

I mean, think of it: bottom screen would be the finger-dance-pad, and top would be the DDR screen. Toss a lot of high quality .midi electronica and jpop on it, and I'd be sold.


Except that you could never have more than one step to perform at a time. The DS along with every other touchscreen I'm aware of cannot process two points of pressure at the same time

Would be kinda neat though.


Hates quality gaming
Well at least the DS has four face buttons on it, so you could have an easier time playing it than other music games.

Maybe you could use the stylus to draw the characters/costume details? I donno.

Anyway, I'd consider it improbable (especially since DDR development is dead on the arcade front) but since DDR GBA happened I wouldn't declare it as "never" at this point. Wouldn't hold my breath, though.
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